image: Dove
Article by BR Fiona
We all know that Dove has been pretty innovative with its media campaigns over the years, with its real beauty campaign including the award winning 'Sketches' video, where forensic artists helped to show women that strangers see us as more beautiful than we see ourselves, well now we have the Dove Patches campaign.
The latest Dove promotional move is described as a 'social experiment' and focuses on a group of American women who suffer from low self esteem. This group of women met with psychologist, Dr Ann Kearney-Cooke and discussed how they felt about themselves, their anxiety about their looks and how it impacts upon their daily lives. They were then 'prescribed' the 'RB-X beauty patch' which they were told was designed to help 'enhance the way women perceive their own beauty', they were instructed to wear them 12 hours a day, every day, for two weeks. During these two weeks the women kept a video diary which documented their feelings and the changes they went through. The video diaries became a visual representation of the changes they experienced with the women describing how much more confident they felt, and more comfortable in their skin, with one women even baring her arms in public for the first time. It wasn't until after the two weeks and they went back to discuss their progress with Dr Kearney-Cooke that they were let in on the little secret…….the patch was nothing but a patch, a placebo.
For Dove this result reinforced their message, that beauty and confidence comes from within and is a state of mind and with 80% of women saying that they suffer some anxiety when it comes to their appearance it would seem that it is a valuable message for all. However, not everyone was as positive about this social experiment as Dove was, with online media and beauty websites such as Fashionista and Huffington Post stating that they felt the women where 'punk'ed' and manipulated by Dove and that Dove should know better.
So which is it, a positive, soul searching, social experiment, or another example of a PR campaign manipulating the public?
This is such a good idea! So many women, young and old, are not confident about their appearance. I always believe that the mind is a powerful thing, and that if you have the right mind set you can do anything! Such an inspirational experiment