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Do you go balmy for CLEANSING BALMS?

26 February, 2017 - 10:39pm by - First Lady | 105 Comments

Poll posted by Natalie

My relationship with make-up is love-hate.  Mostly love but occasionally I curse the twenty minutes I spent putting it on.  That happens when I'm taking it off.  I'm not talking about taking off the every-day look that consists of primer, mascara, lipstick and a swirl of bronzer.  I'm talking about the full face, evening look.  Eyeliner that's akin to permanent marker.  24 hour lasting lipsticks that would survive snogging Brad Pitt's face off.  

Some days it's hard to break up with your make-up.

A lot of the trouble with removing make-up comes from using the wrong make-up remover for the job.  (Or relying on a cleanser to do it all!).  Make-up remover wipes are great for light make-up.  Liquid removers will tackle medium-to-heavy coverage - it might take a bit of scrubbing though so you'll want to make sure you're using a soft cloth or cotton pad.  No scrubby flannels!

But if you ask us, the effective way to remove, well, any make-up really, but especially the full face, is also the most luxurious method - the balm cleanser / balm make-up remover.

You simply melt the balm between your fingers and massage over your dry face - even the delicate eye area.  No elbow grease required!  The balm turns into an oil that grabs dirt and grime and make up, making them easy to rinse away. Then using warm water and a soft cloth you wipe the balm (and your makeup) away.

The really, really cool thing about a cleansing balm is that it also hydrates and replenishes your skin, seriously, cleansing becomes moisturisings when you use a balm!  And if you're one of us oily skinned ladies - don't worry, just remember science - like attracts like.  So the oil in the balm removes excess sebum from your skin, without stripping it!

Today's trial product is one of Kellie's favourites - she chose it to put in the Staff Picks Best Beauty Box Ever for one reason.  It makes breaking up with your makeup easy peasy.  A clean break if you will.

Yes, today we're putting the call out for reviewers to put Goodness Break-Up Make-Up Balm to the test!  This balm speaks for itself.  No it really does, here's it's personal ad:

"I’m a slick-quickie at removing all sorts of make-up. With all the goodness of chia seed, coconut and avocado oils, your skin will be oh-so-clean and super soft."

This gorgeous balm is a vegan-friendly, lightweight, make-up remover.  It's full of botanical goodness, no-nonsense included and packed with Goodness' signature ingredient...chia seed oil.

Do you fancy putting it to the test?  Get chatting to us about all things balmy - have you used a cleansing or make-up removing balm before?  If not, how do you usually remove your make up?  How's that going for you?  Why do you want to try this goodie from Goodness?

Get chatting below!


Do you go balmy for CLEANSING BALMS?

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26th April, 2017

I loved using both balms introduced to mensure thru be those were from trilogy and no3. If this is anything as good as the named balms I'm excited to see the reviews or results

16th April, 2017

I'm yet to try a cleansing balm. I have the trilogy one to try. I used to love using coconut oil to remove makeup so I expect it would give similar results?

11th April, 2017

Never tried one sounds interesting

7th April, 2017

This product is nothing short of amazing! It legitimately makes removing makeup so so easy.

1st April, 2017

I'd love to try this brand! My current makeup removing routine is pretty ok although I'd love to try out a cleansing balm since I've never before. I usually use an oil for my eye makeup then a micellar water for the rest of my face which gets rid of my makeup pretty well but then I always feel like I have to cleanse afterwards.

1st April, 2017

I got to try the trilogy one and loved it. Am really interested in this brand too. I think balm cleansers leave your skin feeling so much nicer.

30th March, 2017

I do really want to try a cleansing balm to remove my makeup as right now my makeup removal takes a bit too long and has too many steps to it. At the moment I use eye makeup remover and then I use makeup remover wipes before washing my face. But makeup remover wipes are not very effective I find.

23rd March, 2017

Need to try!!

23rd March, 2017

This sounds super easy to use but have never considered using a balm until now

23rd March, 2017

I've never used a balm but i'd love to - currently i use baby wipes (i know, bad) so an alternative would be great.

23rd March, 2017

I haven't tried a balm - yet! They sound gorgeous, and I've been a bit lazy about taking my make up off lately so this would be just the thing to get me back into it :) I LOVE the chia seed oil from Goodness so I'd really like my first experience with a cleansing balm to be with theirs!

19th March, 2017

Would be interested to give it a go, I've heard of these from the site but mever tried one

16th March, 2017

I've never tried one of these before but they do sound appealing

15th March, 2017

Never used a balm! I'd love to try it, it seems like it'd be good for travelling too in regards to risks of spillage etc.

14th March, 2017

That's awesome that this product moisturizes while cleansing. I've never tried a balm before but have heard good things about this.