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How many blushers do you own?

8 November, 2015 - 08:45pm by - First Lady | 116 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Before I joined the Beauty Crew I wouldn't have thought of asking anyone this question.  How many blushers do you own?!  

'Who needs more than one?' I would have asked. This photo on the BR photowall would have baffled me.  This is probably because I've always been a little afraid of blusher.  Being one of a ruddy complexion (you know, flushed cheeks that make me look like a daytime drinker...) I steered clear of blush for a long time.  I also kind of thought it was more of an older person's product.

Oh how the times have changed! Now I find myself surrounded by beauties who have shown me that everyone needs at least one blusher in their life.  Some people a few more than that.  Others, well, they seem to collect blusher like I do nude lipstick...BR Superhero kirstyj I am looking at you!

We're putting Za Cheeks Groovy to the test, in the gorgeous shade Glowing Pink.  Cheeks Groovy promises a beautiful, natural finish, a silky-smooth texture and color that blend into the skin.  Glowing Pink has coral tones running through the subtle pink pressed powder, with a very fine golden shimmer.

And we need twenty members to put it to the test! 

So tell us is blush a product where you find the one, and stick with it until you hit pan, or do you chop and change your blusher on a daily basis, depending on the look you want to create?  How often do you shop for blusher, or are you still working through one you've had forever and don't really remember from whence it came?  And the big question - how many blushes do you currently own?

Get chatting below - we might pick you!


How many blushers do you own?

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10th November, 2015

I would love to try out this blusher. I love my blush with a touch of pink. Looks so gorgeous. And something i am sure to love.

10th November, 2015

I'm suuuuper pale so I really love blush to make me look less dead! I only have three, so I'd love to give this a try. I am planning on expanding my collection eventually, when I have the money haha!!

10th November, 2015

I was a one blush girl until recently and now I own 3 blushes. I like to mix it up, some days you are feeling different than others and also nice to have a different one for going out. Definitely going to get some more.

10th November, 2015

I only own 1 bright pink one with a hint of glitter in it from NARS and to be honest it serves its purpose but I often feel its too much for general day use. I know I definitely feel prettier when I wear blush as it adds a bit colour to my face and makes me look a bit younger.

10th November, 2015

I really, really need a new blusher please. I only own one trial size one and its nearly finished.

10th November, 2015

za is a great brand and I have an obsession with blush, I don't feel complete unless is wear it

10th November, 2015

I love a rosey flush on cheeks, I have several favorites in palettes but only own two or three singles. This looks like a beautiful summer shade that would get plenty of use over the next few months in my makeup bag!! xx

10th November, 2015

I don't have any blushes ???? .... I used to but then it ran out after my little Miss got her hands in it a few years back ..... At that stage I didn't wear a lot of make up at all but now I do wear a small amount for work each day but blusher is one of one things whereby I'm not really sure where to start with the colours and what works best etc ..... This might give me a place to start ????

10th November, 2015

While other people probably would say I have too many blushes, I don't. It's my FAVOURITE makeup product, and I like trying different brands, colours, formulas, finishes, etc. ZA is a brand of blush I've never tried!!!!

10th November, 2015

I currently own NONE! But I would really love to trial this!

10th November, 2015

I love blushes :) However, I need some more... I like to keep using the ones I have until I finish it. So currently I only have two sets, but I have been getting more and more into makeup, so I have been thinking I need to branch out and get more :)

10th November, 2015

I think I am actually in fact a blushoholic! Love me some blush! I never leave the house without a bit of blush... I am rather pale so I need my blush to make me look a little less undead!

10th November, 2015

I love a good blusher! I'm currently using a Phoenix brand blusher that I find perfect for winter as its lovely and matte. I'm now on the hunt for my perfect summer blush - ideally one that has a little more pearl effect. I'd love to try the Za Cheeks Groovy on for size!

10th November, 2015

Although I have 3 different blushers & a bronzer that I use as blusher I'm not a huge fan of it... I guess I'm not confident with it so I don't reach for it daily. Every now & again when I'm going out I'll give it a go but I always feel a bit like I have the 80's thing going on.

10th November, 2015

I own one blusher which my daughter bought me. I tend to be lazy and use a lipstick a lot of the time just to give my cheeks some colour. I am still working my way through the blusher that was given to me, the Za one looks nice, I would like to try it to compare with mine.



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