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Do you want to trial the new NIVEA product?

4 April, 2016 - 08:37pm by - First Lady | 123 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

There are two types of people in this life.  Those that want to be the first to try, and those that want to wait and read reviews first.  The first type is outside the Apple store 3 days before the latest iPhone is released.  The second kind wait until the reviews are in.

Those that find the new exciting and those that approach new things with trepidation.  For some, trying a brand's latest product is a must-do affair.  Something inside tells them that they simply need to be one of the first to get their mitts on it, before the rest of the world has a chance to.  These people love to be the first to review a product - shaping the launch buzz.  Is it really a must-have, or is it a dud?

And for others, being the first to try a product is a risk.  What if the product is a waste of hard earned money?  What if the product isn't great for your skin?  Why put being first ahead of making an informed decision?

We're putting the brand new-to-market NIVEA Q10 Pearls to the test. The formula contains powerful anti aging ingredients Q10, hyaluronic acid and creatine, to visibly reduces wrinkles and effectively delay the onset of new ones.  

This nifty product contains a pearl formula and a moisturising gel, that are freshly blended as they are pumped out of the tube, activating both ingredients into the final silky smooth anti-wrinkle gel.  The Q10 pearl formula has the highest dosage of Q10 in the entire NIVEA Q10 Plus range. It supports the skin’s own processes by helping the skin produce energy and protect it from harmful free radicals.  The moisturising gel formula with creatine and hyaluronic acid further supports the skin’s energy supply and helps retain moisture, increasing its ability to bind with water

We think it sounds fabulous, but of course, it's not us doing the reviewing!

So tell us beauties - would you rather be the first to try a product or are you more pragmatic and choose to wait for reviews first?  Why do you want to trial the new NIVEA Q10 Pearls?

Get chatting below - we need 60 members to put it to the test, and one of them could be you!

Do you want to trial the new NIVEA product?

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1st June, 2017

I love reviewing products and then recommending them to friends and family. It's just always been my kind of thing to try new products out first. I love that this is a serum and described as a gel formula. Gel moisturisers are my favourite to wear under make up. Would love to give it a go.

10th April, 2016

I am always so curious to see how these anti-aging products work! I have young skin but you are never too young to start really looking after your skin. I hope this product is available at a great price.

9th April, 2016

N eed to try this, it may reduce my wrinkles I t might even iron out my crinkles V ery keen to give this product a whirl E very wrinkle on my face screams out for Q10 plus-serum pearls A nd I would be happy to review it for all the girls

I have never used anything like this before so I am interested in whether this works and maybe seeing some results. Like it or not I'd give my honest opinion! :)

9th April, 2016

I love nivea as a brand already but this new product just intrigues me more and more! I don't think it's ever too early to prevent wrinkles and signs of aging so I'd be keen to try this out. I also love being the first to try out products because I feel like then I won't be easily swayed. Some beauty guru's opinions definitely do sway me if I'm being honest.

9th April, 2016

Hyaluronic acid, co q10 and creatine, my skin would love this combo, especially those wrinkles who just slurp up products that contain hyaluronic acid. I'm way to impatient to wait for others to try out things before I decide if it's for me. I just like to jump on in and give products a try.

9th April, 2016

The pearls look so cute! I would love to trial this and see if they will help my under eye wrinkles, Im all for trying new things :)

9th April, 2016

I'm an early adopter, for sure. But it's good if it's a brand you trust - like I know Nivea and their products work well.

8th April, 2016

I'll take any serum on any trial any day and since I'm currently using the niVea soft skin creme for my body moisterizer I'm a return user of Nivea

8th April, 2016

I love trying new products!! Sometimes products that im a bit iffy about i will wait for reviews but usually I try products as soon as they are on the shelf.

8th April, 2016

I got a 1.5ml sample of this sent to me its amazing have been looking to buy the full size .....would be awesome to be able to trial a full bottle and see what it does to my skin

8th April, 2016

This looks so intriguing. I like how it is blended as you pump it out.

8th April, 2016

Would love to try this new Nivea product! And I'm all for using anti aging products, it looks and sounds very interesting! Usually I like to wait for reviews but since starting a wee little blog I've been feeling like I want to be the first to try something hehe ????

8th April, 2016

I am always on the lookout for the next new thing be that skin care or makeup before reading reviews about them so yes I would be keen to trial this product out since Nivea is a well recognised and trusted brand and I am currently using other skin care products of theirs which I am finding to be great!

8th April, 2016

Love trying new products, just always looking for something that works.

7th April, 2016

I love NIvea - gentle but effective. In my 5os - I am no stranger to a couple of wrinkles! NIVEA Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Replenishing Pearls looks like it would do the trick. I like to do a bit of research first, but if the claims ring true then I'm in for a trial.