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Can a perfume change how you feel?

13 February, 2014 - 12:08pm by - First Lady | 51 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie


The scent of a woman is, romantically speaking, very important.  It's in the science books.  Men react to a woman's scent and if you choose the right scent they will be powerless to refuse you. (Ok that's probably not quite true, but it's pretty close to the truth)

You need a scent that reflects who you are without deflecting your man by being overpowering.  And you want a scent that empowers you - that you can spray  on and become the woman you want to be.

We're going to be trialing Elizabeth Arden's Pretty.  Described as "a spirited floral fragrance of exceptional charm. The floral heart is surrounded by a mélange of fruits, wrapped in a well-rounded background of serene woods. At its core is a premiere ingredient, Petalia."

Today we're asking "Can a perfume change how you feel?" - do you have a go-to scent for a particular occassion or need?  If you want to channel your femme fatale and feel sexy do you have a particular go-to fragrance?  How about an important meeting at work, do you have a scent that instantly boosts your confidence?  Can a perfume make you feel pretty when you're having an otherwise drab day?

Get chatting below!



Can a perfume change how you feel?

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13th February, 2014

Yes it definitely can! I do not wear perfume often because I don't own one I am love with, I do love a lovely perfume though!

13th February, 2014

It definitely can! I have alot of different perfumes and I choose which one to wear depending on what I am doing and who I am seeing! I never just spray and walk away, I actually think about it first! I love how perfume can make you feel sexy, or cutsey or light, relaxed! Definitely can alter your mood and your look!

13th February, 2014

It for sure can! I have so many perfumes but have a winter one which is a bit heavier and then a summer one which smells all fruity and bouncy and summery. And then I have a weekend one which is more relaxed! I remember when a friend and I were getting ready for the races and he dropped his exxy cologne on the floor. He cried - it was quite sad. I told him his room smelled didn't help the situation!!!

13th February, 2014

Perfume can definitely change your mood, a nice scent can make me feel more confident and sexy! Perfume also brings back memories, on special occasions I wear a certain perfume. When I wear special perfumes it takes me back to that special time and I'm able to be thankful for my blessed life and the people I have around me. Xx

13th February, 2014

..would love a new perfume, recently single and would be great to have a new perfume with no memories attached for a new beginning..

13th February, 2014

Absolutely!! Perfume can change my day from a dreary one to a happy one, in the same way that lighting a scented candle can make everything seem way better than before. xx

13th February, 2014

Definite yes. It makes me feel instantly happier and more put together. I would be so keen to try this perfume too, because I've heard such good things from my family overseas but have never actually smelled it myself.

13th February, 2014

I do think the right perfume can guide your moods. After all smell is one of the 5 senses, so our bodies react to what we smell. Just like a bright red lippy can lift your mood. I don't actually own many purfumes (I borrow my mums hehe) so I'm currently trying to build my collection. I usually like to just use impulse or body spray during the day, and purfumes for going out. I like Mariah Carey Forever. I have heard good comments about Pretty and it was on the list to try

13th February, 2014

I wear perfume every single day. I love how different scents can bring back certain memories or evoke certain emotions. I have scents that make me feel strong and powerful or sexy or just subtley happy. Florals and citrus based perfumes are my favourite and I would love to try the new Elizabeth Arden scent, my mum has such a variety of those perfumes I would love to start my own collection.

13th February, 2014

Absolutely yes for me! I think perfume can change my mood and also reflect how I'm feeling, also the weather can depict which scent I put on - if it's sunny I'll always go for something a bit sweeter :) If I leave the house without putting on a perfume that morning I feel really naked - love my perfumes!!!

13th February, 2014

My perfume sure can influence my mood - how I am feeling on a given day or at a particular time guides what I choose to spritz. That is why choosing a new one can be so difficult. I am sure we have all had that experience where a generous squirt of something that smelled divine in the bottle turns to 'eau de mothballs' on your skin! Hmm, trialling this perfume . . . I think that would make my mood . . . joyful!

13th February, 2014

We relate memories to smell so I think that when I wear certain perfumes it triggers certain emotions

13th February, 2014

Yes definitely. I have my everyday perfumes, and my "knock em dead" ones. They certainly make an impact on my moods, and the same goes for my hubby's colognes; he has certain ones which evoke fond memories, lol

13th February, 2014

Absolutely!!! I have a different perfume for just about everything; work, everyday wear, summer, winter, special occasions, nights with the girls, and nights out with my partner. With one spray I can go from work to play, serious to fun, and night to day. I definitely think different perfumes help to create different identities/moods whether it's fun and flirty, sexy and alluring, fresh and clean or serious and professional - a scent can help define you and make you feel a certain way. I think it can also help to shape others' opinions of you too. Smell is a very powerful sense!

13th February, 2014

For me perfume is like make up, you search and search for the right one and when you find it you wear it with pride. A little spray can change how you feel for the rest of the day. For me when I want to feel powerful or sexy Nicki Minajs Pink Friday has me right on track, when I want to feel more girly and feminine Daisy is a perfect fit. The smell of perfume can bring back memories and moments as it does for me, when I spray any perfume by Britney on Im always reminded of my childhood. So yes I definitely think perfume can change the way you feel and how you feel.



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