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How to DIY Ombre!

8 June, 2014 - 08:45pm by - First Lady | 14 Comments

images: L'Oreal

Article by BR Natalie

It's Ombre week at Beauty Review and we're showcasing L'Oreal Wild Ombre kits. Which got us to thinking - how easy is it to acheive the Ombre look at home?

It seems everyone from Drew Barrymore to Miley Cyrus (before she went for the chop) have rocked the Ombre - and even if it's not for you, we're sure you have to admit, when it's done right, the Ombre is fierce. 

We live in a society of convenience, and DIY home colour kits epitomise hair care convenience.  They also give many the heebie-jeebies.  What if it goes wrong?  What if my hair goes the wrong colour?  Won't they damage my hair?  How can they really compete with a $200 salon colour?  But as a very wise American once said, you have nothing to fear, but fear itself.  If you follow the instructions, achieving a look at home isn't impossible - far from it!

1. Check out L'Oreal's How To Ombre Video on Beauty Review's YouTube channel.  It's all in the brush!

2.  Be realistic.  If you have very dark hair, you're not going to achieve white blonde ends.  Likewise if you have layers of hair colour, the result is not going to match the result on the box! Check out the shades and choose the one for your hair. 

3.  Follow the mixing and application instructions.  Do not leave on for longer than the desired time - your hair will only lighten so much!

4.  Make sure your hair is detangled before applying!

5. Ombre is a graduated look - you want your ends to be lighter than the mid lengths, so always apply from to the ends first.

6. Use the brush horizontally to fully saturate the ends with the product.  Work your way up the shaft, and when you're reaching the point you want your Ombre to start, use the brush vertically.  This will help graduate the product, so you're not left with a blunt line of natural hair and lightened hair.

7. If you want a more delicate Ombre, use the brush vertically through out the application.  Like wise, if you dig the blunt line, use the brush horizontally throughout.

8. Follow the time frame.  Check the colour of your ends when the minimum development time has passed.

9. Bear in mind, you might need to leave it longer - just keep checking the strands every 5 minutes, but don't leave it on for more than 45 minutes!

10. Care for you hair afterwards!  Use the provided conditioner and up your haircare intensity level.  Coloured hair, particularly lightened hair, will benefit from a bit of extra loving!


So there you have it, a 10 step guide to DIY Ombre hair.  So who's game to give this a go?  Chat to us and tell us your Ombre tales.


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22nd July, 2014

I have pitch black hair, although a lot of regrowth in the last few months from not dying my hair through my pregnancy I have decided to go to a professional for the first time after I have baby and get a black ombre. Black on top and it would be a dark Brown not blonde.

What a shame I couldn't DIY this! Would save me A LOT of money. Can't wait to see the results of people who do give this a go!

6th July, 2014

I helped my sister in law today with this product! Amazing quick application

14th June, 2014

As a Hairdresser I see and have a lot of people coming in wanting this ombre look. It is a very low maintenance style but can be tricky to do it yourself as it needs to be blended correctly as it can be easy to get a line between the two/three colours! I would recommend getting it done first time my a professional and then touching up yourself if your into the DIY side of things :)

12th June, 2014

SOOOOOO KEEEEEN! I've been wanting to ombre my hair for so long now! This kit sounds great and less daunting. I'm a student so I can't afford to go to a salon, so I was planning on my buying a blonde box dye and hopefully winging it. Fingers crossed I get on the trial team for this, would love to try it!

11th June, 2014

Love ombre effects but not sure if I would be brave enough to try it myself - also I have black hair so would not be sure if this look would suit me - probably best to go to a salon to get a stylist's opinion and experience.

11th June, 2014

I dont think I would try this DIY ombre. Just leave it to the professionals. Very high chances of not achieving the right look when going DIY (I'm speaking from experience haha).

10th June, 2014

Wow that does look easy. I'm definitely tempted with this but I think I need to try a solid block of color maybe a nice natural chestnut or maroon shade or even just go a few shades lighter or try black blue before I go for two different colors in one go. I would also probably start graduating the color a bit lower than where my chin is since my hair is waist to hip length if I followed the rules to a T two thirds of my hair length would be bleached instead of half or one third.

10th June, 2014

It's awesome that L'Oreal has come out with an easy-to-use home kit for the DIYers among us, can't wait to see the results

10th June, 2014

I love the Ombre look. Ive been growing my hair out for three years now but have decided to chop it all off this sunday. I wonder if it would still look as choice on medium length hair? I just watched the You Tube video and the DIY kit looks super easy to use. Very keen to be reading the reviews on this one :)

9th June, 2014

I want to read review trials. I had Ombre style but my hair was so damaged that I decided cut my hair. Now I have short hair and I would like doing again but in this time I want to use good products.

9th June, 2014

So game for this! ;) Excited that the trial is finally here :)

9th June, 2014

Looking forward to the reviews and results from this kit. I've never dyed my hair...but if I did I think I would try Ombre!

8th June, 2014

I was watching a stylist do the ombre look and they back-combed the sections slightly to graduate the line... haven't done it myself but would try that if I did.

8th June, 2014

I would love to give this a go! It looks simple and easy, ive tried ombre-ing my hair with a normal bleaching pack in the past and it took a while and i was new to it, i got so frustrated with the results that i put a colour in my ends to hide the mistakes i did, i have done it to my mums hair and it looks great!

9th June, 2014

Oooh that's a good tip pintsize! I'm going to be trying this at home so I think I will definitely try this out!!

9th June, 2014

Awesome Seza95, let us know how you get on :)

10th June, 2014

I'm so excited that I think I might borrow my Dad's iPad to make a video for my Youtube Channel on how this trial goes! :)



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