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Can nature reverse ageing?

3 February, 2014 - 08:52am by - First Lady | 25 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie


Over the last few years there has been a huge push for natural products.  As demand increases more and more companies are taking man made chemicals out of their laboratories and replacing them with, well, plants.

Home remedies are steeped in different culture's rich histories of botanical cures.  Beauty Review has recently discovered the ancient Egyptians created their own rouges and cosmetics using natural products.  (What else could they use?!)  But in today's society of scientific developments and impressive products with proven anti ageing claims, can products really go back to nature and deliver the same results?

Here's three of nature's top "anti-agers" in skin care:

  1. Hops - Used for skin toning and dark spots, keeps skin soft and supple and delays anti-aging. A great extract for anti-inflammatory issues of the skin such as acne.
  2. Camelia Oil - Recognized for centuries in Eastern Asia for its highly restorative and rejuvenating effect on skin.
  3. Apricot Oil - Easily penetrates the skin making it agood oil for prematurely aged, dry or irritated skin.  Vitamins A & C are good for mature dry or sensitive skin. The apricot kernel oil helps skin retain elasticity, clarity, and suppleness.

Oxygen Skin Care use a combination of organic NZ hops, essential oils and all natural ingredients to produce effective products completely rooted in nature. 

We're going to be putting Oxygen Ultimate Botanical Serum to the test - which promises to "Create a more youthful appearance" - using organic NZ hops, camelia oil and apricot oil.

We're going to be looking for some great reviewers to trial this product - So why not tell us your thoughts on natural products - do they pack the same punch as more 'modern' or 'man made' products? 


Can nature reverse ageing?

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14th February, 2014

I prefer to use natural products where possible, not only are they gentler on our skin than most 'Other' products, but some of them work better than chemical bases ones. Earth mother at her best; refined by science.

14th February, 2014

I'm on the fence with this one! I have tried a few natural products That I definatly liked but I tend to find the expensive chemical products fix my skin better! I would love to have a totally natural skin care routine as I'm sure it would be kinder to my skin in the long run! I am yet to find one that is strong enough to help with aging.

14th February, 2014

I personally avoid synthetic laden products to avoid ageing caused by the harsh chemicals in them. I would be keen to try anti ageing products that are natural. So far, I only use natural products though they are regular daily use products rather than anti-ageing specifically.

14th February, 2014

I definitely think as skin ages it is far more sensitive to chemicals and unnatural ingredients - it makes sense as our skin becomes more sensitive to use natural products that won't make our skin appear dry, damaged and dull - all signs of the aging process. I definitely think that natural products can be extremely effective against anti-aging. Do I think they can stop aging, no..... but I do think by treating our skin kindly with natural products that our skin may develop a more youthful appearance and age a little more slowly.

14th February, 2014

All those lovely oils! Natural must be better for you and I try and use them over other chemical based products where I can however I am not sure if just by being a natural product it is better at reversing or halting aging though. Be happy to get on this trial and find out!!

6th February, 2014

Natural products are very effective when used properly, and much less likely to cause any bad reactions. Lots of the signs of ageing are caused by chemicals and pollutants in our environment... why add to that?

4th February, 2014

I definitely agree that there are certainly more products on the market now which use natural ingredients than there used to be. I am not convinced though, as to whether they are more effective or not but what I do know, is that as we get older, our skin gets more hydrated which means we need to continually change products to meet our needs. If natural products are just as effective or better than products with man made chemicals, then all the better!

4th February, 2014

I definitely try to go natural when buying skin care products, if I can afford to. Would love to try a product that would help with sun spots and pigmentation in my skin.

4th February, 2014

I'm sure they do! All of the chemicals cant be doing your skin any favours! I'll choose natural ones whenever I can.

4th February, 2014

I will always try use natural products over other products now - in all fairness i havnt tried many tho :/ would love the try this, the ingredients sound gorgeous. Definitely think natural products would be less irritating on my skin.

4th February, 2014

Absolutely I think natural products can have a great effect on the ageing process. Or reversing the ageing process for that matter. After all we saw through the BR challenge the difference drinking more water can make. I must admit as the signs of ageing encroach on my face I will try anything - synthetic or natural - to keep them at bay ;)

4th February, 2014

I believe that natural products can definitely have a place in ageing. And with many ingredients in products are natural for ageing purposes i.e. marine collagen, honey and fruit extracts.

3rd February, 2014

I'm pretty confident that using the right natural products can have a positive effect against anti ageing! I would much rather resort to them than even attempting things such as boxtox and other surgery type methods!

3rd February, 2014

I think you may be able to slow it down, but not convinced about reversing it.

3rd February, 2014

I love using natural products, particularly homemade ones that I can make at home like face masks etc. the bad thing about buying natural products is that I have sensitive skin, and natural products tend to have a short shelf life. However, I don't have ageing problems yet, but still love to use natural products.



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