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Do You LIE About Your Shopping Habits?

7 June, 2017 - 11:07pm by - First Lady | 17 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

  • It was on special.
  • This?  I've had it for ages.
  • My Mum bought me it as a treat.
  • I don't have anything else like it.
  • I won it.
  • It only cost ten-ty dollars.. (or th-orty.  or fi-xty.  or some other indeterminate figure of money.)

Are you guilty of telling these shopping porkie pies?  Who do you lie to?  Your partner?  Your mummy? (Don't judge me, I need her to think I'm a grown up).  Your friends? Yourself?

When it comes to The Husband's opinion on my shopping habits, I'm quite lucky for a number of reasons. 

  1. He doesn't really notice 'stuff'.  He definitely doesn't notice 'girly stuff', or 'baby stuff' or 'beauty stuff'  Unless it's from the 'stinky shop'.  (Sorry Lush)
  2. If he does notice he's never really interested enough to go beyond; 'is that new?'.
  3. He once bought a car without telling me.  Ergo, he set precendant.

Now that being said, I will confess, I have used the very ambiguous 'it's for work' excuse a few times.  But that's only because I can't face another discussion where I try to explain a beauty item, what it does, why it's different, or why it is different to something he thinks is the same thing.  Especially when it's a $200 fragrance.  Cough.

I once went shopping with a friend who removed all the tags and packaging from her purchases before shoving them in her handbag and disposing of the 'evidence'.  Apparently she would then go home, and the next time she was home alone she'd put the items away, as if they'd always been there.

Another friend would 'embezzle' cash by getting cash out over the week, at the grocery store or fueling up the car and would then use the cash to buy new clothes...leaving no trace in the accounts.

Now both of these friends earn their own money, and I doubt they'd financially cripple themselves for a new pair of shoes; so what gives?  Why do we feel ashamed of buying things?  Are we all shopaholics with deep seeded issues?  Or are we victims of a judgy-mc-judgy society?  Is it the 'mum' thing?  You feel guilty spending on something as frivilous* as primer?  Or maybe you have friends who just don't get the beauty thing?  Or are saving the planet one op-shop purchase at a time?

Over to you - by the power of our anonymous voting system tell us - do you lie about your shopping habits? (Yes, white lies count!).

And if you're feeling brave, why not get chatting below.  The Beauty Confessional is open.


*She scoffs as she types.  Primer is life people.

Do You LIE About Your Shopping Habits?

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8th June, 2017

I used to draw money out so my partner wouldn't know what I bought. Nowadays I just tell him the truth. He sometimes puts the order through for me if he has the credit card. He recently got me the Gamble Box . He was shocked at how fast it sold out. Now he's joining me on my buying escapades lol

8th June, 2017

I am guilty as charged !! My partner is very frugal on himself which makes me feel guilty when I splurge on myself. It is self induced guilt as my partner likes me to have nice things and look good but because I am usually the one spending I have to justify it in my head -very silly really.

8th June, 2017

You are my new favourite hero today! So deliciously evil of you to pull him into your web like this. I love it!

8th June, 2017

I dunno how I did it ! He loves that I'm honest I guess :0

8th June, 2017

That is awesome!



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