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Are you a messy make-upper?

26 June, 2016 - 07:36pm by - First Lady | 26 Comments


Poll posted by BR Natalie

I'm a bit of a clean freak.  I love me some Dettol.  I'm also a 'place for everything and everything in it's place' type of girl.  I love me some storage solution shopping.  I tidy and clean as I go.  I approach products carefully, lest they spill or splutter everywhere.

So I have to admit I'm always a bit aghast when I see my sister, or indeed a beauty blogger creating wonderful looks but treating their products so roughly - and leaving an awful mess behind.

Rubbing their brush into the powder like they're desperate to hit pan.  All that fall out leading to grubby palettes and smeary mirrors.    It makes me want to go full Monica, turn up at their house and offer to wipe down their makeup area.

Is it just me?!  To be fair, it could just be me.  I own the gorgeous Mood Booster powder from Physician's Formula.  I proudly show my little sister and she swatches it with her fingers, rubbing all of the beautiful pattern around.  I died a little inside.  Why so rough?  Why so careless?  

So tell me, are you a messy make-upper?  Do you create beauty amidst chaos?  Are your palettes covered in excess product, or do you judisciously wipe them down after each use?  Do you attack with your brush, or are you gentle? it just me?!


Are you a messy make-upper?

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21st July, 2017

Messy with eyeshadow for sure but not concealer or the rest.

29th June, 2016

I do love things to be neat and clean, but seeing as I only use my makeup on myself it doesn't bother me if there's concealer all over my pallete or eyeshadow everywhere - more excuses to be covered in sparkles!!

28th June, 2016

I think I play pretty neatly if things get grubby I have to wipe them down mirrored finish items aren't my friends

28th June, 2016

Total messy bessy here! 9.9 times out of ten I'm putting my makeup on in a mad rush so there is mess here there and everywhere until I have a chill moment to sort it out.

28th June, 2016

OK so I have to admit, I am fastidiously neat when it comes to my makeup. I am always cleaning up little bits of makeup if they fall where they don't belong. I can't help it, I cannot stand mess, and that translates into my beauty bag, I like the fact that my beauty bag is clean on the inside too, nothing worse than makeup crumbs everywhere!

27th June, 2016

Makeup remover wipes are my best friend. You can use them to clean up everything!

27th June, 2016

I'm in between I think. I don't think I'm too messy and I like my makeup to look nice but I don't wipe everything down after each use to keep it perfect. I have to admit that I hate seeing people swatch eyeshadow and getting it all messy in the palette while they are doing it.

27th June, 2016

I like to be tidy but when time is not on my side I do leave my makeup a tad unorganized and I can't stadium to meet up the embossing on any palette or product let alone let someone touch it I love my it cosmetics byebye undereye settingpowder but the mess is disturbing so I had to get pressed powder however I do have a place for every thing and got me a marble lazy Susan from the thrift store to have everyday items sitting. I like to be clean and tidy but I am guilty of slacking

27th June, 2016

I basically spend all my disposable income on makeup, so I treat it with lot's of love!! <3

27th June, 2016

I am terrible -I always intend to be neat and tidy but somehow I always blow it. Shame on Me !!

27th June, 2016

I keep all my makeup pretty tidy and clean, with the exception of my foundation bottles, they always get messy in the lid (if it's a pump foundation with a lid - looking at you, L'Oreal True Match!) and i don't care enough to clean them because they get dirty again straight away!

27th June, 2016

Eeek I think I would have kittens if my makeup was treated in that way... I am very delicate with my makeup, I mean it all costs money and why... just why would you want to be rough with it. I am not judging those that are... by all means carry on... but even when in a rush I feel like I am wielding a scalpel and I try my best to not make a mess of my products. (side note... I am no Monica either)

27th June, 2016

I don't like messy makeup. I keep it in proper place when I get them for use. I always apply makeup in rush time however. It all about hygiene. If I look after my makeup then I can use it long time.

27th June, 2016

I try to keep things as tidy as possible, although I don't do the Dettol thing. Most things have a place, and they are kept there. It is easier to keep things tidy than run the risk of contamination.

27th June, 2016

I am gentle with my palettes and don't like my make up to be messy. I don't wipe my make up very often but will clean my foundation lids etc.

27th June, 2016

Yes my foundation bottles are messy too. I think I have the same mentality that they will get dirty again :0