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How even is your skin tone?

4 February, 2014 - 01:26pm by - First Lady | 30 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Hyperpigmentation, or uneven skin tone is caused by too much melanin.  Melanin is what gives our skin (and hair) it's colour, which in turn protects us from UV light. 

Too much melanin is generally caused by one of 3 things

  1. Excessive sun exposure causing dark spots
  2. Hormones.  Melasma or the 'mask of pregnancy' is caused by an influx of hormones.
  3. Scarring - acne is a common cause of facial scarring.

So what can we do to prevent hyperpigmentation?  Do we need to say it again?  Always use SUNSCREEN!  Look after your skin - drink water, don't pick spots and just generally be kind to it!

If it's too late for prevention, then you'll want to seek out a product that evens tone and brightens skin.

Antipodes Apostle Skin Brightening & Tone Correcting Serum is a water-based serum to help target pigmentation, brighten your skin and restore even tone.   It contains local ingredients, including Waiwera mineral-blessed water to help restore essential moisture.

Of course we're going to be putting it to the test - which means we need to find the right candidates to make up the trial team.  We're looking for people that suffer from hyperpigmentation, whatever the cause, and are willing to thoroughly test this product.  We'd love to see before and after pictures and of course - members with a proven history of great review writing will be at the top of the selection pool.

Get chatting below!


How even is your skin tone?

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5th March, 2014

I am patchy. Red and patchy with sunspots and acne scars. Hate it hate it hate it. I always feel I have to wear make up or people constantly say "are you okay? You look ill." Thanks. No this is my real face. Truly.

18th February, 2014

Really keen to read reviews on this, it didn't occur to me until recently that there were probably products out there that could help with pigmentation and possibly evening it out a bit. I have pigmentation towards my temples and under one eye on my face and I think it must be sun damage! It is the only thing I can think it may be even though I have tried to be really careful with sunblock. So really keen to see if there is something that might work and help!

18th February, 2014

My skin isn't terribly bad, it can get blotchy sometimes and my cheeks can get red but overall the condition isn't too bad.

18th February, 2014

I didnt put sunscreen on one day and low and behold I now have a really ugly brown sun spot - no amount of deep facials, peels etc can remove it - would love to try some a lot less abrasive to try get rid of it again. I am 47 and still get adult acne bumpy skin - not great!

18th February, 2014

I have quite a red nose and a few freckles on my cheeks that I would love to get rid of.

I mostly dislike my red nose, and I think this was caused by sun damage as a child. I have yet to look into laser treatment.

I'm not sure if this would fix my red nose, but would love to try!

18th February, 2014

Due to being outdoors a lot I have dark spots starting to form and I am only in my mid 30's :( I also have red cheeks as well

18th February, 2014

I have severe hyper-pigmentation, mostly under my chin, as a result of an auto-immune disease that is treated with massive doses of steroids. These cause acne and scarring and as my skin already has a large does of melanin (I suffer from something called acanthosis nigricans which shows up as hyper pigmentation in skin folds, finger tips, knees etc) I am doubly afflicted. Even my three year old great niece asked me the other day "What's wrong with your chin - did you hurt yourself" so it's fairly obvious. I use concealers to hide it but something that allowed me to feel fresh and make-up free without feeling like a gargoyle would be great!

18th February, 2014

My skin tone just got uneven recently. The T area (forehead and nose) gets more tanned and my pores are really big. I tried using scrub and whitening cream but nothing seems work. Really look forward to trying or reading reviews on this serum.

18th February, 2014

My skin tone is terrible. It always has been! I have acne scarring all over the lower half of my face which people often mistake for current acne as the scars are quite red & as I'm so pale they stand out quite a bit. I also have a lot of sun damage from years of tanning & using minimal sun protection.

I've always used a full coverage foundation to cover up my skin & it would be so nice to be able to fix the problem instead of always covering it up with a mask of make-up

18th February, 2014

Would love all my freckles to join up so I had a tan rather than heaps of the suns kisses, would love to try this and at least they would not stick out so much

18th February, 2014

I suffer from both hyperpigmentation and moles. Hugely frustrating. I've tried almost everything to even it out

18th February, 2014

Can't say I am lucky enough to have even skin tone. I have quite a bit of noticeable acne scarring on my cheeks and chin that nothing seems to take away. The scars are noticeable whilst wearing makeup so would love to try something that might minimise them. If the reviews on this are good for those with scarring, I might just have to try this too.

18th February, 2014

I have sun damage on my forehead and around my eyes, I am so careful now of the sun but unfortunately the damage was done when I was younger, boo!

4th February, 2014

I have acene scars and reddness on my cheeks and chin which don't seem to fade or go away. I am envious of those lucky ladies with perfect skin. I always make sure my face is sun protected and use a facial moisturiser with SPF in it.

4th February, 2014

I suffer from hyper pigmentation. I would say this is due to sun exposure because I don't have acne problems and did not notice it during my pregnancies. Either it is sun or an age thing, perhaps both? When I was a kid there was no emphasis on sunscreen and the ozone layer was not that bad. There has only been more awareness about sunscreen protection in the last 10 years with more superior products available now. If I knew it was that important I would have looked after my skin better in my earlier years. I have tried several products to no avail and it has not disappeared yet. So I would be a keen participant to see what this product can do.