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Do you find cleansing all a bit cumbersome?

13 July, 2023 - 03:31pm by - First Lady | 230 Comments

poll posted by BR Natalie

I find cleansing the most cumbersome of all beauty chores.  However you chose to do it, there are multiple steps, products or attempts.  Think about it, at the bare minimum you need a cleanser and water.  Or maybe a bottle of micellar and a cotton pad.  You might opt for facial wipes only to use several at a time to adequately remove makeup and cleanse.  Longwear makeup might leave you having to oil cleanse first followed by a cleanse-cleanse.

Imagine a product that allowed you to thoroughly cleanse with minimum effort...

We're putting Swisspers 3 in 1 Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Cleanser Infused Pads to the test!

Swisspers® 3 in 1 cleanser pads are infused with Aloe Vera and antioxidant-rich Vitamin E for refreshed and hydrated skin!  The water activated dual sided-pad removes waterproof make-up & mascara and allows you to both cleanse and hydrate - anytime - anywhere! They're dermatologically and ophthalmologically tested, making them suitable for sensitive skin types and even the most delicate of eye area.

These nifty pads are a practical lightweight alternative to cleansers - perfect for slipping into your carry-on to bypass the 100ml limit for liquids.

We think they sound awesome, but of course, it's not us doing the testing; it's you!  So why not get chatting below about all things cleansing - what is your current method of cleansing?  Why would you like to try the Swisspers 3 in 1 cleanser pads?  

Get chatting below - we might pick you!


Do you find cleansing all a bit cumbersome?

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26th August, 2023

Anything that helps to make my skincare routine easier, and faster, is a big thumbs for me! This product sounds like such a good idea, I would love to try it!

26th August, 2023

Im not the best with using cleansing products but needing to start and think your product sounds like great way to start adding to daily face routines.

15th August, 2023

These sound perfect especially for holidays and travel, very keen to try them out.

15th August, 2023

The concept of these blows my mind! Why hasn't it been thought of before? Usually I have a liquid remover and I douse the cotton pad in it before I use it to wipe my face down. Doing this, I always wonder if I'm being wasteful with my remover, as the cotton pad soaks so much of it up. I'd love to give these a go!

13th August, 2023

Currently I cleanse with a cleansing wash, but this product sounds sooooooo much easier! Would absolutely love to try them please!

13th August, 2023

I've never seen these before! These would be great for a light cleanse between day and night make up if you were going out. I'd love it as a precleanse, first cleanse if I had a heavier make up on

10th August, 2023

I have physical restrictions so this would help a lot - otherwise I end up no bothering at all which I know isn't great for my skin :-(

10th August, 2023

These look so interesting and i would be so keen to give these a try! Water activated sounds so handy for travelling and i am ALL about low effort cleansing!

7th August, 2023

I'm really looking for something exactly like these. At present I have just been using baby wipes to remove make up or whatever cleansing cream that I have at the time but would really love to try these.

7th August, 2023

I usually just use warm water and a bit of almond oil or baby wipes to cleanse makeup off etc so these sound amazing id love to trail this thanks

7th August, 2023

I usually use balm type cleanser as a first step but this really sounds peeerfect for a double cleanse situation so I can just do a quick wipe after the balm to remove anything left over. Also fantastic as a quick wipe down of my face when I'm not wearing make up pre bedtime routine. Sounds really great for travel too, a lot cheaper than some other make up remover wipes.

7th August, 2023

This would be great to try, the most annoying part of skincare is cleansing lol and I have to use eye cleanser and pads before cleansing face to help get rid of eye makeup, I also have sensitive skin so I have to be careful what I use, I also find some pads rip

7th August, 2023

current routine is a face cleanser in the shower, however these look perfect, solution, recently having to be away from home , as well as everyday usage , i can see benefits already before you get to see how the product feels but carry in gym bag travel bag simple to pack no leaking bottles, or tubes why wouldn't you want to try them. So many benefits.

6th August, 2023

love anything that makes it eaiser! would love to try

6th August, 2023

Swisspers is the brand of cotton pads that I reach for everytime I go shopping. These are in my daily skin care routine to remove my make up. These 3 in 1 pads would be a lift changer then I won’t have to carry around a big bottle of mircler water with me!!!



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