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Do you tan the safe way?

15 August, 2023 - 02:07pm by - First Lady | 217 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Today we're talking about tanning.  Yes, I am aware it's still Winter, but hey, Summer will be here before we know it!

We want to know how many of you still tan the 'natural' way - aka baking (and damaging) your skin in the sun? Maybe some of you still use sunbeds and sun tubes in the winter to keep that all year bronzed look?

Before we go on, if you are still tanning the natural way; we implore not bake it - we want you to fake it!

We know faking it with self tan can be a bit daunting at first.  What if I look like an Oompa Loompa?  What if I end up with streaks?  Why do fake tans all smell so bad? How can I apply it without making a mess?  Will it stain my clothes? But regular fakers will tell you, like almost anything beauty related, it's about finding the right product and remembering - practice makes perfect.

Experiment with different techniques and products until you find the one that works best for you - and voila, no more damaging your skin with sun exposure in the quest for being a bronzed goddess.

We're putting Sugarbaby's Tan of the Hour to the test.

I can;t beat SugarBaby's incredible product description; so here it is: "This supersonic sunless tanner is crammed with pigment perfecting DHA and spiked with natural caramel and caffeine to create a gorgeously rich, ultra dark all over tan. 100% blendable, this creamy lotion positively glides across (and into) your body leaving a deep, velvety bronze glow (good-bye streaky bits) while drenching skin in a swathe of glow-bettering botanics (aka Sweet Almond Oil, Shea Butter and Coconut Probiotics) that keep you browner and skin hydrated for longer."

Who wouldn't want a believable, ultra deep, sun-soaked glow that develops within the hour?!  Oh and the Beauty Crew can confirm it smells amazing!

To make application easier we'll also send each member of this Trial Team the SugarBaby Back Up deluxe Applicator,

So - are you up for this Trial Team? Do you regularly self tan or just for special occasions?  Or do you bake it and risk your skin long-term but want to try faking it?  Or will you not give up catching those rays for anyone?  Or are you just not into tanning at all?  

Why do you want to trial SugarBaby's Tan of the Hour?

 Get chatting below - we might pick you!

Do you tan the safe way?

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29th August, 2023

I love bronzing products!

28th August, 2023

Would love to try this. I'm going on a cruise soon so would love to look like I have seen some sun!

28th August, 2023

Yes would love to try. In need of a good tan!

28th August, 2023

i'd love to try this as they have discontinued the one i used to use for tanning.

28th August, 2023

After just having my second baby, I can’t say I do much of it either currently, it also doesn’t help that it’s winter… But come summer I do enjoy the sun, usually unintentionally with kids (but always with sunblock) and would fake tan for special occasions or just to have some self care. Would love to try this product now that the weather is warming up!

28th August, 2023

I don't self tan at all but I'd like to start and what better way than trying and reviewing a product !!!

27th August, 2023

I would love to try this. I've tried a few different self tanners before, but haven't found one that I love yet.

26th August, 2023

I'm new to self-tanning. Would really like to try this product.

25th August, 2023

like to self tan for special occasions, I don't bake in the sun. This would be fantastic to try!

23rd August, 2023

I would love to try this tan! I'm so careful about sunscreening that I end up pale all summer, and I'd love to have a natural tan rather than sad "borange"!

22nd August, 2023

I would love to try this one, my skin is olive but I have never really had a nice tan, I don't like to bake in the sun and am a bit wary of fake tanners.

22nd August, 2023

I literally spend all summer using fake tan. I have fair skin that doesn't tan very easily naturally so always on the lookout for new ones to try. I would be very keen to try this and write an honest review.

22nd August, 2023

I've tried a few other items from the brand. Enjoy the gradual tanner. Have had very little experience with the instant darker tanners. Wouldn't be opposed to giving it a go.

22nd August, 2023

I've not tried sugar baby before so would be keen to give it a whirl. Have been self tanning for 20 years, I'm so pale I just burn and the risk of skin cancer is so high its just not worth it.

21st August, 2023

I’m a regular tanner and have enjoyed SugarBaby products in the past, this one sounds good!



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