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The Hairstyle That's Blowing Up!

1 September, 2023 - 06:30am by - Head Pixie | 15 Comments

by BR Kellie

There's no denying that I'm bonkers for a bob. While I'm the laziest lass in the world when it comes to getting my hair done on the regular, when I do finally sit in my hairdresser's chair, you can bet I'm bobbing it. I love that a bob can be long enough that it can be tied back, yet short enough to look super chic. I've had blunt bobs, shaggy bobs, layered bobs, and - thanks to genetics - a curly bob. One bob I've not had (nor heard of) that's taking the bob-loving babes by storm? The bubble bob. So what is the bubble bob, is it easy to maintain, and how do we ask for one? Read on...

What is the bubble bob?

As you may have guessed the name "bubble bob" has a lot to do with the shape of the bob, which is rounded, with a goodly amount of volume, and ends that tun under. As all good bobs are, it's a versatile look, and can be cut from the length of your jaw, to around halfway between your jaw and shoulders.

Is it easy to style?

The most important aspect of styling the bubble bob is ensuring you've volume at the roots and body in the hair. You'll also need to make it super smooth and silky looking. For this, take a volumising mousse to damp hair, massage it through, then set to with a big round brush and a hair dryer, focusing on gaining height at the crown while creating a curved look through the lengths, with the tips of your hair flicking inwards. If you struggle to get your ends to turn inwards, you can always use your straighteners to direct the ends into place. Lastly, a little smoothing serum and perhaps a spritz of hairspray will keep everything looking glossy and in place.

Is the bubble bob for me?

If you've got the length to have it cut, then yes. Okay, I'm being glib, but I'm also not wrong. The bubble bob is long enough that it'll suit most face shapes. However, while it can look super cute on those who've wavy hair, if you've got a serious case of the curls, you'll have to be prepared to put in the work when it comes to styling. Also, if you've bobbed your hair before and found it wasn't for you, I'd skip by this trend. There's no point putting yourself through the growing out process for a style you know isn't your cup of tea.

How do I ask my hairdresser for one?

My first advice is to find a picture of the style on the internet and present it to your hairdresser. This has always worked well for me because if I were to say "I'd like a bubble bob, which has volume at the top, and is rounded at the sides and flicky, but curved underneath", there's a good chance I'd come out with an 80s bowl cut. That being said, if you ask for a bubble bob and explain that it's a bob that has volume, a rounded look through the length, perhaps invisible layers to create said volume, not to mention ends that flick inwards, and can be cut in a graduated way or... You know what? Don't even try. Just google "bubble bob", take the picture to your salon and prepare to walk out feeling like you're floating on air... 

So, my beauties, the big question is...

Are you a fan of the bubble bob? Can you see why this look is blowing up? Or would you like to pop it?

Chat below!



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12th November, 2023

I've just had a hair cut I had to my hair was breaking off and so damaged. Still is but it's looks better I wonder if I have a long bob now a lob haha

10th November, 2023

Very cute but my curls would be a nightmare to work with if I went for a cut like this.

8th November, 2023

Love the thought but don’t think I could style this daily due to the wavy nature of my hair

5th October, 2023

I have always loved a bob but seem to get my hair to a certain length and get it cut short, I haven't really got the patience to grow it long enough

4th October, 2023

I love this look but am way too lazy! Having perfectly straight fine haur the idea of having to style it every morning sounds exhausting! I enjoy how little I have to do a bit too much I think!

27th September, 2023

I love it on other people, but it's not for me. I tried it for a year or so, but my hair's way too thick and curly. That was one labour-intensive hair do! And even when I got it nice and smooth, I'm not sure it really suited my face anyway.

24th September, 2023

My hairdresser friends often say they really enjoy cutting bob styles. I’ll be keeping my length for now though.

15th September, 2023

I wish I could get any sort of volume into my hair.

11th September, 2023

Cute style don't think it would suit me though

9th September, 2023

I think it would look good on some people but not me.

5th September, 2023

Looks amazing, super classy. I would love to be able to rock a style like this but my postpartum new baby hairs and frizz just wouldn't give me this look unfortunately xx

5th September, 2023

It looks ok....not sure it's for me

5th September, 2023

Looks very girly and yes I do like this style

5th September, 2023

It looks like work to me! It looks nice but possibly fussy to keep it looking good.

4th September, 2023

Looks like a fun hair style, I do like those haircuts as they're versatile.

6th September, 2023

I am not so keen on the heavy fring but love the overall look.

6th September, 2023

Depends on the face shape for the chunky bob

7th September, 2023

True AboutFace. If you have a high forehead it would work well.