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Have you tried this amazing product before?

8 August, 2014 - 01:19pm by - First Lady | 59 Comments


Poll posted by BR Natalie

****This trial opportunity has closed****

So we're bringing you the Beauty Crew's favourite products this week - and they're all looking for trial teams!

I picked my ultimate cosmetic product on Tuesday - the Eye of Horus Goddess Mascara and today I'm sharing one of my favourite skincare products - Trilogy Age Proof Active Enzyme Cleansing Cream.

It's easy to underestimate cleansers.  I mean they're essentially a gentle soap for your face.  They get you clean and then you wash them off so your serums and moisturisers can do the hard work right?  Well that's what I used to think until I discovered this product.

From the first use I was in love with this product.  It says something when you can feel an immediate difference in the the texture of your skin while you're actually rubbing the product in.  It's a cream cleanser so you apply to damp skin, massage in and rinse.  I tend to leave the product sitting on my face for a minute or so before rinsing. 

It removes makeup and daily grime in a pinch - you literally feel the day being washed away and your skin being prepared for the rest of your skincare routine.

Without changing any other products in my skincare routine, since using this cleansing cream my skin has been smooth, blemish free and it's evened out my skin tone.    I have combination skin, I'm pretty oily around my chin and nose, but prone to real dryness on my cheeks. I also have sensitive skin around my eye area, This product doesn't affect either issue, notably my dry skin -  which for a powerful cleanser I'm using daily is pretty amazing!

Other things I love about this product - I love that it's NZ made from a fantastic brand.  Seriously, who hasn't fallen in love with Trilogy?  I love that the power in the product comes from nature - fruit enzymes are the stars of this show.  It lasts forever.  I use this daily and can easily get 16 weeks from the tube, so it makes the product an economical buy too!

Now the eagle eyed member may note that it's from the Age Proof range and I am a woman under 30 (It might only be 57 days under 30, but still).  But my under-eyes are getting darker, smile lines are forming and a brow wrinkle is most definitely becoming a furrow.  However I reckon with this product in my beauty arsenal I might just age gracefully. 

So to sum up - I LOVE Trilogy's Age Proof Active Enzyme Cleansing Cream.  I recommend everyone and anyone gives it a go, just be prepared for never being able to go back to a boring 'just cleans your face' cleanser again!

So what do you think of this Beauty Crew favourite?  Have you tried it and are you as impressed as Natalie?  Or are you suddenly thinking your regular ole cleanser is suddenly inadequate and you need something to boost your skincare routine?

Get chatting below - we might send you one to try!

Have you tried this amazing product before?

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16th August, 2014

I have used a number of Trilogy products and have never been disappointed. Would love to trial this given the opportunity.

16th August, 2014

Ive never used this products before, but have heard great things about trilogy. This product sounds great, and I've never used a dry cleanser before so I am interested in how it works. I've always used water when I cleanse my face

15th August, 2014

I have never tried any of trilogy's products but I have heard amazing reviews about them. Would love to try :D

12th August, 2014

Trilogy never lets me down, so I bet this is no exception! Would love to try!

12th August, 2014

Yes I LOVE this product. By far one of the best cleansers I have ever used!

11th August, 2014

sounds amazing! never too young to start and should always stick with a good brand once you find one!

11th August, 2014

I have never heard of this product but did see it in the Chemist in the weekend. Sounds like this product can do wonders.

10th August, 2014

I am coming to the end of my current cleanser and was wondering what to use next... until now that is. Plus I love the trilogy products I own already.

10th August, 2014

Wow sounds amazing! Love all the trilogy products I've tried so far. New Zealand brand aswell Yay!

10th August, 2014

I haven't tried it, but I would like to. Really need to get a good cleanser in my life. 16 weeks from the tube sounds amazing too!

10th August, 2014

I haven't tried Trilogy before but have heard great things about them - particularly their Rosehip oil, but this product sounds like a dream! I've had trouble finding a cleanser that suits my combination skin - most cleansers are either too harsh, or aren't effective at reducing my excess oil. This product sounds like one that I'll have to try!

10th August, 2014

No I have not tried this product before, but I think it sounds really nice and would love to give it a try one day

10th August, 2014

This sounds amazing! I haven't tried it before but I recently started using the Trilogy Rosehip oil and it's amazing, so I can imagine this cleanser from them to be just as good on the skin. Would loove to give it a go, I have been struggling to find a cleanser that really works for my skin, which is really oily in some places, and dry in others.

10th August, 2014

Never heard of it, I do love the sound of an enzyme cleanser.

10th August, 2014

This may need to be added to my routine. Never to young to start anti-aging