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Looking to Extend the Life of Your Regrowth?

5 July, 2023 - 01:04pm by - First Lady | 38 Comments

poll posted by BR Natalie

Who doesn't love that freshly coloured hair vibe?  You feel like a new woman - beautiful, confident and hot.

Fast forward five weeks and chances are your starting the 'hide the roots' game.  Maybe you change your parting or try to distract from the regrowth with cute accessories like headbands or head scarves.  Or maybe you just give in, pull your hair back in to a pony tail and there it remains until the next salon visit.

There are two types of hair colourers - those that religiously stay on top of their regrowth, having a standing appointment at the salon; and those that leave the salon with the promise of "I'll book in nearer the time".  If you're the second type, come on, 'fess up, you know you won't book in at 6 weeks, or even 8 weeks.  For whatever reason, be it time or money or other, you will push your regrowth to the max, until you absolutely have to have it coloured for fear of being mistaken for a wildling.

Well the latest trial product at BRHQ will easily let you extend the life of your hair colour - Clairol Root Touch-Up.

Clairol Root Touch Up gives your hair colour a mid colour-cycle boost, covering roots and greys when used between regular colourings. The targeted Root Crème works in just 10 minutes and with a blend of tones, matches leading shades and even salon colour!

The included precision brush makes it easy to banish your root line with just a ten minute touch-up of permanent colour. 

If you'd like a spot on this Trial Team, take THIS quick survey to tell us what shade you'd most like to review!



Looking to Extend the Life of Your Regrowth?

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12th July, 2023

My greys pop up all over the show so I think it would be hard to target them with this product

11th July, 2023

My hair is red and they never do these kind of products in any shade of red.

11th July, 2023

I am the worst at hair upkeep - the time commitment really puts me off as I don't have a few hours to spare at the salon every few weeks. I'd love to try something quick and east at home to help cover my roots.

10th July, 2023

Definitely keen to try the ash blonde colour! Thank you!

10th July, 2023

Yes please, This is definitely me after only around a week after a haircolour! So frustrating!

9th July, 2023

As someone that dyes my hair every 6 weeks, I would LOVE to try this - it would be amazing to find something that would mean I don’t have to do an all over dye and would save so much time (and my hair!)

8th July, 2023

Not for me as my was recently done but looking forward to reading the reviews

7th July, 2023

Yes I’d be up for this trial. I colour my own hair as regrown shows the greys after about 3 weeks. Currently I use a spray to cover which works well but means I need to redo each wash. The root cream sounds a great way to extend in between colours.

7th July, 2023

I'm only 32 and I've been "blessed" with greys since HIGH SCHOOL! So by now, they're really bad. My greys are pretty stubborn too and I find box dye to be the only thing strong enough to cover them - salon colour just makes them translucent. I would love to give this product a try. I think my greys would really put it to the test haha. I would probably best match Dark Brown if that's an option, otherwise Medium Brown would probably work too.

7th July, 2023

I gave up on salons as too expensive for the constant upkeep lol. Don't know if it's because I'm older now but this grey hair comes back so much faster ahhhh.

7th July, 2023

This is totally me!!!! I can’t keep up with the salon…both time and expense are getting too much. I definitely need a better solution and this sounds perfect

6th July, 2023

Interesting looking forward to seeing the reviews of this product, i don't dye my hair yet.

6th July, 2023

My kids and husband keep asking when I will paint my hair again I look and feel so old and washed out

6th July, 2023

it costs so much to see a hairdresser every 6 weeks to touch up the greys. This sounds like an interesting product to try!

6th July, 2023

I hate seeing my white roots and have tried some of the temporary root products but I have not liked the feel of them on my hair so this would be an interesting product to trial.



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