Poll posted by BR Natalie
Has there every been such a divisive body part as feet? Whenever a foot theme product is mentioned at BRHQ, the crew are split in two - the ooos and the ewws .
Whilst the ooos are swept away with visions of foot massages, balms and nail polish, the ewws just can't get over the body part - feet. And they're not alone - there's even a Facebook group "I hate feet". But what have feet done to earn the loathing of so many? As a confessed foot hater I'm not going to be speaking logically for the next paragraph ok?
Feet at their worst are, well, eww. Hard skin. Smelly. Yellow nails. Corns. Bunions. Cracked heels. Verrucas. And even 'nice' feet have the worst thing about feet. Toes. TOES. What the heck is wrong with toes? Wriggly, uncoordinated toes. My hate for feet isn't biased, I hate mine equally, probably more than anyone elses. Mine are about as wide as they are long, I have the beginnings of a sixth toe (ok they're Tailors Bunions), I have 4 nails on each foot (my brother cut my little toe nails off giving me the pedicure from hell when I was 10. They never grew back). My feet are the epitome of all that is wrong with feet.
Now writing this I realise I have issues. And also, I've written a very biased piece thus far. So let me do a quick Google and hit you with what's good about feet.
Feet are amazing - Did you know the average person walks 3 miles a day? That 25% of the body's bones are found in the feet? That the average foot is 2 sizes longer when standing up? Here's another foot fact - women are four times more likely to have foot problems than men - when you pair that with the fact that 8 out of 10 women wear shoes that are too small for them, it's not surprising. Which brings us on to the best thing about feet.
Without feet we wouldn't have shoes*...and where would a woman be without her shoes?!
So - when it comes to feet, are you team ooo, or team ewww?
*Yes this is a confusing benefit to having feet. After all the best thing about shoes is that they cover feet. And if we didn't have feet we wouldn't need shoes. But we have feet. And shoes are amazing. Ergo, the best thing about feet is the need for shoes. Shut up, this totally makes sense.
I dont like the look of some peoples feet, like damn wash your toes,more like scrub them disgusting heels lol