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Schick Intuition Pure Nourishment - Our review of the month

19 November, 2013 - 03:19pm by - First Lady | 13 Comments

Review by BR member karspaul.

Handiest razor... EVER!!

I am a terrible shaver, I am permanently nicking my ankles, knees and behind my knees. I also get a rash every time I shave, so I tend to let the legs get quite hairy. When I found out I was doing a product testing, and received the razor three days before my birthday I decided I was going to get as hairy as possible and really test this out while getting myself all prettied up for my night out. Boy, did I have no clue.

My friend called me the day before my birthday and told me that she had booked us in for a spray tan after work, with the final words "I hope you are shaved before we go get sprayed" Errrrrmmmm.... no, that was not my plan. Buuuuuut... I did still have the razor on my desk at work.

So off I pop to the ladies loo with my gym towel and the razor. Best time I have ever had in the ladies loo!! For reals!

I just soaked a corner of my gym towel in hot water, ran it over my legs, and then used the razor with a wipe again of the towel afterwards. Cleanest, smoothest and softest shave. I didn't get a rash, and it was handy to have for such an "emergency".

If the soap around the blades didn't stick with hair then I would possibly consider keeping it permanently in my hand bag. The smell was pleasant, I felt fresh, and there was practically no soap residue after each swipe. I'm converted, I might actually start to enjoy shaving.

Tips: Ladies, keep one handy for those camping trips.



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22nd November, 2013

Gotta love a practical example! I use this razor and love it.

22nd November, 2013

Gotta love a practical example! I use this razor and love it.

22nd November, 2013

Can see why this review got mention! Hilarious

21st November, 2013

I know how she feels when she freaked out about not shaving before spray tan ! such a hassle for me !

21st November, 2013

Hahaha hilarious !

19th November, 2013

Love this! Such an awesome review. Really makes me wanna buy one now.

19th November, 2013

Funny review, just might have to buy one now!

19th November, 2013

Great review and tip! - actually would be so handy camping etc - less bulk :D

19th November, 2013

I have used this razor since the first day it came out and is the best razor ever. Even though pricey it's totally worth it and lasts a while too.

19th November, 2013

Great review and sounds like an awesome razor!

19th November, 2013

Great review, going to buy one

19th November, 2013

Hahahahahaha! Love it! I can imagine if I did this in the ladies loo at my work I'd get some strange looks from people if anyone walked in!

19th November, 2013

what an awesome review!!



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