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Phoenix Mystery Shopper Exposé

12 October, 2014 - 08:43pm by - First Lady | 26 Comments

Article posted by BR Natalie

Question answered by BR Member Skingeek

Being one of our three Superheroes has some perks. The most enviable (other than the cape) has to be the chance to mystery shop a beauty counter, salon or shop.  Oh yes, we give our Superheroes some spending money and send them undercover to get the scoop.

We sent Skingeek, aka, the lovely Kathryn, to Phoenix Cosmetics in Ponsonby - here's how she got on! 

What was the assignment you were given?

To book in at Phoenix cosmetics to have on of their custom foundation blended, and matched with a concealer for my skin type and colour.

Describe your first impressions when you walked into the store?

I walk up to a really cute old Villa, inside, it's pink and smells like peppermint candy! Then, Hello...? There's one lady here and she's with a client. I'm standing there, feeling a little awkward for a wee while before she acknowledges me with "Do you have an appointment?" I understand that she's busy, but there's no "Hello", or "Good afternoon", I just kinda felt unwelcome.. I also felt a little awkward because there was one very smell, decorative looking chair in the front room. Should I sit? She didn't tell me to sit.. What do I do? Am I allowed to go and get a magazine? I was early for my appointment, but I felt uncomfortable.

The room itself was very pretty, there was lots of make-up on display, and the beautiful crystal chandeliers light the room, bouncing off the gold framed mirrors. It really is very, VERY pretty.

What questions did they ask you before commencing your consultation?

If I preferred dewy or matte finishes.

Describe what happened during your consultation. Talk about the environment, how you felt during the appointment, your consultant’s attitude:

When she was finished with her client, she asked me why I was here. Her response was "Oh? Only a foundation blend? I have one client before you but that will only take fifteen minutes". That made me feel awkward because I was early and didn't want to jump the line, but she insisted. She said it right in front of the client who was booked before me, and I felt bad. I wasn't sure if she was really okay with it or not, because of course she wasn't going to say "No".

She didn't introduce herself, I had to ask her name, and I felt like she was really rushing me out. The phone kept ringing and she made a couple of remarks on that, she clearly wasn't having the best day. She wasn't unpleasant, but obviously just stressed and really busy, but the whole "just a foundation?" etc attitude made me feel really unimportant, and like she was trying to rush me out.

I was asked one question, and wasn't given a seat. I stood at the counter while she mixed, and occasionally dabbed on my face. She made a few comments about how pale my skin is, and how she would have to add more lightener. When she asked me if I preferred dewy or matte, she was out of stock of the dewy. That was fine, I was okay with Matte, but it just made me realise she hasn't checked her stock levels. I work in a clinic, and have worked in a salon environment my entire professional life, and it was quite surprising to see this during a consultation.

How experienced/professional did you think they were?

She was a nice girl, but she was obviously very stressed and very busy. I felt sorry for her being alone in the salon, and she clearly was not coping. Having said that, I came home with a beautiful foundation, which matched my skin colour very, very well. The finish is gorgeous, and she spend a bit of time adding in lightener to get the shade right, so she knew what she was doing, and despite clearly being stressed, she cared about the end product, and explained to me that if I needed to lighten it more or warm it up I had two weeks to do so at no cost.

What did you like about your experience?

I was introduced to a gorgeous make-up line which I had never used or heard of before (I though Phoenix was beauty therapy). When I paid, she entered me into the system, and noted down on my file which shades/colours were used for my blend, so I could come back any time and have it re-made (which I will definitely do!)

Anything you didn’t like?

I wasn't "unhappy" but I felt rushed at first, and didn't feel it was a warm, welcoming environment. I wasn't made comfortable or spoken to and if she had been less stressed, it would have been a much more pleasant experience.

Were you happy with the outcome from your experience?

I have two, beautiful new products and got to discover a whole new range, so yes, very! The foundation is lovely and looks gorgeous on, and it's not greasy and doesn't slide down my face!

Would you visit this place again, if you were paying for it yourself?

Yes. I love the make-up

Would you recommend this experience to a friend?

For the make-up, yes, You pay the same as you would for a foundation at a decent department store or counter, but it matches perfectly.

What products did you buy with your spending money? I purchased my custom blend foundation, and an undereye cream concealer which my consultant recommended.

Is there anything else would you like to add?

I hate that this sounds so negative! She made a great foundation and she was really nice, just stressy! She was obviously just very rushed and very busy. This has really made me think about how I may come across to clients when I am busy in clinic. I will make sure they never feel rushed or unimportant!

