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Can a perfume change how you feel?

13 February, 2014 - 12:08pm by - First Lady | 51 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie


The scent of a woman is, romantically speaking, very important.  It's in the science books.  Men react to a woman's scent and if you choose the right scent they will be powerless to refuse you. (Ok that's probably not quite true, but it's pretty close to the truth)

You need a scent that reflects who you are without deflecting your man by being overpowering.  And you want a scent that empowers you - that you can spray  on and become the woman you want to be.

We're going to be trialing Elizabeth Arden's Pretty.  Described as "a spirited floral fragrance of exceptional charm. The floral heart is surrounded by a mélange of fruits, wrapped in a well-rounded background of serene woods. At its core is a premiere ingredient, Petalia."

Today we're asking "Can a perfume change how you feel?" - do you have a go-to scent for a particular occassion or need?  If you want to channel your femme fatale and feel sexy do you have a particular go-to fragrance?  How about an important meeting at work, do you have a scent that instantly boosts your confidence?  Can a perfume make you feel pretty when you're having an otherwise drab day?

Get chatting below!



Can a perfume change how you feel?

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4th March, 2014

Absolutely, the perfume I wear makes a huge difference on the way I feel.

If I am wearing a creamy, heavier scent I feel more sexy and confident and I find myself wearing darker clothes and red lips.

If I am wearing a floral or fruity, light scent I want to wear sundresses and have a fresher face and I just feel pretty and girly.

Perfume affects the way I dress, act and feel.

I love it!

4th March, 2014

Definitely. Whenever I put something on, it instantly makes me feel nicer and just can't get enough of how good I smell hehe ^_~

4th March, 2014

Absolutely! I feel 100% more feminine and confident when I wear perfume. My posture improves, my smile widens and I feel alot happier.

4th March, 2014

Seductive, sensual, empowering are the first things that come to mind when i smell a perfume. They define us embedded into our memory's forever the small scent grabbed by the nose when passing someone bring us back to that one powerful moment. Being kissed for the first time, the reminder of a summer fling or the love that got away.....

4th March, 2014

Wearing perfume always makes me feel awesome. I love being able to smell it on me all day and it makes me feel even better when other people compliment me about it!

18th February, 2014

Yes it can change my mood. I have quite a few different fragrances and will wear different smells depending on how I'm feeling or what I'm going to be doing that day.

17th February, 2014

Definitely wear perfume everyday. It's uplifting and makes you feel feminine. I cannot go without perfume. Ha ha when my boyfriend was overseas and before we would Skype, I would still sprayed perfume :-)

15th February, 2014

The right perfume can change how you feel and can make you feel sexy or feminine. Just as the wrong perfume can make you feel like a granny with old scents reminiscent of your grandmas closet!

14th February, 2014

Perfume can definitely change how you feel. I usually choose pleasant and fresh scents to clear my head and put me in a good mood. However, sweet scents and musk's are very nice to feel more sophisticated.

14th February, 2014

It is incredible how a splash on the right scent can make us go from a ho-hum mood to a seductive or sultry hither ;) Happy Valentines Day to you all xx

14th February, 2014

Absolutely!!! Especially if there are good memories involved in the smell! I have two smells that bring me back to good times and my mood can definatly change with a smell of either! I also am a full believer that a woman's outfit is not complete without a beautiful scent!

14th February, 2014

yes de can uplift ya mood make ya feel flirty , sexy or fun :)

14th February, 2014

I completely believe that perfume has the ability to lift my mood if necessary. If I had more money I would have a bigger selection of perfumes and then I would have a scent for every occasion!! Unfortunately I have a habit of always loving limited editions and that only ever ends badly.

14th February, 2014

Without a doubt I love to try new ones to see what suits me and what mood it goes with or occasion. I have my pick me ups to make me feel very special and my I am naughty, happy,cheerful and cheeky ones as well. I also have to be really careful when wearing perfume to work as it could affect my patients but to top it off my husband notices the difference in my perfumes and also now comments on what he likes and doesn't which really helps.

14th February, 2014

absolutley yes!! I love to wear different purfumes for different occasions and just if im feeling in a different kind of mood. For me, some purfumes are apart of very special memories and i love how a scent can bring back such special feelings.