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Do you regularly use body butter?

5 July, 2016 - 02:02pm by - First Lady | 121 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

When you hear the term 'body butter' you probably think of words like - Rich.  Creamy.  Treat.  Yummy.

There's no denying there is a certain expectation (and excitement) that comes when you bring home a new body butter. Firstly - the smell.  Whether it be a deep cocoa or shea smell, or a fresh and fruity smell, when it comes to a body butter it better smell good enough to eat!  Then comes consistency.  We want it to be thick, creamy and light.  Think the meringue test - if you can hold a body butter upside down and it doesn't fall out the tub the consistency is probably spot on.  And then the most important bit - the results.  Body butters should make us feel like we're cocooned in moisturising goodness.  Our skin should be left intensly hydrated, dry patches should be magically smoothed and we shouldn't be left feeling greasy.

Body butters are generally based with a nut oil and are essentially whipped like, well, whipped cream, to give a rich and intense moisturising product.  You can make them at home from as few as two ingredients.  

Butters are best used on the body, as they can be too rich and clog facial pores.  And not only are they good for general body moisturising - they are great as an emergency lip balm or even in lieu of a massage oil.

We're putting the dual purpose Tui Balms Coconut and Aloe Body Butter to the test.  This gorgeous product works equally well as body moisturiser or massage butter. The semi-solid consistency provides ideal friction for massage, eliminates spillage and improves the flow of the massage.

It's the hypoallergenic formula contains olive oil, cerified organic coconut oil and NZ beeswax, aloe vera, shea butter and vitamin E.  

Sounds fab right?!  Well we need members to put it to the test - does it sound like the trial team for you?

So let's hear your thoughts on body butters - what do you love about them?  What makes a 'good' butter for you?  What areas do you use them on?  Most of all - do you use them regularly or are they a luxury treat?

Get chatting below!

Do you regularly use body butter?

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21st July, 2017

Never have I! But it sounds promising. I used to have a Rui balm years ago and it did wonders!

4th August, 2016

Gosh, I haven't used body butter in years :-/ regular body lotion just isn't the same

3rd August, 2016

Body butters are great for me, I really feel like my skin is completely moisturised though I would say I use them only a few times a week on pamper days.

3rd August, 2016

My go to body butter is generally from the Body Shop ranges, I really love them but generally use before bed because they are so luxurious and thick that I like it to sink in over night. My skin always feels great the next day. Would definitely put my hand up for this one as I've never used this brand before and would be keen to compare it to one I usually use...also, who doesn't love coconut!?

2nd August, 2016

Nope , I have to remind myself to moisture my skin more often :/

1st August, 2016

I would love to try a body butter, I have a dry skin which would benefit from a luxury body butter.

1st August, 2016

I'm afraid I'm slack. I need to and should but haven't got round to buying one. Would love to give it a whirl

1st August, 2016

I love the thickness of body butters. There's nothing like slathering some on after a shower! I have only been using regular moisturisers as of late, and they just don't compare. Body butters leave your skin feeling moisturised and nourished much longer than an average moisturiser. I'd absolutely love to try this!

1st August, 2016

I need to find a new moisturiser to replace my tried and true fave that has been discontinued!

1st August, 2016

Aloe Vera, coconut oil and of course Vitamin E - plus the other ingredients make a wonderful luxurious combination. I would really love to try this on my very dry skin especially my legs and feet as I am sure it would be of huge benefit. I do regard body butter as a luxury and therefore have mostly used lotion, but this sounds "ab fab"

1st August, 2016

Always use body Butter after a shower. Best feeling in the world

31st July, 2016

im a bit of a shocker and mostly use body butter in the summer time, i never seem to buy it, just use what is given to me as gifts.. Have heard good things about tui range, would love to try it myself.

31st July, 2016

Oh yes please. I use body Butter every day. It's my dry skin hero. Would love to trial this amazing product.

29th July, 2016

I'm in my mid 50's and have actually never used a body butter - sounds awfully sticky, but if I was to get one to trial, I'd use it after my shower on my body especially on my legs and arms which are quite dry because of all the outdoors sports I do. Love to make them smooth like I was a teen again!

28th July, 2016

I've never had the pleasure of using a body butter I always tend to go for the lotions. This one looks really good and I would be keen to try it.