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Remington iLight Pro’s: A Hair Razing Tale – Pt2

31 December, 2014 - 09:10pm by - First Lady | 14 Comments

Blog post by BR Hero Kellie

Eyebrows.  They’re funny things.  They sit above your eyes, seemingly useless.  I like to think they’re there for the very helpful task of keeping horizontal rain from getting in our peepers, but part of me wonders if they’re actually there to simply make us look good.  I mean a well-groomed pair of eyebrows is a truly beautiful sight to behold. 

My brows remained ungroomed until I was 16, when a wonderful lady I babysat for sat me down and plucked them for me before my 6th form ball.  Much like the Remington i-Light Pro, it didn’t really hurt as much as I’d expected.  Although funnily enough, I do find plucking does in fact hurt more than the almost-pleasurable Level 3 zaps from the iLight Pro.  Who’d have guessed?

Note:  You cannot use the iLight Pro on your eyebrows.  You will potentially do something terrible to yours eyes, and we can’t have that now, can we?

But the thing about eyebrow hair, as with all hair, is that it likes to grow back.  And so 19 years later, I’m still plucking my darn brows, albeit sporadically, and only when I gaze into the mirror and have an ‘oh my giddy aunt, what are those beetles doing on my face!’ moment.

Anyway, back to the Remington iLight Pro.  It’s been a week now since I zip zapped myself.  Here are the pictures of my armpits and leg hair, before and after:


Are you seeing what I’m seeing?  There is hair growing!!!!  Lots of it!!!  And it seems to be growing faster than ever?  What is happening?  Why am I not a bald-pitted bald-legged smooth skinned princess??!

I won’t apologise for all the exclamation marks, because it’s the only way to sum up the panic I felt when I first noticed those black prickles making their way through my skin’s surface.  It wasn’t working!  But…. it had to work!  This is a quality piece of machinery, and I tick all the fair-skinned dark-haired boxes, which should ensure success.  Talk about panic at my disco!  I quickly raced to the instruction booklet …. And BREATHE … this is all very normal.

Apparently you won’t see the hair start to fall out until around two weeks, and it’s only been a week, and according to the booklet what I’m seeing is not new hair, it’s just the old hair being ‘pushed out’ of the now destroyed* hair follicle, and if I just give it a few weeks I should see the smooth-skinned results I long for … and oh would you look at that, everything is ok, this is just a time thing, I’m not doing anything wrong, the machine is fine … and my pulse is returning to its normal medium-to-quick trot.  Phew.

So it’s Week 2, and there’s nothing much to see here.  Although, I’ve started to stroke my leg hair lovingly, as if I’m saying a kind and moving goodbye to each individual strand.  Now if only I could do that to those darn eyebrows …

Next week, I’m zipping and zapping again, and doing so on the uncharted territory of Level 4!  And hopefully I’ll be able to regal you with tales of finding random centimeter long hairs strewn about the house.

*Is it terrible that I really love the term ‘destroyed’?  It feels so wonderfully final.



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11th January, 2015

Such a good read thank you will be looking for the next update

11th January, 2015

Love your reviews! Looking forward to the next one! I really want this machine to work because I want there to actually exist a definitive way of epilating that's not going to break the bank.

10th January, 2015

Love reading your blog. Even though there was nothing to talk about in week 2 but you seemed to succeed keeping us all entertained with your review :)

7th January, 2015

You crack me up Kellie!

7th January, 2015

haha so funny, hopefully we won't see a review where you start to plait your leg hair :) perhaps you could rent the i-light pro to some of us? we could take turns seeing if our hair spouts forth more or actually starts to disappear. lol.

7th January, 2015

Another fab review! You're such a talented writer! I can't wait to get to the next episode, fingers crossed for random hair fall :)

7th January, 2015

Looking forward to the end results. Then we all need to find a site that has wonderful discounts on these amazing machines!!!

5th January, 2015

You have an amazing way with words Kellie, such a good read, looking forward to your next weeks one! :)

5th January, 2015

Love your review! It's so fun to read, keep it up!

5th January, 2015

Great article Kellie. I'm looking forward to the next update on the process.

2nd January, 2015

I loved reading your review :) very informative

2nd January, 2015

I don't think I have ever been this enthralled with another persons hair removal (apart from the clip from the 40 year old virgin movie lol), I really feel like I am right there with you tasering those hairs

1st January, 2015

Can't wait to read the next update!

1st January, 2015

I completely lost it when you said you were stroking your leg hair. Fiance is looking at me like I am mad. I cannot wait for week 3! (Maybe I am mad, excited about a woman I don't know electrocuting her body hair!)

1st January, 2015

'Electrocuting her body hair'!!! I've never really thought about it like that, but it's totally what I'm doing - love it!!!