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Could These Be The Weirdest Masks Ever?

19 October, 2016 - 09:23pm by - Head Pixie | 18 Comments

By BR Tabatha

 A good face mask is a thing of beauty. They can plump up the skin, get rid of the gunk, chill out any red angry areas, and leave your skin looking fresh as a daisy and smooth as a baby’s bum. But over the last couple of years we’ve seen masks move away from the face. They’ve become more specialised. Companies have come out with mask products for other areas… and well, some are just kind of weird. Not bad, necessarily. But… interesting. Check out our top four…

Who wouldn’t love to be naturally blessed with Jolie-like lips. Heck, some of us would settle for lips that weren’t wrinkled. Luckily for us there’s such a thing as lip masks. Yes, these jelly-like contraptions are designed to be placed over your kissers and left to do their thing for around twenty minutes to half an hour, with the result being less-lined, plumper looking lips. Would we give it a go? Yes. Would we answer a knock at the door while wearing it? No.

Hands looking a little worse for wear? No problem, pop a hand mask on em! There are mitten types, but mostly the types I’ve seen involve gloves. Apparently you can even go about your daily business while wearing them. Hang out the washing and wave ‘hi’ to your neighbour. Pull them out at work and type up a report in full view of your colleagues. Lay them upon your beloved’s cheeks as you give them a big sexy smooch. The result? A bunch of freaked out folk, oh, and nourished, exfoliated hands.

Are your feet looking a bit foul? Dry? Cracked? Gnarly? Well… you guessed it… there’s a mask for that! Just slip on the socks, let the ingredients work their magic, and then watch as your skin is peeled away to reveal fresher feet. We actually gave members the chance to trial the Baby Foot mask a while back, and the reviews were pretty good!

But the mask that’s got us on the fence. Or off the fence. Is the breast mask. Yes, apparently your chesticles can be firmer and more fabulous. All you need to do is whack some gel cd-like circles on them, lie back and relax, then peel them off for perkier, firmer, Pam-An boobies. I asked around the office, and while the girls were ‘nuh-uh’ing it left, right and centre, they did ask where I discovered these asset-enhancing gems…

So do tell… what’s the weirdest mask you’ve ever come across? Would you give the lip mask a go? The hands? The feet? The boooooby mask? Or will you stick to applying masks to your face and stick to moisturisers for the rest of it? Get chatting!


Images:  Aliexpress


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28th October, 2016

Wow a boob mask! I think I'd actually give that a go for laughs, because if it works then why not.

26th October, 2016

LOL the breast mask would be great if it worked!! :)

25th October, 2016

Haha a boooby mask, I'd love to try that- although the masks do look very size limited.

25th October, 2016

I actually have done the lip mask but I used the version from Wikihow and it worked. I am sure this version will as well.

24th October, 2016

I always wonder who on earth comes up with these ideas

21st October, 2016

I would definately use the foot mask, anything foot related ,I'm in!. I love my lips as they are, maybe I would try the hand one, and the boobs, I would try anything once!

21st October, 2016

I've tried the hand and feet one! haha. I'd try all of them cept maybe the lip one cos my lips are pretty joojoo or "plump" already.

21st October, 2016

Oooh these are so interesting! Would be totally fascinating to try them out but I don't think I'd give them a go anytime soon

20th October, 2016

I would certainly try the feet! I have cracked heels! plus I will be breast feeding soon so up for the booby one AND dry lips so yes I would totally give any a try!

20th October, 2016

I didn't know you could get lip masks! I'll look for them in the hope they cure lip wrinkles!!

20th October, 2016

Hahaha I have access to these bar one in stores. The breast one I haven't seen yet but you know what it doesn't surprise me question is will it really work on a mum of 3 whom nursed all 3 kids & is at the ripe old age of 39? I doubt itll do anything apart from hydrate the area so so funny

20th October, 2016

As weird as some of these sound, I would love to give all these a try. Masking is one of my favourite things to do.

20th October, 2016

I think I'll let others try these out before deciding if I would like to wear any myself lol. Normally I am adventurous when it comes to trying new products but I am happy to hop on the fence on these ones. The weirdest masks I have heard of are the ones for south of the border ;P

20th October, 2016

I think it would actually be really fun to try all of these. They might feel a bit weird, but hey, why not? Though my hands wouldn't like the exfoliation much because of dermatitis, however moisturizing sounds good. I've seen the lips ones here on Beauty Review and they do look quite alien to me.

20th October, 2016

Bhahaha boobie mask! I guess it's good to give the girls some pampering too :-)

21st October, 2016

hahahahahhahahahahaha i want to know more!

26th October, 2016

LOL joojoo lips love it :)



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