So there we have it - another Superhero Mystery Shop - big thanks to the lovely Kathryn for going undercover for us! 


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9th February, 2015

That's a shame about the service but the idea of custom blended foundation sounds amazing!

16th October, 2014

I don't use anything but Phoenix Custom Blend Foundation - in fact almost the majority of make up I have is from there. Haha. You just can't beat a foundation perfectly matched to your skin and knowing me, I would've been walking around for years with terrible foundation and not had a clue. Haha.

I really hope that you go back and try their other services because I've never had a bad customer service experience there before. They're always so lovely and welcoming. And I've never seen one staff member in at one time so it does sound like she would've been abnormally rushed. :/

16th October, 2014

Wow, I'd be interested in this, can I ask how much it cost for the consult and foundation?

16th October, 2014

I love Phoenix! Those girls are masters of their art.

I'll happily pay their more expensive prices for eyebrow shaping and eyelash extensions. I had a run of 3 extensions in a row, and my natural eyelashes felt in great condition after the false ones were removed.. so they obviously care about what products they use.

I tried a sample of the custom blend foundation, and unfortunately my skin reacted to it so it was a no go (I react to oil free foundations). I'm glad that she let me try a sample on my face or it would have been a costly mistake.. it was actually her suggestion. So jealous of anyone who can wear their custom blend!!

16th October, 2014

I love Phoenix cosmetics and ALWAYS go to them to get my make-up done professionally. I live in Hamilton and have always found their service excellent, the ladies lovely and very helpful. I was even offered a free make-up session for my birthday one year. Their custom blend foundation is amazing - I know exactly what Skingeek means when she says it doesn't 'slide down her face' - the finish is flawless and it's very long-lasting. I definitely wouldn't let this one lady's stressed out mood put you off, this really is an awesome brand of cosmetics and the service is usually fabulous - an off-day I'm sure!

16th October, 2014

What a fabulous idea making a foundation to personally suit a client. Very disappointing that you were made to feel anxious as it sounded like it would be a fascinating experience. I would love to know how the foundation performed during the day....did it stay in place all day, light, medium, heavy coverage etc. Maybe give the company feedback via an email perhaps explaining your experience would have been more relaxed if there was another person there, because lets face it, you are helping to pay the staff salaries in the long run.

16th October, 2014

I never knew there was a place that did this ! Sounds awesome but the customer service is a bit of a downside. Thanks for a great read

16th October, 2014

What a awesome sounding service, its a shame though that the service was as it was as when you are having something like that done you want it to be relaxing and pleasant. I hope feedback is given back to them. Fantastic review, and now I must investigate and see if anyone provides such a service in Invercargill!

16th October, 2014

I also didn't know custom foundation was a possibility! I'm going to see if there's anywhere in CHCH that does this. Definitely a shame about the service. Though I can understand the feeling of being a bit stressed. It's also made me think about how I could come across at work. I work in a busy trade/retail Hardware merchant & can be very busy at times. From reading this I realise there have been times where I may have come across a bit impatient or unwelcoming. I will be keeping this in mind for the future. Very happy you have found an amazing product!

13th October, 2014

We have one of these stores ouy in Pukekohe which I to try when im next looking for a foundation. Great products I hear but a little disappointing on ferlig rushed.

13th October, 2014

Sorry you had to experience her under pressure. I think sometimes we bounce off other peoples emotions and it would have affected your experience. But how awesome is custom blending!!! I had no idea this was available!! Thank you for your review!

13th October, 2014

I love that you have been so honest and haven't tried to play down your experience for the sake of the review- I have issues with not being welcomed into retail stores and it makes me not want to go back! Phoenix in Takapuna is fab and I've always felt really welcome there!

13th October, 2014

Ooo I hate it when I go to a salon or the hairdressors and they don't acknowledge me or brush me off and I'm just standing there really awkward. I'm glad you found a nice new foundation though! But

13th October, 2014

Fab review! I love Phoenix - skilled technicians and great products - but definitely have felt the "rushed" feeling in their before. They definitely need to look at employing more staff!

13th October, 2014

Im guessing Phoenix is only in Auckland :(

16th October, 2014

Kyliemaree - There are 11 stores all around New Zealand. I thought it was just in Auckland too until I was on holiday in Chch and needed a desperate foundation top up. Haha. You should double check to see if there is one close!

16th October, 2014

Phoenix Cosmetics is in Christchurch as well! I was so relieved when I was visiting family down there and my niece tipped out all my Custom Blend foundation to find out they are there in the Colombo centre with my perfect match on file!