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Beauty Starts Within - Give a little love

15 June, 2014 - 08:28pm by - First Lady | 36 Comments

Article by BR Natalie.

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” - Henry James

We might well be a tad obsessed with beauty products, but we are firm believers that beauty starts within.  And so we've got a little challenge for our members!

One of the best parts of being a Beauty Crew member is reading the comments on Facebook after we've issued invites.  You will always find a few posts full of excitement, happiness and love.  Ok, it's our job, and not an act of kindness per se (although we do it with a lot of love!), but knowing you've made someone's day is simply the best feeling to take home with you each night.  

So we got to thinking.  Beauty starts within.  Making people smile feels good.  Feeling good inside shows on the outside.  So how about this week, we all make someone's day with a random act of kindness?  It doesn't have to be a huge, press-worthy deed.  Just do something nice for someone else.  Here's some ideas:

  1. Pay for two coffees instead of one, and secretly shout the person behind you in the queue a drink.  
  2. Write a message on the fridge telling your loved one why they rock.  
  3. Put a couple of dollars in an envelope, tape it to a vending machine and shout somebody a sugar high.
  4. Send a note of appreciation to someone who has made a difference in your life.  Friend.  Family.  Teacher.  
  5. Got a coupon you won't use?  Leave it next to the product instore!
  6. Compliment great customer service.  You don't need to leave a $100 tip, but why not make a point of telling the floor manager their staff member is a keeper?
  7. Donate used books to your local nursing home - or go and read one to a resident. 
  8. Hold the door for someone!  It only takes an extra second to be courteous. 
  9. Ask if you can help.  Is a colleague looking a little stressed?  A stranger looking a little lost? Sometimes just the offer of help is all it takes.
  10. Pay someone a compliment.  Like someone's lipstick? Tell them, even if you don't know them!

Now you know we wouldn't ask you to do anything we wouldn't do ourselves - so throughout the week we are going to do some random acts of kindness ourselves.  We're going to do random points drops and give out some spot prizes - and you don't need to do a thing to be in to win!

So Beauties - are you going to join us and do a random act of kindness this week? Why not come back and tell us what you've done to make someone smile and inspire others to make their own random act of kindness too?

“Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” - Scott Adams.


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15th June, 2014

This is such an awesome post! I love to do Random Acts of Kindness every day. But will definitely be trying so of these ideas out!

15th June, 2014

Love all the suggestions and certainly do many now. Will go even more above and beyond this week. I stick to 5 metre radius rule too and acknowledge, smile or be of assistance to anyone within this. Smiling is infectious. Can you tell I work in Customer Service :-)

15th June, 2014

I love the movie 'Pay it Forward', such a beautiful movement. I also let the people that provide excellent service know and their bosses too as without this feedback how are they to know that they have gone above and beyond or made a difference. The vending machine idea is great but you can just leave credit in the machine for the next person too. And I thought I would be considered weird but I often compliment strangers on their hair, makeup or clothes. The voucher idea is a great suggestion. xx

15th June, 2014

Love love love!!! I think one of the nicest parts of being a human being is doing/saying/giving something to others, either anonymously or in person, which makes their life that much happier. Count me in :)

15th June, 2014

My niece came for a visit yesterday and she was lucky enough to leave with a full sized CC cream that wasn't suitable for me, only used once, she was pretty stoked as she's a poor student. Love the ideas above, especially for leaving a coupon you won't use next to a product instore, I always feel bad about wasting coupons. Pretty sure I'll do numbers 6, 9 and 10 this week during the course of being at work, might even try to do another couple off the list. I highly doubt it will be number 3 tho - not keen on the idea of just leaving money somewhere.

15th June, 2014

I am cleaning up my unused makeup this week and will be letting my mates grab some free shopping

16th June, 2014

Well my friend is going to help me as I tried doing it the other week and I couldn't bring myself to choosing what I actually use. Plus I mean it really clearing out my single eyeshadows



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