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Do you buy 'back ups' of your favourite product?

29 June, 2015 - 08:54pm by - First Lady | 25 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

I recently came across an article by New Zealand blogger Morgan from Hyacinth Girl and she was talking about bad YouTube shopping advice.  And one of the pieces of advice got me to thinking about my own shopping habits.  The advice in question - that you must have backups of your favourite products (or Holy Grail products as the kids call them nowadays.  I feel so old.)

Morgan pointed out that even in cases where it was sensible to stock up; such as when her favourite red lipstick was discontinued, it's seldom necessary.  Case in point being...she doesn't wear red lipstick much and has yet to finish the first one.  And so, I took to looking at myself.  Or rather my overflow beauty storage - the two sets of plastic drawers in the spare room.

Here's just a few of the backups I have going on:

  • 3 x Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner.  My all time favourite conditioner, that was until recently quite hard to find in NZ.  So whenever I ordered, I stocked up.  Of course, it's now available in Postie Plus and I currently use a special purple conditioner for my purple hair.  So it's just sitting there
  • 4 x Skinfood Lip Balm.  As a lipbalm fiend this probably isn't too extreme.  I mean what beauty product to you lose the most often right?  Except I have about 11 different lipbalms on the go, and probably 8 other unopened ones in the lipbalm drawer.  
  • 6 x Original Source Shower Gel.  This one I justified to myself because they were a bargain. $2.00!  And they're so easy to slip into the trolley.  And there's a flavour for every occasion.  And the supermarket has never been out of stock and is a whole 5 minute walk away.

Ok, I have might have a few issues when it comes to backing up my favourites.  Let's not even talk about the shop-hopping trip when I found out L'Oreal Lumi Magique primer had been discontinued*.  

I don't know what it is about me that is compelled to stockpile beauty products, I'm not actually a hoarder, I'm ruthless at chucking stuff out.  And yet I have a designated overflow area for beauty products. And so I repeat.  I may have issues.

So come on, 'fess up.  Do you stockpile just in case of the zombie apocalypse?  Do you see your favourite cleanser on special and absolutely have to purchase it, even though you have 2 unopened already?  Or do you not see the point of wasting valuable storage space on duplicates?  After all, if it's a great product, it'll still be on the shelf when you run out right?

Get chatting below!


*Which turned out to be a false alarm.

Do you buy 'back ups' of your favourite product?

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2nd July, 2015

The only thing I buy extra of is the Snow Fairy shower gel by Lush! And I use it sparingly since it's a limited edition Christmas thing. (Unless I'm lucky and they do their online Christmas in July sale) xx

2nd July, 2015

I currently have a unopened EOH mascara and brow pencil because one simply must take advantage of a sale :o and that is probably about the only back ups I have apart from the several tubes of lip balm scattered in every corner of my world (ie, car, house, nappy bag etc. etc).

1st July, 2015

This is so me! I have a big box of stuff I have no idea why I do it

1st July, 2015

Guilty, but only when it comes to top coat and bottom coat nail polishes, facial moisturisers (hard to find a good one so i stock up when i do), foundations (currently have 3 of one type and two of another).

30th June, 2015

Yes if I find them on special at the time , I definitely will do back ups

30th June, 2015

I said no for this but I don't agree that it's not really necessary for me its more I can't afford the backups but would love them!!!

30th June, 2015

Not at the moment! Simply because I haven't found a product yet that had impressed me so much that I actually want a back up! Once I find those products I'm sure I will buy back ups :)

30th June, 2015

I haven't bought back ups in a while because I am wanting to try newer products and also I have heaps I wanna use up.

30th June, 2015

I'm pretty frugal. If theres still some left, then no need to buy more. Its not till its pretty much empty or already ran out that I buy more.

30th June, 2015

I TOTALLY do. Especially things like hair colour - I swear that any time I find a shade I like, they discontinue it!

(I may or may not be a hoarder ;))

30th June, 2015

Ah,... I said no but I think yes is the answer... I stock pile THINGS though rather than one specific item... For instance I have 3 different washes and lotions from bath and body works, which is super hard to get in NZ. But so good. When Bossy bring out more than one of something, I buy the set. I love sets!!

30th June, 2015

I used to be worse, BR has opened a whole new world of all these other products i want to try, so now I only have back ups of hand cream, and lip balm. oh and moisturisers.

30th June, 2015

Depends on the product and how fast I go through it. Body wash and body lotions are products I go through fairly fast. If you have your one staple brand that you generally default to yes stock up. Moreish Body wash was my fave and then it got discontinued, what did I do while the last of the line was on sale? Buy it! Yes, of course I'm going to use it. Same with Aveeno body lotion when it went down to $7 and $8 a bottle I bought and bought, my family likes it and it's my default every last bottle was used. I think I'm down to one bottle in stock and one near empty bottle. Thanks for the reminder to stock up probably will when I've used up some of my other body lotions.

30th June, 2015

I kind of think yes it's ok if the product is at the end of the production run and being phased out like sometimes happens with packaging changes. Or if it's on special, or part of a GWP that taken into account actually saves me money in the long run. I'm a skin care person though and don't have much makeup (yet, I'm working on that lol). It's the GWP's on Trilogy and Plantae that have got me recently, and they are so worth it because they are just wonderful products in my opinion :)

30th June, 2015

I would love to buy back ups for my most loved items but only go as far as my finances allow me.