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Multi Masking - The Skincare Trend You Need To Try!

18 September, 2016 - 07:50pm by - First Lady | 11 Comments


By BR Amelia

After a long day or a big night, there’s nothing quite like popping on a mask, sitting back with a book and relaxing, while the goodness of your mask of choice gets to work pampering your skin. Of course, sometimes choosing a mask can be a little difficult due to your skin type. I mean, it’s one thing to put on a hydrating mask, but what if it causes the oily spots on your face to go into overdrive? Or what if you put on a clay mask to deal to those oily spots, only to dry out your drier spots further. DILEMMA! Well, not anymore, because multi-masking is a thing, and it’s the perfect way to treat every single square centimetre of your face.

So what is multi-masking? In a nutshell it involves applying different kinds of masks to different areas of your face. So if you had an oily t-zone, you’d apply a mask designed to work with that area. Then if your forehead or cheeks were dry, you’d apply a hydrating mask onto those areas. Oh, and you can spot mask those pimple-prone areas too.

Whether your mask of choice is a peel off, cream, clay or a mixture, they can all be employed to create a masking experience that’s designed for your specific skin type. 

Check out this multi-masking from lboogieebeauty. We love that she’s got a forehead mask going on, and she’s taking care of her lips as well!

sophietonytoms has mult-masking down (and how perfect are her brows!)

If you want to get a little fancy, you can even highlight and contour with a multi-mask. The highlight portions of the mask are designed to leave you glowing, while the contour areas are designed to tighten your skin. Check out this Instagram post from farahdhukai to find out how.

So what say you our beauties, are you down with multi-masking? Will you be slathering or applying a multitude of masks to get skin that gleams and glows? Have you already tried multi-masking? Don’t be shy, share your experience!


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24th September, 2016

I really need to do masks more often haha. Only heard about multi masking recently when I saw the new body shop mask that comes with different types of face masks which you apply to different areas of your face.

19th September, 2016

Makes great sense to do this but no, I haven't tried it... I have done back to back masks though :)

19th September, 2016

I don't multi mask like this but I do use multiple masks in a day after using my AHAs and BHA's. my face is baby bum soft after! (usually Freeman's pineapple mask, then a Lush fresh face mask, then a sheet mask :D )

19th September, 2016

What an excellent idea -Haven't tried this before but will be in the future

18th September, 2016

I haven't done multi masking yet, but I do back to back masks usually a clay or mud or exfoliating/cleansing mask or peel followed by a moisturizing one. i am going to get into doing sheet masques more often and I do want to try out those eye patch and lip patch ones. I think there are butterfly ones for areas you have large pores and I've seen little anti-redness gel patches for your tace to calm your cheeks down and reduce the redness.

18th September, 2016

Well this makes perfect sense!

18th September, 2016

I love to multi make especially since I have combination skin it targets areasy just right I actually found out about multitasking in the forum here last year

18th September, 2016

No I haven't done this before. Never occurred to me to do this.

18th September, 2016

I'd never heard of it. Not sure what I think.

18th September, 2016

Oh brilliant! I have a couple of different problems in different areas of my face and a mask for each problem. I was worried about using a different mask every couple of days would be bad for my skin- this is the ultimate solution! And then I can't 'over mask', back to weekly masks it is! Just all at the same time!

18th September, 2016

Why have I never thought to try this? That's me tomorrow night ;-)

24th September, 2016

I'm curious which masks do you do for the BHAs? Do you have to do the AHAs first and then the BHAs or any order for those two is good?

24th September, 2016

I use BHA then AHA (30 mins each, wiping off in between with a pH neutral toner), and then I use the Freeman's pineapple mask (also has AHA's in it) for 30 mins. After I use a clay mask and a sheet mask, once every 2 weeks is good enough as well.

24th September, 2016

find idomakeup on facebook and ask her - shes the one that sorted my skin care regime out. She knows everything!