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Five Reasons You Need To Declutter Your Makeup Collection

7 July, 2019 - 06:48pm by - Head Pixie | 29 Comments

By BR Amelia

How do I spend a goodly chunk of my 'me' time? Watching YouTubers declutter their makeup. Then rearrange it. There's something so soothing about watching makeup collections being reduced and then reorganised. Not only soothing, but inspiring. My next favourite 'me' time activity? Scrolling through the 'gram searching for beautiful ways to organise my own makeup. Again... soothing, and inspiring. So what's caught my eye of late? Check these pretties out...

(Added bonus: my five top reasons for decluttering and reorganising makeup.)


I think it's the millenial pink that's got me going gaga over this image. That and how compact the collection is. Which brings me to reason NUMBER ONE a declutter is good.

We don't need that much makeup. We only have one face. If it's not your job to review makeup or to apply it to other people's faces, then one could argue buying all the makeup is not necessary. (I can see our resident Head Pixie and makeup maniac, BR Kellie, shaking her head in horror when she reads this... you know it's true, Kellie. You know it's true.)


Number 2:  Following on from 'you only have one face'... Makeup expires. Read this article from BR Nat to find out what expires when. By keeping your collection small and only buying the necessities you'll save yourself a small fortune. (Seriously, next time you declutter calculate how much money you're literally throwing away... it's an eye opener!)


Reason Number 3:  The less you have the better you can put your collection to use. How many Colourpop shadows did I buy when Colourpop first blasted onto the scene? Lots. And lots. How many old, dry and skanky shadows have I just thrown away - most used once? Twice? Lots. And lots.

My point being? When you're working with less you use more. It can even force creativity as you find new ways to create different looks out of the same products.


Number Four:  It forces you to be brutally honest with yourself. How many eyeshadow palettes have you bought that you know aren't really for you and you'll never use? Or that foundation that sits there gathering dust because you hope one day it won't break you out, or will magically stop clinging to your skin's dry patches? A good declutter includes a good reality check. If it's never worked, it's not likely to start working any time soon. Pass it on, donate it, send it to the great rubbish bin in the sky.


Number five:  When your makeup area is organised it frees up brain space. Sounds a bit airy fairy, I know, but it truly does. When your life is tidy it means you've not got that nagging voice in the back of your head reminding you that you need to be tidying, or that you still can't find your favourite concealer because it's hidden in the rubble, and all of a sudden you can use that brain space for more important things... like pondering which M&Ms range is the best.

There you have it... five reasons to declutter and inspirational pics to make you want to. So, do tell... what's your makeup area like? Compact and cute? Over the top and out of control? Are you a hoarder? Or do you regularly declutter? Chat away!



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25th September, 2019

Having children has really reduced the amount of times im wearing make up.

22nd September, 2019

That's so satisfying to look at. I really need to get mine sorted like this!

12th September, 2019

Time for a Spring Clean of my makeup, will try to get two drawers down to one.

9th August, 2019

Time for me to declutter. Just need to make time to do it

7th August, 2019

Does anyone have any recommendations on where to purchase these cute little draw sets in NZ? The ones on the top photo are drawers from Ikea (gosh I wish!) and inserts from US - was hoping to get something a little more local, but not clear plastic?

7th August, 2019

My area is way overdue for a clean and a declutter. Grrrr I'm over the fad that was cleaning my brushes but seriously its become such a chore.

24th July, 2019

I hate giving up makeup or chucking it in the bin..... even after years and years. I feel it just needs me lol! but as of lately ive gotten down to about 3 eyeshadows palettes :P so slowly but surely

24th July, 2019

With Spring just around the corner,it's a good time for me to seriously have a clean out and yes I am a bit of a hoarder.

20th July, 2019

Hubby calls me the ‘ultimate consumer’, I have a buying problem when it comes to beauty products - lol - but I have no decluttering mechanism! I need to beauty hoarder for sure, and seeing how organised the above makeup looks has made me envious ... & a bit more motivated to sort my products out! I better get my A into G!

19th July, 2019

They look so pretty and organised! I think this might be a must have purchase for our new home!

18th July, 2019

This has totally motivated me to declutter!

18th July, 2019

I am a hoarder! I like displaying stuff in my makeup room. I put a sticker label on the ones that has passed expiration date.

15th July, 2019

I could do with a declutter of everything in my home!

15th July, 2019

I just purchased a cheap make up organizer from Aliexpress. Waiting for it to arrive.

14th July, 2019

Amelia, harsh but true. Sadly I have been guilty of buying on a whim, and yes, lucky if it has been used once or twice. I have just recently had a brief look at my collection and managed to convince myself to part with two eye shadow palettes, a slow start, but a start. My next make up purchases will be a lot more considered.

24th July, 2019

I have one that is like a lipstick stand and a container in one! its so handy

24th July, 2019

Im totally with you on that! chuck it all out and start again? lol!

8th August, 2019

Haha yeah Im down sizing but can't afford or bear to part with all of it

24th July, 2019

A label to say when you opened it is actually such a good idea!! then youll know when you should be chucking it away

20th July, 2019

I meant ‘I am a beauty hoarder’ not I need to beauty hoarder.... That’s what happens when you post comments after midnight - lol - typos!

24th July, 2019

Maybe you need to make a youtube video :P hehe

24th July, 2019

Lol, maybe!

21st September, 2019

You can get sets like that at spotlight, storage box, warehouse and Kmart and if you have an uncle bills or similar lol. They are also at our local dollar store here with buttons,cotton, pins etc in them for a cheap price as well so try there.