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Is your hair dulling your shine?

10 April, 2014 - 10:31am by - First Lady | 17 Comments


image: Schwarzkopf

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Hair, like skin, looks better when it glows.  Fact.  

The secret to shiny hair is really quite simple - when the cuticles of the hair lie flat they bounce back light rays.  So if it's that simple, why are so many of us lusting after shiny hair instead of having shiny hair?

We've all been there - our makeup has given us the skin of J Lo, our new outfit has made us feel like a superstar and our new shoes have given us the strut of supermodel.  And yet a bad hair day has dulled our shine.

Split ends, frizz and product build up can all make hair look dull. So if you want your hair to shine you need to give it some TLC.  Regular (gentle) brushing, intensive treatments and protecting it from extreme heat should be top of the TLC list.

Our quick top tip to shiny hair is a classic - finish with a cold rinse.  Even 5 seconds under a cold shower stream will add a sheen to your mane!

We've teamed with Schwarzkopf to bring one trial team the chance to test not one, but three products from their Essence Ultime Crystal Shine range.  

The 10 members on this trial team will each try:

Essence Ultime Crystal Shine Shampoo (250ml)

Essence Ultime Crystal Shine Conditioner (250ml)

Essence Ultime Crystal Shine Heat Protection Spray (100ml)

The shampoo and conditioner are made from shine enhancing formula, with liquidised crystals, that smooth the hair surface and restore and boost its ability to shine for millionised reflections. The conditioner leaves hair so soft and smooth, it's 3 times easier to comb.

The Heat Protection Spray is an extreme heat protect formula for up to 220° with liquidised crystals that provides glamour boosted shine, developed with Claudia Schiffer.

So why not tell us - does your hair refuse to shine?  What have you tried to get that polished look?  Or maybe you have the glossy hair so many lust after, in which case - what's your secret?!






Is your hair dulling your shine?

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17th April, 2014

My hair looks dull and dry at the moment, these sound grear

17th April, 2014

I always thought having brown hair would immediately equal glossy locks. Turns out that's not the case and I've been blessed with poo brown locks that shine as much as a mud puddle. The only time it looks glossy is after I've been to a hairdresser and they've fancied it up with product and straighteners. When I try the same thing at home I end up with the same dull hair, only flatter. I dunno, the whole shiny hair thing remains a mystery to me ...

10th April, 2014

These products sound amazing! The only time my hair ever seems to shine is straight from the salon.

10th April, 2014

No naturally shiny locks for me, sadly. Using my L'Oreal serum helps a bit, as does the occasional ACV rinse, but overall it's not how I'd like it to be. These products sounds awesome - I'd love to be able to describe my hair as "crystal shining"!

10th April, 2014

It would be bad if I didn't use good products. I use professional shampoo, conditioner and serums, heat protectors. I love soft silky hair not dry dull hair. I am known for my hair, if only people knew how crappy it would be without good products.

10th April, 2014

Really want to try these out ! anything to keep my hair looking shiny and healthy i really want my hair to be long and in good condition for my ball that is coming up next month. plus i never do my hair without using a heat protextant first and would love to try out something new ! especially with having curly hair that i will usually style using heat , and curly hair is the hairy that dries out the most !

10th April, 2014

When I was younger, I had great hair. Poker straight, fine but voluminous, shiny as heck, to my waist.

Then Puberty. Now my hair is thick, coarse, and wavy. It holds a curl, it's holds straightening....but it never looks nice and shiny. It also frizzed to high heaven. Maybe I'm just too lazy about it ^^

10th April, 2014

..Ahh this sounds amazing! My daughters hair is so amazingly soft and shiny, trying to get it look and feel the same as her's has proven to be a mission! It doesn't help that i am always playing with my, curlers, rollers, straighteners and all the mousses, gels and sprays to hold up a vintage do. So on a lazy day or a busy one my hair just looks dull and lifeless so up it goes into a bun or ponytail what ever makes me forget about it. If this product proved to do would it says i could maybe have my hair out every now and then :) would be nice, think i have forgotten what that looks like haha!..

10th April, 2014

My hair lacks sheen most days, luckily it looks healthy anyways. I get the most sheen from using my Instyler and straightening it but if I do that daily or every other day it eventually stops producing as much sheen as it did originally.... there's got to be a better way.

10th April, 2014

My hair defiantly lacks shine most blondes tend to but Claudia's mane looks fabulously shiny maybe this is a miracle product. The liquidised crystals do sound amazing :)

10th April, 2014

My hair seems to be more shiny when straight but it's still depressingly dull. These products sound amazing, I wonder if they work well for coloured hair?

10th April, 2014

My hair is in terrible shape, mostly because I have not been using the right products (bad I know). Crystal shining hair sounds fabulous!!

10th April, 2014

I find it difficult to navigate the balance between keeping flat hair full of volume but also shiny! I particularly love the sound of the heat protectant with crystals!

10th April, 2014

I used to do a cold rinse when I showered in the morning, bit of a wake up. Now I only get time to shower and night and I hate that blast of cold water :(

10th April, 2014

I have no idea how to get my hair shiny. Its long, thick, blonde (coloured!) but irritatingly DULL! If my hair looked like Claudia's, I would feel like a model haha