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How do you choose a new hairdresser?

29 May, 2017 - 09:43pm by - First Lady | 10 Comments

Article by BR Tabatha

For anyone who has ever had a bad haircut you would be forgiven for being a little nervous when it comes time for finding a new hairdresser, a decision for many which is more important than who is going to deliver your first baby!

But how do you go about finding a stylist?  Do you go in and pick the cheapest or the most expensive? Do you open the phone book and randomly pick one, do you go down to the local mall, walk into the first salon you see and hope for the best? Or is the call of the "big" salon featured in the latest FQ too irresistable to pass by?

Here at Beauty Review aim to make your life that little bit easier so follow these few simple steps to help avoid that disaster hair cut!

Word of mouth

Ask around! If your colleague, friend, family member or even a random person on the street has a great haircut or colour, first of all tell them, because who doesn’t like to hear that? And secondly ask where they get their hair done! 

Social Media

Love it, hate it, ignore it, social media does have its uses, why not ask people online, check out the media pages of hairdressers you are interested in and let the Social Media force be with you.


Well you guys should certainly understand how reviews work!  Get online, search websites and see what people are saying about the hair dressers in your area! Hopefully this way you can make an informed decision.

But just like the reivews on BR it pays to look at "themes" of what people have said rather than take isolated instances as a overall reflection. So if a salon has 50 reviews and 2 of them are bad, it could just mean a one off speed bump and a disconnect between the stylist and the client, however if the entire review feed is poor well that probably indicates that particular salon has some issues and is best steered away from.

So how do you pick a new stylist and what do you look for?



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7th June, 2017

I'm in this exact situation at the moment. Love my current hair dresser, but I have recently moved towns and cant quite justify driving 3 hours to get my hair done! I love bright colours so I also try to look for one that looks nice and modern. Apart from that I always have a look at BR!!!

1st June, 2017

Word of mouth from people I trust and BR of course! I actually looked at buying a voucher from one of those 1 Day sale places a while back, read reviews on the salon on BR and changed my mind very quickly!!!

30th May, 2017

I wear a very low maintenance haircut because I mainly wear my hair up in braids so I just go for an occasional trim. Because my haircut is very basic I don't bother spending top dollar and just go to one of the cheaper places in the mall. I generally have to sit around and wait so if I see one of the hair dressers mess up someone else's hair (it happened once) I watch to see who they bring out to fix the mistakes and wait for that person to cut my hair. That being said I do think in that one instance, I think it was a problem of miscommunication and unrealistic results between the client and hairdresser. If I was going to get my hair dyed or a fancier hair cut I would go to a better salon.

30th May, 2017

depends on what I'm looking for... I don't like the mall ones, as when I have inquired their pricing structure is confusing and misleading from the shop front. When I moved towns, I didn't have a lot of female friends, but since I wanted to keep the hairstyle I had, I could just pop in and try - no dramatic change, but I got to know the stylist and find if they suited and understood the way I communicated.

Often people in industries get caught up in their own jargon, they forget their customers are not fluent in their terminology, and nor do I want to be.

Also, I have a preference for no-muck-about hairdresser. I don't want nor need my hair cut to take more than 30mins, unless I'm in for a treatment or there is a good reason.

Now that I am back in my home town, I'm back to the stylist who cut my hair growing up. She knows my hair, knows what it can do & sometimes we also play with it.

30th May, 2017

Not by using vouchers. I have found that when you google the salon there maybe reviews which are normally the negative ones that can't be deleted I have placed a few salon reviews on here when I discovered it but I tend to play it safe and stick to the hairdresser.

30th May, 2017

I usually ask friends but it is really hard to find a hairdresser that listens and explains what they think. When I say I don't want a fringe I often end up with a type of fringe -When I tell them the weight of my hair pulls it into a part they often cut it with a part . I would love to go to a hairdresser who listens but then also gives advice -Yet to find.

29th May, 2017

I usually look at reviews online I find that more helpful than word of mouth

29th May, 2017

Definately word of mouth or good old Mr google

29th May, 2017

Usually word of mouth for me - it's the most reliable info about anything in a small town like mine.

29th May, 2017

It's usually someone I know. Otherwise word of mouth.



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