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How many blushers do you own?

8 November, 2015 - 08:45pm by - First Lady | 116 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Before I joined the Beauty Crew I wouldn't have thought of asking anyone this question.  How many blushers do you own?!  

'Who needs more than one?' I would have asked. This photo on the BR photowall would have baffled me.  This is probably because I've always been a little afraid of blusher.  Being one of a ruddy complexion (you know, flushed cheeks that make me look like a daytime drinker...) I steered clear of blush for a long time.  I also kind of thought it was more of an older person's product.

Oh how the times have changed! Now I find myself surrounded by beauties who have shown me that everyone needs at least one blusher in their life.  Some people a few more than that.  Others, well, they seem to collect blusher like I do nude lipstick...BR Superhero kirstyj I am looking at you!

We're putting Za Cheeks Groovy to the test, in the gorgeous shade Glowing Pink.  Cheeks Groovy promises a beautiful, natural finish, a silky-smooth texture and color that blend into the skin.  Glowing Pink has coral tones running through the subtle pink pressed powder, with a very fine golden shimmer.

And we need twenty members to put it to the test! 

So tell us is blush a product where you find the one, and stick with it until you hit pan, or do you chop and change your blusher on a daily basis, depending on the look you want to create?  How often do you shop for blusher, or are you still working through one you've had forever and don't really remember from whence it came?  And the big question - how many blushes do you currently own?

Get chatting below - we might pick you!


How many blushers do you own?

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6th December, 2015

I don't have enough blushes that match my skin tone, most seem to be too warm on my skin.

30th November, 2015

I have JUST finished my fav blusher and haven't had time to go out and get another. I am a pale girl so would love to ramp up my collection a little more

29th November, 2015

I would love to try this blusher, I've had the same one for over 10years so My hand is up. Please.

28th November, 2015

When I was younger I had several blushers on the go at once, some cream, some powder. I got out of the habit of using blusher and have recently started using it again but only have one blusher that I am not totally happy with. I need to be more adventurous and try something new so would love to try Za.

28th November, 2015

I love blushes as they add a bit more colour and shape to the face, so when I find one I like a generally stick with it unless I get given one to try lol :D

28th November, 2015

I have 3. 2 powders and a cream one that just isn't the right shade for me so never wear it. I'd love to get more blushes just don't know how to pick them?

27th November, 2015

I also just have one, still a beginner blush applier haha.. I love blush though don't get me wrong but its a little bit daunting.. No one wants to turn out looking like your embarrassed the whole day :O lol

27th November, 2015

I love blushes and have 14 of them, but always on the lookout for the "perfect" one.

26th November, 2015

Currently own a 3 in 1 blush pack it's lasted ages but they not really the right color of blush so it's a thin layer then more powder to tone it down. I love za products now thanks to beauty reviews beauty boxes

26th November, 2015

I currently have two but not at all confident about using them. I see blush on other girls and think it mostly looks great but I do not really understand what is the best shade to use. Thats the hardest thing I find, still got lots to learn!

26th November, 2015

Love to find a blusher that isn't too pink or too brown. Love to try this

26th November, 2015

Im like Scarlett O'Hara and need a bit of blush to make me look like a naturally flushed eyelash flutterer

26th November, 2015

I love to use a blusher as it highlights my cheek bones and also gives me the finished look.

26th November, 2015

I think that blusher actually brings a youthful look to a lot of people. From my twenties to mid thirties I have always been a bronzer fan. I loved the sun kissed look. However, hubby went out on a huge limb one Christmas and purchased a beauty pack from Revlon that had a crayon type blusher stick. I felt scared to use it as it was really bold. Alas, I have become quite partial to the idea of blusher verses bronzer.

26th November, 2015

Being a pale girl I find it really hard to find the perfect blush. I've spent so much money and have so many blushes (A few I have been talked into buying because they are the perfect blush and then when I try at home when doing my own makeup I end up looking like a clown) Would love to try this blush as it sounds great!