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Do you buy 'back ups' of your favourite product?

29 June, 2015 - 08:54pm by - First Lady | 25 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

I recently came across an article by New Zealand blogger Morgan from Hyacinth Girl and she was talking about bad YouTube shopping advice.  And one of the pieces of advice got me to thinking about my own shopping habits.  The advice in question - that you must have backups of your favourite products (or Holy Grail products as the kids call them nowadays.  I feel so old.)

Morgan pointed out that even in cases where it was sensible to stock up; such as when her favourite red lipstick was discontinued, it's seldom necessary.  Case in point being...she doesn't wear red lipstick much and has yet to finish the first one.  And so, I took to looking at myself.  Or rather my overflow beauty storage - the two sets of plastic drawers in the spare room.

Here's just a few of the backups I have going on:

  • 3 x Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner.  My all time favourite conditioner, that was until recently quite hard to find in NZ.  So whenever I ordered, I stocked up.  Of course, it's now available in Postie Plus and I currently use a special purple conditioner for my purple hair.  So it's just sitting there
  • 4 x Skinfood Lip Balm.  As a lipbalm fiend this probably isn't too extreme.  I mean what beauty product to you lose the most often right?  Except I have about 11 different lipbalms on the go, and probably 8 other unopened ones in the lipbalm drawer.  
  • 6 x Original Source Shower Gel.  This one I justified to myself because they were a bargain. $2.00!  And they're so easy to slip into the trolley.  And there's a flavour for every occasion.  And the supermarket has never been out of stock and is a whole 5 minute walk away.

Ok, I have might have a few issues when it comes to backing up my favourites.  Let's not even talk about the shop-hopping trip when I found out L'Oreal Lumi Magique primer had been discontinued*.  

I don't know what it is about me that is compelled to stockpile beauty products, I'm not actually a hoarder, I'm ruthless at chucking stuff out.  And yet I have a designated overflow area for beauty products. And so I repeat.  I may have issues.

So come on, 'fess up.  Do you stockpile just in case of the zombie apocalypse?  Do you see your favourite cleanser on special and absolutely have to purchase it, even though you have 2 unopened already?  Or do you not see the point of wasting valuable storage space on duplicates?  After all, if it's a great product, it'll still be on the shelf when you run out right?

Get chatting below!


*Which turned out to be a false alarm.

Do you buy 'back ups' of your favourite product?

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30th June, 2015

I have back ups for quite a few products! Mascara and eyeliners are probably my top products I have back ups for and I also have a couple of double ups for lippys and lip liners. I find it great to have multiple of some items because it means I can keep one at home at my makeup desk and also another in my makeup bag for work/weekends. Being able to touch up at any time during the day is so handy and it doesn't matter if I misplace a product because I know I have it at home anyway :)

30th June, 2015

I always keep extra make up sponges, foundation, powder and favourite moisturiser just in case they are "out of stock". Then there is my obsessive need for certain lip balms and hand creams, so I always a a stash if those too.

29th June, 2015

I never stock up. I've never fallen deeply in love with a product to keep buying it.

29th June, 2015

Funny that you talk about a youtube induced buying habit of getting backups... I have the BR induced problem of buying different things! I don't buy backups because I keep buying new things to try so I can review them instead :P

29th June, 2015

Yes! I'm a bit ridiculous in my stockpiling habits. Splashstore had a sale a couple of months ago so I bought 4 bottles of L'Oreal True Match foundation...4?! The fact I already had 10 odd foundations meant nothing, of course. I've barely touched them since *shakes head at self* I always stock up like a mad woman on face wipes and cotton buds because I use them daily and would lose my head if I ran out. I also tend to have a few bottles of face moisturiser stockpiled as I have to get it sent from Australia, so that one makes sense :P

29th June, 2015

No I don't normally unless it's on special otherwise I just panic when I notice it's getting to the end haha

29th June, 2015

I definitely stock up on my favourite products that I use almost everyday so I feel it's justified hehe (i.e. BDB pencil, MAC Strobe cream, Blistex Lip conditioner).

There are some favourite items that I use everyday that I'll never get through like the powder highlights (sigh) so I don't bother with backups.

I've learned from the BR forums a lot of the beauties have stockpiles of shampoos / conditioners and shower gels so I'll be interested to see their response.

29th June, 2015

I normally don't but I am guilty to a couple of exceptions. I use Clinique's Antiblemish skincare range and a week after I repurchased my cleanser and moisturiser, a GWP special came out! What's a girl to do?! I NEEDED those adorable little mini Clinique products! And so when Farmers also had a 15% beauty special I bought a backup cleanser and moisturiser just to get that sweet sweet gwp, and the discount of course! Really it was a bargain, right? A discount AND freebies for something I would end up repurchasing later anyway! Gotta love the self-justification :D

I also have backups of Oasis Tropical Smoothie, my fave scrub, but this I won; Benefit Hoola, and Benefit They're Real mascara. The last two I purchased backups of since we don't have a Benefit near here, and I'm almost out of Hoola.

29th June, 2015

No I dont but I do start to panic when I'm running out, lol. Usually I will have run out completely before going and buying more though. :-)

29th June, 2015

not all the products. But yep, guilty :D

29th June, 2015

GWP for something you would usually purchase anyway totally doesn't count!!!

29th June, 2015

I can totally relate to your pain in knowing that you're never going to get through your powder highlighters. I'm all excited coz I've got like a 1mm dent in my Lightscapade after 6months...30yrs later. Haha.

29th June, 2015

Hahaha you almost had me! You know to even hit pan on a highlighter is a huge achievement so good on you!!! Hoping I qualify for the highlight-pan club sometime this century hahaha.

30th June, 2015

Baha "highlight-pan club", I hope to qualify sometime this century also!

29th June, 2015

Hope you are doing well Sandy. I've been thinking of you lately :)

30th June, 2015

Aww thanks hun xx I'm hanging in there, 36 weeks now and not doing the best to be honest but I just keep plodding along ;-) thought our wee girl was coming during the weekend but nope :-( hope you are well hun xoxoxoxo

29th June, 2015

I had a good laugh reading your post - so you have 14+ foundations? Amazing! You're well prepared then hehe. Oh my gosh your moisturiser has to be sent from Australia - I would stock up too.

30th June, 2015

Lol I hate to admit how many I have now as I've been to Hawaii since this little episode. Eep. I've been gifting some away though, so it'll hopefully be down to a more reasonable number shortly!

29th June, 2015

Now that's a very good point!!

29th June, 2015

Im the same kirsty. Always looking for different products.

29th June, 2015

Does anything come close that perhaps you may consider Macs?

30th June, 2015

Bossy Oil cleanser, I think Im actually going to repurchase it, that's if I don't get tempted by tailor oil lol



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