By BR Kellie
How many lippies do you own? Are you happy with one or two? Do you sit in the ten to twenty lipstick owning category – a few in various handbags, on your dresser, tucked away in a drawer. Or do you have a stash that rivals the biggest YouTube beauty gurus? Do most of those lipsticks just lie there never being used? Or do you share the love around? How many are dupes? Do you really need a million billion different or same-ish pops of lip colour?
These questions and a fair few more came up when we saw this post from reddit user itselyse. The make up lover swatched all 97 of her lipsticks and posted the results online along with details of each lipstick. First of all, swatching 97 lipsticks all at once is a crazy amazing feat. She reckons she has tough lips and it was fine, but I’ve seen how painful vloggers’ lips look after swatching a dozen lipsticks in a swatch video, so I’m hoping she balmed herself up good and proper post-swatchathon.
ANYWAY… second of all, what her post got us thinking was… does one person really need 97 lipsticks for themselves? Especially if they’re not a makeup artist. I mean, that’s a lot of lippy. And lippy should really be given the boot after two years. Earlier if it’s gone all dry and manky. Then we did some rough calculations and figured out that if you had 97 lipsticks and you wore a different one every day, each lipstick would only be worn about seven times before it had to go to the great rubbish bin in the sky. Of course this would depend on how much you loved the lipstick. Some would get a lot of love, some would get none or would just be forgotten about and then one sad day you’d have to toss it. Oh the humanity!
So we thought, what about if we set ourselves (and you!) a wee lipstick challenge…
First of all count all the lipsticks and glosses you have in your collection and let us know the number in the comments section. (I paled a bit when I discovered I had 44…)
Secondly, challenge yourself to wear a different one each day until you’ve worn all of them. If you discover one you hate along the way, chuck it, if you have no love for it now chances are you’ll never wear it.
Lastly, post your daily lippy pic on the Photo Wall! Because, well, we love seeing your faces!
I’ll be giving it a whirl – who else is in? xxx
P.S - if you post your lipstick pics to Facebook, IG or Twitter as well, use the hashtage #BRlipstickchallenge !
I don't often wear lipstick and only have about 10, not a patch on 97!