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How even is your skin tone?

4 February, 2014 - 01:26pm by - First Lady | 30 Comments

image: istock

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Hyperpigmentation, or uneven skin tone is caused by too much melanin.  Melanin is what gives our skin (and hair) it's colour, which in turn protects us from UV light. 

Too much melanin is generally caused by one of 3 things

  1. Excessive sun exposure causing dark spots
  2. Hormones.  Melasma or the 'mask of pregnancy' is caused by an influx of hormones.
  3. Scarring - acne is a common cause of facial scarring.

So what can we do to prevent hyperpigmentation?  Do we need to say it again?  Always use SUNSCREEN!  Look after your skin - drink water, don't pick spots and just generally be kind to it!

If it's too late for prevention, then you'll want to seek out a product that evens tone and brightens skin.

Antipodes Apostle Skin Brightening & Tone Correcting Serum is a water-based serum to help target pigmentation, brighten your skin and restore even tone.   It contains local ingredients, including Waiwera mineral-blessed water to help restore essential moisture.

Of course we're going to be putting it to the test - which means we need to find the right candidates to make up the trial team.  We're looking for people that suffer from hyperpigmentation, whatever the cause, and are willing to thoroughly test this product.  We'd love to see before and after pictures and of course - members with a proven history of great review writing will be at the top of the selection pool.

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How even is your skin tone?

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4th February, 2014

My skin is even, but that is because I use Whitening products on my skin which have evened out the tone and made it look much better than previously.

4th February, 2014

I wouldn't say mine is terrible but I do have some scars from acne around my chin and I've got freckles which doesn't give a very even skin tone.

4th February, 2014

My skin tone is not so good, time, sun and most things bad have definitely taken its toll. Red cheeks and nose, sun spots etc, sounds horrible and it is. Luckily we have foundation and concealers to hide the worst of it. This sounds like it would be perfect for me, really keen to get on the trial team, please!

4th February, 2014

Hi, I once forgot to put on sunscreen and have lived to pay the price, dark sun type spots that no beauty therapist has managed to get rid of - would love to try something new so see whether I can get my skin looking all nice and fresh again

4th February, 2014

I suffer from hyperpigmentation from sun damage, the younger me never realised what the sun could do to my skin and I am sorry I never looked after my skin when I was young. I have tried so many products with so many promises and yet I still sit with the pigmentation. I would be soooo happy if I can finally use a product that works!

4th February, 2014

I have scarring from acne, sadly have not been able to get rid of it. I also have red and sometimes blotchy patches on my face, around my cheeks and my nose. Sun damage has also made my skin tone uneven.

4th February, 2014

I would LOVE to try this. My forehead is brown and the rest of my face is 3 shades lighter :( It's embarrassing, looks like I've contoured my forehead too much =/ Lol.

4th February, 2014

Don't get me started on un even skin tone lol. My cheek bones are looking really good, nice and glowing, but then my chin area has loads of blemishes, can't seem to get rid of them blimmin blackheads either grrrrr.

4th February, 2014

two pregnancy masks and some scarring, probably a touch of sun damage too, I am always on the look out for that magic potion to even out my skin... Looking forward to seeing how this one performs xx

4th February, 2014

Sun damage, age spots, freckles, strange spots that I don't even know what they are - that's my face! I'd love to try a product that really works ..... and I'm very interested in the comments of the lady who's tried it and vouches for it - that's good to see.

4th February, 2014

I have patches of darkened skin over my face and I have noticed a patch on my front of shoulder. Was using a shisedo product which i think did help a bit but came back when i ran out of the product. Just been too busy to get back and get some more.

4th February, 2014

Would love to try this. I have redness and a few sum spots.

4th February, 2014

Although I don't suffer from any major hyperpigmentation my skin tone is anything but even, I have always been self-concious of the red tones that naturally come out in my skin around my cheeks. Because of this I rarely go anywhere without some form of product (e.g. BB cream, facial powder) to even out my complexion. I'd be interested to know if this product really can even out your complexion in minor cases

4th February, 2014

I have some tan colored discolorations and redness but overall not too bad. I wear sunscreen daily to avoid having to deal with this.

4th February, 2014

My skin tone is about as even as a banana that's been sitting in the bottom of a kids school bag for a week! Acne scarring around the chin, cheeks and forehead, sun damage around the eyes and on the temples ... I think my upper lip might be the only part of my face that's untouched! Looking forward to reading the reviews on this product - if they're good I'll be getting some!

4th February, 2014

Love the description of your skin. Sounds like mine on a good day.



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