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Beauty Starts Within - Give a little love

15 June, 2014 - 08:28pm by - First Lady | 36 Comments

Article by BR Natalie.

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” - Henry James

We might well be a tad obsessed with beauty products, but we are firm believers that beauty starts within.  And so we've got a little challenge for our members!

One of the best parts of being a Beauty Crew member is reading the comments on Facebook after we've issued invites.  You will always find a few posts full of excitement, happiness and love.  Ok, it's our job, and not an act of kindness per se (although we do it with a lot of love!), but knowing you've made someone's day is simply the best feeling to take home with you each night.  

So we got to thinking.  Beauty starts within.  Making people smile feels good.  Feeling good inside shows on the outside.  So how about this week, we all make someone's day with a random act of kindness?  It doesn't have to be a huge, press-worthy deed.  Just do something nice for someone else.  Here's some ideas:

  1. Pay for two coffees instead of one, and secretly shout the person behind you in the queue a drink.  
  2. Write a message on the fridge telling your loved one why they rock.  
  3. Put a couple of dollars in an envelope, tape it to a vending machine and shout somebody a sugar high.
  4. Send a note of appreciation to someone who has made a difference in your life.  Friend.  Family.  Teacher.  
  5. Got a coupon you won't use?  Leave it next to the product instore!
  6. Compliment great customer service.  You don't need to leave a $100 tip, but why not make a point of telling the floor manager their staff member is a keeper?
  7. Donate used books to your local nursing home - or go and read one to a resident. 
  8. Hold the door for someone!  It only takes an extra second to be courteous. 
  9. Ask if you can help.  Is a colleague looking a little stressed?  A stranger looking a little lost? Sometimes just the offer of help is all it takes.
  10. Pay someone a compliment.  Like someone's lipstick? Tell them, even if you don't know them!

Now you know we wouldn't ask you to do anything we wouldn't do ourselves - so throughout the week we are going to do some random acts of kindness ourselves.  We're going to do random points drops and give out some spot prizes - and you don't need to do a thing to be in to win!

So Beauties - are you going to join us and do a random act of kindness this week? Why not come back and tell us what you've done to make someone smile and inspire others to make their own random act of kindness too?

“Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” - Scott Adams.


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23rd August, 2014

I love this one. I might givd this a try.

7th July, 2014

I recently offered to paint a 106 yr old grandma in the weekends nails while I was doing this, I got to hear part of her beautiful life story and how she use to always maintain her beauty regimes until she got too old. I do love listening to older people share their stories

26th June, 2014

I love this idea so much! Reminds me of the Pay It Forward movie!! I occasionally put little notes in my boyfriend's jacket pocket before he leaves for work in the evening, especially when he's flustered.

And when I was living in the halls of residence I would leave notes around the lodge with small compliments on them, or stick them to people's bedroom doors.

Also, in the library I used to (I don't go as much now) stick post-it notes on some pages throughout books I got out with the same sort of thing. :)

This week, I'll try start doing the same thing again too. I have some books to return too! :)))

25th June, 2014

Love this. We often don't realise how much the smallest gestures can mean to people but I know that it means heaps when people do it for me so need to remember to pay it forward.

22nd June, 2014

I think this is such a good idea BR! :) I always like to be kind everyday, and am always holding doors open, helping people carry stuff etc. I think a smile goes a long way and it doesn't take much effort to send a smile someone's way. In my job I often have to call IRD, which I do admit is a pain sometimes as you are on hold constantly and sometimes my questions don't get answered, but I always make sure I say thank you for their help at the end of my call and wish them to have a good day. I hope this does put them in a better mood! This week ive been trying to do lots of RAOK, and i paid someone a compliment on their lipstick. It's also been on my list to clear up all my stuff, and when I get around to it I'm going to donate all the stuff I don't need to those who will make use if it :)

20th June, 2014

Leaving work yesterday, I saw an old man walking in the rain, just about ready to get absolutely drenched, so I offered him a lift to his car. He was happy, appreciative and most importantly, dry!

20th June, 2014

Done done done! Love this idea and it makes you feel so good knowing that something so small can make such a big difference to someone else. I recently sent all of my Countdown Dreamworks cards to Starship for the kiddies there and that made me very happy to be able to make some little kids day as opposed to selling them on Trade me which seems to be all the rage at the moment.

19th June, 2014

I got two huge bottles of TRESemme shampoo and conditioner in the last beauty vault. I had been using it for a few weeks when i decided it didn't agree with my hair. They are such big bottoe and I haven't made a dent in them so tomorrow I'm going to take them to work and leave them in the tearoom with a free to a good home note on them. Hopefully someone else will make good use of them :)

19th June, 2014

No challenge needed here BR :) I'm a big fan of giving random compliments, or acts of kindness - it doesn't just make the other person feel good it makes me feel great too. It doesn't matter how big or small the gesture is, it's the thought behind it that counts.

18th June, 2014

I love this!! I am always looking for little ways to go the extra mile for people!! Will def be putting some of these into practice!

18th June, 2014

I love this! I love doing random things for people because it makes you feel so good - shelfish really ;) My fav was some kids having to decide between which chocolate they could get becuase they didnt have enough money. Boom I bought them both one so they didnt have to share. Silly really but you hope they one day will do they same and the chain of kindness goes on and on! xx

18th June, 2014

Yes a little kindness every day x

17th June, 2014

Donating books is a good idea. I have a few to spare

17th June, 2014

I love this article!! My most proud RAOK was when I was behind a man in Mc Donalds who had a disibility. He didn't have enough money for the food that he wanted but he didn't understand the man who was serving him. So I popped up beside this man and told the man serving him that I would pay for his food. The disabled man was none the wiser but it didn't even matter. It just made me feel so good being able to do something good for someone. Karma does come back around too, I was with my little girl at the base and she wanted to go on the bouncy castle/slide that they had there but I didn't have any change on me, the lovely lady who was also there with her little one overheard me and approached me and gave me the change I needed to pay for the bouncy castle slide. It was such a lovely thing for her to do. I'll never forget it xx

17th June, 2014

I remember I was stressed trying to find a new car park since the library free ones were all taken - all floors (Sometimes people park there for other uses, which is a no no). So waiting for the car in front reverse out of his car par, annoyed I have to pay for a car park, the man came out and gave me his ticket that had a remaining 40mins left on it, which was plenty for me.

From now on, with any extra paid minutes, I pop it into the cubby where tickets and change are given, so the next person may use that ticket :)

23rd August, 2014

That would have been cool. I love listening to older peoples stories.