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Do you overline your lips?

27 August, 2015 - 08:51pm by - First Lady | 85 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

If you read this poll question and thought; "What?  Why would people do this?" them I'm going to guess that you have lovely, full lips. 

Now for us thin-lipped girls, let me tell you how it goes.  Lipstick sort of looks like you've drawn two lines on with a marker pen.  Upon trying to catch someone's eye, you 'lead with your mouth', ie you try to push your lips out in a vain attempt to look like Angelina Jolie.  (Note to self, forced trout pout will never be sexy)  You will have attempted, more than once, to draw on extra lips.  Unless you are very talented and maintain a light touch, you will fail.  You will have considered other options.

Let's be honest, for most of us thin lipped girls, collagen fillers or cosmetic surgery isn't a realistic option, especially as far as our wallets are concerned, so what's a girl to do?  

We're putting Candylipz to the test.  This cute and quirky apple shaped lip enhancer doesn't just plump your pout, it is also an anti-aging tool. It was designed to reverse the signs of ageing and to give you back the lips from your youth! It creates a much better lip shape, and when used daily, will prevent your lips from sagging as you age.  And retailing at around $120, it's a lot cheaper than fillers!

And don't let the cuteness deceive you - CandyLipz has won 14 prestigious awards, worldwide. It's technical design puts it in the same class as brands such as Apple, BMW, Bose, Chevron, Hewlitt Packard, Mercedes Benz and Porsche, just to name a few. Clinical trials have shown that if you use your CandyLipz lip plumper for at least 2 minutes twice per day for 60 days, on average, the human panel trial participants lips remained fuller for longer and their natural form had increased by up to 36%.

We're putting Candylipz Model A to the test.  The Model A is a versatile 2-in-1 design. It has the ability to create a cute indentation in the lower lip, just like Angelina Jolie.  It can also be used to create a full, even lips,  To achieve this, you simply block the bottom section with the blocker (supplied) where the divider is and you plump one lip at a time!  Members of the trial team will also receive the jelly cushion to use with the device!

Commited to safety and the environment, all Candylipz are:

  • made of 100% food grade materials.
  • made of proprietary high-bounce 100% food grade silicone material.
  • made of materials that are eco-friendly, non-toxic, and ultra-hypoallergenic.
  • Recyclable all parts when you retire your pumps.

Now - here's the important information ladies.  Bruising is not only a known side effect - it's an expected one.  Just as with lip fillers and implants, the delicate lip tissue will bruise a bit.  This product requires a 10 Day Conditioning period, after which you can use Candylipz daily.  Please do not put your hand up to trial this product if you'll be upset by minor bruising during the conditioning period!!

 Find out all you need to know about bruising and the conditioning period here before deciding if the trial is for you!

So, now that you've clued yourself in - are you after a spot on this trial team?  Tell us why below - we might just pick you!

Do you overline your lips?

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21st July, 2017

Nope. Happy with my thin lips :)

12th September, 2015

I overline my lips everyday and it takes me almost as long as it would to do basic makeup when I'm doing almost nothing for the day... I would love to trial something like this, as lately I'm almost set on getting and trying out lip fillers! And this would most definitely save a lot of money in the long run!!

12th September, 2015

I have quite thin lips and am forever trying to find a way to plump them up. I'm not the best at lip lining and lip plumpers don't really seem to do the trick! I would love to see if this could help me!

11th September, 2015

i would love to give this ago altho my lips aint too thin they are on the starting to age side of 30 and could do with a little help in the fullness department!!! and as for the bruising part i think the saying goes "pain is beauty" lol im in :)

11th September, 2015

Think I'll pass on this one. Not really something I'd like to try. I like my lips how they are plus I don't like the idea of facial brusing

10th September, 2015

I'm incredibly turned off by lip-plumping devices, but will be interesting to see the results of the trial.

8th September, 2015

I highly am interested iin part taking this trial as i really need to find out and experience the positive yet brilliant outcome as this may not be for evwry one there are those few women out there with thin lips wishing upon lips that are fuller plumpier and look fabulous.parttaking in this trial will give me good and extra knowledge about getting those plumpier fuller looking lips without the needles ect...i wana be able to provide my opinion and thorts to share with everyone about how this product works ,feels,looks coming from my point of view...i am dearly excited and have never been soo overwehlmed by the one product so fast.please would be over the moon if i was to be chosen for this trial .

7th September, 2015

This sounds awesome - sounds like it does enough to be effective, while being safer than some of the at-home/DIY methods some people were trying. I don't tend to overline my lips, but only because I'm unsure of how to do it without it looking way overdone - I'd prefer to have thin lips than look unnatural. This looks like a better option!

4th September, 2015

never heard of it...that's why.

4th September, 2015

I would really love to try this as I have really small, thin lips unfortunately - so much so that I can't really wear brights or reds, which I love!!

I don't think I could trial this product though as the bruising etc would not be a good look at work haha

3rd September, 2015

I think this is a really interesting concept and would definitely love to try it. I have very thin lips so anything has to work!

3rd September, 2015

I can never overline them right so I just don't do it

3rd September, 2015

No but its something I want to try! I would love love loooooove to trial this product so I can try release my inner Kylie J :P

2nd September, 2015

No gain so count me in. I've had 3 kids so I know what pain is! lol

2nd September, 2015

I suck at lipstick. Full-stop. I can never get it just right and as for lip liner? Don't even suggest such a thing! I know some women do have thin lips (I don't) but I personally think the overlined, overdone look is pointless! But at least you have options :)



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