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AVON Review Task Force Wanted!

13 February, 2014 - 03:38pm by - BR-Queenie | 82 Comments

Article posted by BR Merilyn

We're looking for 5 Beauty Review Members to form a special AVON taskforce for us.  If you are selected you will recieve a new AVON product to trial, review and then write a blog about your experince with it, every week for a month!

Beauty Review's Merilyn & Natalie will be hand picking the final 5 members to make up the task force, and to enter  you need to click below and tell us what you think when you hear the name AVON mentioned, and why we should choose you to be on this task force.  

Just a couple of things before you frantically scrabble for the keyboard;

  1. We want honest thoughts on what the AVON brand means to you and genuine expressions of why you should be chosen and what you will bring to the team - relentless begging to be chosen will get you exactly....nowhere!
  2. Sorry ladies, if any of you are AVON Reps or tied up with the Brand in any way as per our T's &C's you need to stand down for this one.

Applications of interest will be accepted until 5pm next Wednesday 23rd October, and the task force will be announced the next day.

So who's ready??? 



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20th December, 2022

There's a lady on you tube that does asmr Avon consultant visits and has decades to fit it's great to watch

25th August, 2014

Aww damn saw this too late. I'd have love to try this but probably won't have enough time anyway. Oh well, there's plenty more trials out there.

27th April, 2014

This looks great and I wish I had been a member when they were advertising this as I love to write my own blog already so this would have been a great add-on.

22nd October, 2013

I love trying new products and would be keen to be apart of this trial. I don't use Avon products. Purchasing them seems to be in the too hard basket, I also like to trial new products before I buy them and the Avon brand at first glance doesn't appear very user . So I would love to be convinced by sampling some of their products. I have used a lot of different products over the years, from relatively expensive to cheaper supermarket brands. It would be good to see where Avon now fits in this spectrum.

22nd October, 2013

I would love to be part of this. Avon is such an iconic, trusted brand with a fantastic selection of reasonably priced makeup. It brings back memories, as 15 years ago (when I was a teenager) I used to be an Avon representative for 2 years and I would sell Avon to mums friends and neighbours. I've always had a love of beauty products and I remember the excitement when a new Avon book came out and also when the customers products arrived! Its been 10 years since I've tried an Avon product, as there doesn't seem to be many representations in my area - would be great to try them again to see the range and what the products are like. I am passionate about trying new beauty products & love writing my honest opinions! <3

22nd October, 2013

Ding dong, Avon calling! Will always be the first thing that pops into my head! As someone who hasn't actually used an Avon product I would bring a fresh perspective to the task force. I also have experience writing blog posts and really want to get back into blogging, especially vlogging if I can get my hands on a better quality camera!

21st October, 2013

Yep! I am definitely up for it! Really happy to do the trials and keep the blog going. Roll it out!

21st October, 2013

Ive tried a few Avon products in the past, love the catalogues and the sales!! Im always scared to purchase from a catalogue due to printing differences with colours and not being able to see the products up front. Being able to try would be great, Im a product junkie, most things I have tried and I know exactly what I like so I can give an honest opinion!!

21st October, 2013

I love avon as its good prices and good products and love how its delivered to you :)

20th October, 2013

This would be a great thing to do. Avon have been around for many years yet are still up there leading the way. They have a great range of just about everything!!

20th October, 2013

I have been using Avon on and off since its inception. I really like their eye makeup and some fragrances but aren't so keen on their foundation or powders. I love perusing their booklets and some of their air fragrances outshine the Supermarket ones. I would love a chance to reacquaint myself with their latest products to see if the quality has improved.

19th October, 2013

Ok I'm ready I use all beauty products :) would be awesome

19th October, 2013

AVON is one of the first makeup brands I heard of when I saw the catalogue at my aunts house (who swears by their products). Ever since I have always loved the idea of being sent a catalogue full of new and exciting products to go through and pick from and having a consultant on hand to help you with any choices. AVON always provide great quality on trend products at affordable prices and a believe that their brand needs to be more well known throughout NZ as they provide such amazing products and service. I have a passion for makeup and beauty and a love for testing out products and letting know my friends and family (soon to be the world on the blog I am designing) what I think about them and if they will work for them! It would be an honour to be a part of this task force and to be a part of reviewing and trialing such great products from an amazing brand.

19th October, 2013

I would love to be on the panel. Because I love Avon and I don't think enough people know about it and I want it to be a more known brand. I would put in lots of information about the products and make an honest opinion about it but also not persuade them in anyway and tell them if I think it would be good for them. I think that Avon products are really good quality products and I think that people need to know more about them.

18th October, 2013

AVON is one of those brands that has always been there. Growing up Mum had friends that sold it and now I do! I would love to be a team member. I think I could bring a lot to the role. I am in my mid 30's and have no major skin issues so could trial a variety of products. My personality is such that I LOVE to experiment and try new things and I believe that I can write a fairly decent review ( thank goodness for spell check though!!). Please consider me for the team :)