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Can a perfume change how you feel?

13 February, 2014 - 12:08pm by - First Lady | 51 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie


The scent of a woman is, romantically speaking, very important.  It's in the science books.  Men react to a woman's scent and if you choose the right scent they will be powerless to refuse you. (Ok that's probably not quite true, but it's pretty close to the truth)

You need a scent that reflects who you are without deflecting your man by being overpowering.  And you want a scent that empowers you - that you can spray  on and become the woman you want to be.

We're going to be trialing Elizabeth Arden's Pretty.  Described as "a spirited floral fragrance of exceptional charm. The floral heart is surrounded by a mélange of fruits, wrapped in a well-rounded background of serene woods. At its core is a premiere ingredient, Petalia."

Today we're asking "Can a perfume change how you feel?" - do you have a go-to scent for a particular occassion or need?  If you want to channel your femme fatale and feel sexy do you have a particular go-to fragrance?  How about an important meeting at work, do you have a scent that instantly boosts your confidence?  Can a perfume make you feel pretty when you're having an otherwise drab day?

Get chatting below!



Can a perfume change how you feel?

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13th February, 2014

The right perfume does more than change my mood, it boosts my confidence & makes me feel in control! I have a few perfumes that I wear for certain things, running errands, special occasions, feeling sexy, and times where I need that extra oomph at times, its amazing how a spritz of something can truly change how you feel, without perfume I feel semi naked!

13th February, 2014

Oh yes!! It really makes a huge impact on my mood, I LOVE light fresh fragrances that really give me a boost and make me feel happy. Other fragrances that are quite heavy, leave me feeling flat and sometimes icky. When picking my perfume I am definatley picking my mood also!!

13th February, 2014

Yes indeed it can which is why I am selective in the morning and choose a scent to go with the mood of the day. Some perfumes make me feel relaxed and others make me feel energetic and motivated. Others remind me of different things in my life and take me to a different time and place. Each perfume is special and unique

13th February, 2014

I find perfume holds many memories, maybe a loved family member wore a particular scent and when you smell it memories flood back. Fragrance can change the way you feel, a scent that you wore on a special occasion or even one that makes you feel happy and confident.

13th February, 2014

Most definitely... My mood changes makes me feel special and feminine .... Even more of a lift when people say you smell nice or ask what it is you're wearing ..... A daily treat

13th February, 2014

Most definately!!!

13th February, 2014

Absolutely! I have a special perfume which I hate using because it's so expensive but when I do use it the smell instantly makes me feel fantastic inside and out! I actually always wondered about this if it was scientifically proven or not that perfume can change your mood/if it happened to anyone else! Super interesting :)

13th February, 2014

Perfume is one of my great loves in life, it definitely brightens my whole day when I spray something I love the scent of very, very liberally! I definitely use perfume as a pick me up.

13th February, 2014

A male friend once said to me that there's nothing more beautiful than a woman wearing a perfume that reflects who she is. Since becoming a busy mum, the easiest thing to lift my spirits is a spritz of a favourite perfume. When I smell beautiful, I feel beautiful, even if I haven't brushed my hair & I'm still wearing my pyjamas.

13th February, 2014

I certainly think a perfume can change how you feel. I use different perfumes in summer and winter and depending on what mood I'm in or what I'm doing I will use a scent that fits with that.

13th February, 2014

Anyone that's ever been to a gym without proper air conditioning, cooked mince while pregnant or visited an all-guy flat knows the power of a bad smell! On the flip side, the right scent can bring back wonderful memories or help create new ones... I have old perfumes with just a drop left in the bottom that I can't bring myself to throw out because of the nostalgia they stir when I smell them. The right perfume is definitely an important choice for any girl!

13th February, 2014

I definitely think a new perfume can make you feel pretty if nothing else than it's nice to be able to smell the perfume on yourself. Some fragrances just hit a note with me and I know that's the perfect fragrance for me to have. Some will stand out to me as something I like and would buy if I had the money. And the majority are something nice but not something I would buy as it doesn't suit me. A few will stand out as something I dislike the scent of and wouldn't recommend for others. I would love to see if this perfume is one the scents I would wear as a signature scent or one of the ones I would splurge on because it made me feel pretty.

13th February, 2014

I wear Paloma Picasso and the number of comments I get is amazing, it makes me feel more confident. I do change the perfume I wear depending on the occasion/event or what I am doing. Some make me feel lighter, brighter and more summery and then others have an air of mystery about them.

13th February, 2014

TOTALLY!!! wearing a great perfume always puts me in a happy mood :) ooooh this would be awesome to review :)

13th February, 2014

I wish it was magic - it does make me feel complete when I have put on my perfume - I do however often forget! I struggle to find the perfect scent, when I do, I stick with that perfume for quite some time



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