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10 May, 2015 - 10:46am by - First Lady | 13 Comments

Article by BR Kellie

I can’t lie, when I first heard the words ‘Gluten Free Makeup’ uttered, I had a wee snort. What? Why? It’s not like you eat makeup! Then it occurred to me, we do! Apparently the average woman consumes between four to seven pounds (that’s approximately 1.8 to 3kgs) of lipstick in her life, and for a person with celiac 
disease or gluten sensitivity, well that wouldn’t be ideal. Far from it. 

So is it only lipstick that a person with a gluten allergy or sensitivity needs to avoid? Or does it extend to lotions, hair product, and all makeup? 

It turns out the answer is…maybe. Scientific studies have shown that gluten needs to be ingested in order to cause any problems, so topical application of gluten products won’t have an affect, but there are occasions, such as when a sufferer has skin lesions, that the gluten can be absorbed into the system. However there are sufferers who’ve claimed that applying products containing gluten onto their skin have triggered their condition. 

So what’s a girl to do? Never moisturise again? Never shampoo or condition your hair in case some seeps into your mouth? Avoid foundation for fear that it will somehow make its way down your esophagus? Luckily, you don’t have to go so far as to give up your beauty regime, as there is now a range of companies who’ve created gluten-free makeup and skincare.

Afterglow – All products are gluten-free, and are made in a gluten-free facility.
Ecco Bella – A range of skincare, haircare, makeup and perfume. According to their website, no Ecco Bella product contains gluten or wheat protein.
Flawless Spa Treatment Mineral Cosmetics –  - offer a whole range of gluten free (as well as cruelty free and vegan) makeup. – Gluten-free makeup, and their website has lots of helpful information about their products and philosophy. 

There are other brands out there that offer gluten-free products, such as Dr Hauschka, Bare Minerals, e.l.f, and Murad – however not all their products are, so if you’re determined to be totally gluten-free it’s important to do your research and arm yourself with knowledge. Discover what forms gluten comes in and what their scientific names are. And then? Hit the shops, or the ‘net, for some happy healthy shopping. 

Do you suffer from celiac disease or gluten sensitivity? Have you changed your beauty regime because of this? Are there any other gluten-free products people need to know about? Get talking!


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14th May, 2015

Wow thats interesting! I never thought about it like that until now. My body functions better on gluten free food so maybe Gluten free makeup is my answer too. I don't have Celiac disease but I just function better with it. I must research this more

12th May, 2015

Nice to know that if you are a gluten free person, there is a product out there for you. Never have given it a thought, but now makes sense.

12th May, 2015

Hmm interesting. I don't have gluten problems myself but I would be really interested to see how studies on its affect on the skin.

11th May, 2015

I've heard of them before and had a wee giggle to myself. But I guess this does make sense. I thought that in that case I better share this with my gluten-free friends as I'm not sure that they are aware.

11th May, 2015

Interesting, didn't know about gluten-free makeup.

11th May, 2015

Wow. It never occurred to me that there would even by gluten in make up & creams etc

10th May, 2015

I think it's great that these products have been formulated for those who have a problem with gluten so they can partake in beauty love without worry.

10th May, 2015

This is very interesting. Would never of thought of gluten free make up. My besty has cealic so in going to ask her what make up she uses.

10th May, 2015

This was really interesting! I never even thought of gluten being in make up products

10th May, 2015

Wow, I never even thought of gluten-free products but it's great to know there are some brands available for people who need them!

10th May, 2015

Ahhh... Red Apple Lipstick! I've heard of that brand. What I like is that when you go on their site to look at shades of makeup they show it on fair, medium and dark skin so you can kinda get an idea of how it might look on your skin tone. So many gorgeous shades and all natural. The thing holding me back though is postage, it's really expensive to ship here so for my bank account's good I haven't delved too much into it but I'd love to own some of their makeup one day.

10th May, 2015

I never heard of Gluten Free before. Would love to try it to see if theres a difference.

10th May, 2015

That is really interesting. I don't have any problems with gluten but you are so right about the eating of lipstick. Kinda yuck if you think about it. Also really interesting because I had no idea abou tthese brands too! I feel like these days it is really hard to keep up with all the ingredients etc that you are putting on and in yoour body.

12th May, 2015

Bahahaha Bread and cookies, u crack me up!!

11th May, 2015

I absolutely agree and will be checking in with those I know who this may benefit. Thank you.



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