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The Tricky Art of Paying a Compliment

28 June, 2015 - 10:20pm by - First Lady | 24 Comments

Article by BR Miss E (tiquette)

Ah, the warm flush of happiness that comes when someone pays you a compliment. It can have you walking on a fluffy cloud of joy, it can stop little annoyances from becoming big dramas, a good compliment can even make you smile for days, even weeks after you’ve received it. 

Compliments are beautiful things, but they do have to be given correctly, because a badly given compliment can have you face-palming for hours, days, weeks - even years if you have to see the person on a regular basis and they’re good at holding a grudge…and ain’t nobody got time for that! So we’ve put together our five top tips for giving a compliment. 

First … be specific. ‘You look nice today’ is all well and good, but you could say that to every second person and after a while it would stop sounding like you mean it. It’s best to find something you really like about the person you want to compliment, be it their hair, their eyes, that they have a beautiful smile and it lights up the room. 

When you go to give the compliment be genuine. Look the person in their eyes when you tell them what you appreciate or like about them. Don’t run away the moment you’ve said it, give the compliment time to sink in and time for them to realise you mean what you say. Oh and if you don’t mean it, don’t say it. If you don’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, neither will they.

Follow the compliment up with a short and sweet explanation. The ability to explain what is it you like about something or someone without going into ‘backhander’ territory is a skill, but it’s one worth learning and practicing, as it adds a whole other element of truth to a compliment. For example, don’t just say ‘that’s a nice blouse’, take it one step further and say ‘that blouse is a great colour, it goes perfectly with your eyes.’ Don’t just say ‘I really appreciate you’ … not only because it sounds awkward but because it’s not telling a person anything, tell them what you appreciate them for, their cooking, their positivity, the fact that they clean the toilets because they know how much you hate doing it. (Note to self, tell The Husband I appreciate him for cleaning the toilets because I hate doing it….)

Don’t follow it up with a backhander. A guy at a club once said to me ‘you’d be really beautiful if you didn’t have your glasses’. Seriously, he did. It happened over a decade ago and I should do a Vogel’s and ‘get over it already’. But, ouch. Is there anything worse than a backhanded compliment? I’m glad you find me beautiful, well, if I wasn’t wearing glasses, which I have to wear, otherwise I’ll end up banging my potentially beautiful face into every power pole and wall in the whole of New Zealand. Sheesh. Also try not to make it about you. Say ‘I love your eyeliner, that cat flick is perfect.’ Don’t follow it up with ‘I wish I could do that, I’m terrible at doing it.’ That makes it all about you, and that compliment isn’t about you, it’s all about them, so keep it that way.

Time it right. There are times that you’ll really want to compliment someone, like you’re in a meeting and you’ve just noticed the amazing bracelet the person you’re meeting with is wearing and you’re bursting to tell them. Stop. Hold onto that compliment. In the middle of a meeting is not the time or place to give a compliment, it can demean the purpose of you being there. However at the end of the meeting when you’re shaking hands and doing your farewells, then would be an appropriate time to throw in a ‘by the way, that’s a fabulous bracelet, those pops of turquoise are beautiful.’ 

Of course while you should never give a compliment in the hopes of being given one back, a person who gives a compliment does receive something in return – and that’s the divine side effect of happiness, because there’s nothing nicer than knowing you’ve made someone’s day. 

So, are you a fan of compliments? Do you wish you could give them but shy away from doing it in case you put a foot in your mouth? Should we make it a BR goal to make the world a happier place by giving a compliment a day? Chat away …


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29th June, 2015

I love giving compliments. I find it hard to receive them though. Its more of an inner struggle.

29th June, 2015

The title of this article makes me so happy. I giggled. But seriously backhanded compliments with hints of passive agressiveness make me so angry. Like my fav one of the year so far..... "I really admire someone of your age going back to school I could never be such an old student"

29th June, 2015

It's definitely a fine art in both giving and receiving compliments. I had a discussion about it with a friend and she said she found it really hard to accept them because her self esteem was low. I love to give meaningful compliments though and do try to be nice to everyone. I think you can find something genuinely nice to say to people most days but I agree, don't say it if you don't mean it, that's just disingenuous.

29th June, 2015

One of my friends is an absolute stunner with a heart to match. She told us about an experience where one horrid person went up to her and said 'you know you'd be absolutely more stunning if you lost some weight'. I was livid and it had nothing to do with me! If you can't tell your mother the exact same compliment then chances are it's not a very good one.

I love giving compliments; nothing like seeing someone smile because you never know it may be that small little boost they need :-)

28th June, 2015

"Oh you look really pretty without your glasses!'. Geez thanks, what do I normally look like every single day you see me. Sometimes I can see why no one realised Clark Kent was Superman!

28th June, 2015

My MIL is the queen of backhanded compliments. That is of course when she's not just being flat out rude. I love complimenting other people and telling them what I appreciate about them :D

28th June, 2015

I love a good compliment and do try to give them regularly, though often people are actually quite bad at accepting a compliment.

28th June, 2015

I love giving compliments, but I certainly only give them when I mean it, and I think people know this about me so it helps them appreciate it more as they know it's genuine. I received a backhanded compliment at work yesterday - Male colleague: "Have you been going to the gym?" Me: "Nope #fatlife" Male colleague: "Oh, hmm, I remember you being wider". It made me laugh lol some people.

28th June, 2015

I give genuine compliments a lot and have learned to accept them... but nothing annoys me more than insincere or backhanded ones. They are so obvious and kinda sad. There is always something worth genuinely complimenting a person on xx

28th June, 2015

You took the words right out of my mouth ! Thanks :-) x

28th June, 2015

You're welcome! It's a pet hate of mine x

30th June, 2015

Spot on hun! And loving your new profile photo, the new angle is fabulous :) A nice way to spice things up X

30th June, 2015

Thanks Lutece xx

29th June, 2015

Haha, it sure is tempting!

29th June, 2015

I've been told that exact same thing your friend was told. It actually impacted on my self esteem back then. Im slowly getting it right though.



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