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Do you want to trial the new NIVEA product?

4 April, 2016 - 08:37pm by - First Lady | 123 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

There are two types of people in this life.  Those that want to be the first to try, and those that want to wait and read reviews first.  The first type is outside the Apple store 3 days before the latest iPhone is released.  The second kind wait until the reviews are in.

Those that find the new exciting and those that approach new things with trepidation.  For some, trying a brand's latest product is a must-do affair.  Something inside tells them that they simply need to be one of the first to get their mitts on it, before the rest of the world has a chance to.  These people love to be the first to review a product - shaping the launch buzz.  Is it really a must-have, or is it a dud?

And for others, being the first to try a product is a risk.  What if the product is a waste of hard earned money?  What if the product isn't great for your skin?  Why put being first ahead of making an informed decision?

We're putting the brand new-to-market NIVEA Q10 Pearls to the test. The formula contains powerful anti aging ingredients Q10, hyaluronic acid and creatine, to visibly reduces wrinkles and effectively delay the onset of new ones.  

This nifty product contains a pearl formula and a moisturising gel, that are freshly blended as they are pumped out of the tube, activating both ingredients into the final silky smooth anti-wrinkle gel.  The Q10 pearl formula has the highest dosage of Q10 in the entire NIVEA Q10 Plus range. It supports the skin’s own processes by helping the skin produce energy and protect it from harmful free radicals.  The moisturising gel formula with creatine and hyaluronic acid further supports the skin’s energy supply and helps retain moisture, increasing its ability to bind with water

We think it sounds fabulous, but of course, it's not us doing the reviewing!

So tell us beauties - would you rather be the first to try a product or are you more pragmatic and choose to wait for reviews first?  Why do you want to trial the new NIVEA Q10 Pearls?

Get chatting below - we need 60 members to put it to the test, and one of them could be you!

Do you want to trial the new NIVEA product?

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5th April, 2016

I often wait to see what others think of the product, especially if it is expensive, but Nivea is a brand I trust and I would snap up anything new they came out with.

5th April, 2016

I have heard so many great comments about Q10, would love to try it. I love Nivea products

5th April, 2016

I loving trying out new stuff - I am a marketers dream. I am always looking for a product to delay new wrinkles forming, and this product looks fun.

5th April, 2016

NIVEA , the brand gives me confidence to try out any of their new products ! Would love to try this one !

5th April, 2016

Always want to be the first to try! And these look fascinating!

5th April, 2016

I would love to try these pearls, my wrinkles need a lot of help! Nivea is my favourite brand to use.

5th April, 2016

I love trying new products first then you are not swayed by what other people think. Interesting to read what others think of a product you have tried but hey we are all different so need to make up our own minds. Nivea is a great brand, have tried lots of their products and anything that helps reduce the signs of wrinkles...has got to be worth a test run.

5th April, 2016

I love trying new products, nivea products are always good with me ?

5th April, 2016

Both hands up!! Trying new things is great, someone needs to right? These look amazing. I saw the add for the new skin care range the other day and immediately started stalking the supermarket looking for them (creams yes but sadly no pearls :( ). I am at the stage where I definitely need to I vest in so e anti aging products, my skin is showing all of the signs.

5th April, 2016

My wrinkles need some TLC so this new Nivea product sounds great & i would love to try it.

5th April, 2016

Usually will depend on the price of the product, if it is more expensive I will tend to look at feedback of the product whereas if it is a reasonable price I don't mind giving it a go first. I really love Nivea products though and have always had a great experience with them

5th April, 2016

As far as beauty products go, I just love trying new things.The Anti-Wrinkle Serum Pearls seem like an innovative new idea and it would be excellent to try it.

5th April, 2016

I am heading towards the big 4-0 this year and have started to notice the laugh lines around my eyes and forehead (no frown lines for me!) I think this nivea pearl formula is something I should be thinking about trying, to keep me looking youthful for a big longer!

5th April, 2016

I'm a fence sitter sometimes I like to read the reviews first sometimes I don't. It usually depends on the brand. This product looks great. I'm 30 could do with a good anti wrinkle serum

5th April, 2016

I am always after a good moisturiser. I would love to trial a beautiful product. I would give a thorough honest review as always