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You Won't Believe What Some People Do While They Sleep!

22 July, 2015 - 08:45pm by - First Lady | 22 Comments

Article by BR Kellie

There’s nothing like coming home to a courier package, or two, or three. But imagine if you didn’t know what they were or why they were there. Now imagine opening these mysterious packages and finding a payment slip with your name and details along with products you have no recollection of buying. 

In a panic, with thoughts of identity theft rushing through your mind, you check your credit card, and there it is – the proof that someone bought you a parcel and sent it to you…using your credit card. You smell a rat. Why would someone use your money to buy you something instead of sending it to themselves like a common thief would do? Even weirder, how did they know you’d been lusting after the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette for months but refused to buy it because you were on a no spend?

So you go into the darkest depths of your computer, phone or tablet and check out the history. There it is – at 2.37am on a Tuesday you went online shopping, and you have no recollection whatsoever of doing it. Sound familiar? 

Sleep shopping along with sleep texting and sleep emailing is on the rise.  And it’s not just us regular folk who are doing it, Chris Colfer of Glee fame is very open about his sleep shopping experiences. (Although I’d much rather have the Naked 3 palette than a portrait of Marie Antoinette….)

But just how does sleep shopping happen? It has been linked to a new breed of prescription sleeping tablets, which have also seen people work while sleeping, drive while sleeping, even do house work while sleeping (which, actually would be kind of handy…). But more and more people who aren’t taking sleeping tablets are finding themselves getting up to mysterious nocturnal habits. The concept of doing random things while you sleep, including sleepwalking and sleep shopping is called parasomnia. Parasomnia is often hereditary, but can also occur when you’re under stress, super busy or finding it hard to switch off at the end of the day.

While I’m tempted to be flippant and call sleep shopping sleepwalking’s much cooler and fun cousin, it’s hardly fun or cool if you’re racking up debt you can’t afford to pay off. So what can you do if you find yourself sleep shopping when you’d rather be awake shopping, or horror or horrors, not shopping at all? Recommendations from sleep experts include implementing a good bedtime routine and sticking to it and making sure you wind down before bed by turning the last hour or two into a screen-free zone. You can learn relation techniques and if all else fails turn off your phone or tablet and/or keep it in another room. 

So have you ever come home to parcels you’ve no recollection of buying only to find you bought them in your sleep? If you haven’t do you know anyone who has? And if you could do a spot of sleep shopping what would you hope your Sleeping Beauty self would buy?



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13th September, 2015

sleep driving is actually scary! .... however doing the house work while sleeping ... now who wouldn't want that ;) .... i actually wouldn't want to do any sleep shopping though (unless im using someone elses card *evil laugh*) ... i obsess over the most expensive products, if i were to buy them in my sleep and have no control over how much i spend i will..with no doubt end up in so much debt lol

26th July, 2015

I had heard rare cases of this happening. I don't sleep shop but I have sleep talked in the past.this must be quite scary though, especially when you don't have the money and think someone has stolen your identity!

24th July, 2015

This sounds scary! Not being in control of your own actions while your asleep would be reach freaky. You would probably get to the point where you wouldn't want to sleep because you don't know what your going to do / going to buy. I'm so happy the most info in my sleep is grind my teeth or occasionally sleep talk haha

24th July, 2015

Sleep Shopping??!! What? LOL, sounds funny but probably isn't really - I would be flabbergasted if that happened to me :)

23rd July, 2015

Wow, what a kind of happy surprise it would be, getting a package! But then, the statement comes in and uh oh...not so good! It is hard to imagine but I have heard of people who eat in their sleep, that would not be too good either.

23rd July, 2015

This sounds kinda scary to be honest! The most I've ever done in my sleep was walk into my parents' room when I was a kid and say it's too hot in here then immediately fall asleep on their floor lol!

23rd July, 2015

I'm always aware of my purchases. But I admit I'm more prone to access online shopping at ridiculous hours of the late night early mornings. Lol.

23rd July, 2015

I sleep-walked until I was about 14 and also talked in my sleep, sometimes still mumble in my sleep. Sleeping tablets are not nice.

23rd July, 2015

That is so crazy!! I am so glad I don't do this (yet) I could do some serious damage , but I think if I did some sleep shopping it would be on lush which is very VERY dangerous! Normally I keep an eye on what I purchase. My cousin is a sleep doer, he goes into the kitchen and makes things and rearranges things in the wackiest of places in his sleep

23rd July, 2015

Wonders if I can use this as an excuse next time I shop late at night ;) Truth be told I actually find the concept of doing things while asleep very scary... especially the driving bit :/

23rd July, 2015

I wonder how restful this is for the folk who have this? If you spend your night sleep house cleaning, do you wake up exhausted in need of wine? If I did sleep-spend, I would cancel any credit cards & keep my available debit card limit very low eash night. there would be more cash purchasing & online transferring. I firmly believe that while my consious mind might not be able to remember credit card numbers, I bet my unconsious mind has the all "photocopied" & ready to go!

23rd July, 2015

I do far too much on line shopping when I am awake and would hate to think I could do it in my sleep. This is really scary.

23rd July, 2015

As a child I used to sleep talk, have out growen that now though. Sleep shopping though! Whole new level...I couldn't imagine this being to healthy on the bank!

22nd July, 2015

I used to sleep walk and talk when I was younger but haven't for years now. I wouldn't mind sleep cleaning! Think of all the time you'd save!

22nd July, 2015

Nope as some of you already know, I despise online shopping. I don't shop online unless I absolutely have to and I often just don't bother at all. While I love courier packages, they are not worth the grey hairs I get thinking about buying online. Also I am a big fan of touching products, trying products and talking to a real person whose job might not exist if you shopped online. (Hmm sorry that sounded a bit like a rant). But no, no danger of mystery packages here. And yes online shopping is the worst way to shop.

23rd July, 2015

I love on line shopping and have had no bad experiences however you do make a point re jobs.

23rd July, 2015

I used to sleep talk too haha! Sleep shopping would be so dangerous lol



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