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How often do you wash your hair?

27 September, 2013 - 08:46am by - BR-Queenie | 13 Comments

Image: istockphoto

Article posted by BR Merilyn

When it comes to hair washing where are you on the frequency scale?  Are you a once a day girl without fail? Or does your hair actually look and style better when you leave it a couple of days in between? And while we're on the subject, how many times do you shampoo when you do wash?

Tell us your hair washing patterns and you could find yourself on the trial team to try and report back on the Hydrating Shampoo by Holistic Hair.  This product was developed in New Zealand and is designed to provide nourishment and lasting shine to the hair.

So if this sounds like you, click below and get chatting now!


How often do you wash your hair?

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5th January, 2021

Im working on every third-fourth day because washing my hair tends go to hand in hand with straightening it

8th October, 2013

I usually wash my hair every 2 days but sometimes I wash it everyday depending on the weather. If it's hot I will wash everyday but in winter I can get away with every second day. I only shampoo and condition once every wash. What's the benefit of shampooing more?

8th October, 2013

I wash my hair about every 2-3 days, I find that this keeps it healthier than every day and it also doesn't get so oily.

8th October, 2013

I wash mine every few days, it doesn't seem to get to oily so I can get away with it. I don't like washing it every day as my hair is super frizzy once washed and is a lot more tamer and nice when left for awhile :)

8th October, 2013

I'm working super hard to wash every third day

8th October, 2013

I wash it every second or 3er day. I don't think it's good to wash your hair every day.

8th October, 2013

I wash my hair every second day in summer but I tend to less frequently in colder weather as my hair gets drier. If I washed my hair every day it would not be happy (too dry and frizzy) and it also takes about an hour to dry and style (if I do it properly) and I would rather sleep in for that extra hour.

8th October, 2013

Everyday as I work outdoors.

8th October, 2013

I Only wash once a week. Back when I worked in the industry I "trained" my scalp so to speak to produce less oil so I can get away with it. When I was blonde however, it was twice a week as you could see the oil more in the hair.

8th October, 2013

Every few days, I also use dry shampoo to stretch it further!!

8th October, 2013

I have to do mine every second day or I find the excessive cleaning/water can dry it out even more than it is. My hair doesn't get oily looking so I find I am ok leaving it for every second day.

8th October, 2013

Used to wash daily when hair was longer but now it is short and not getting as dirty I can get away with a few days in between washes. It usually handles better on day 2 with styling and less fly away bits

2nd October, 2013

The longer my hair gets the less I wash it seems to be the case!