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Things to Do While Your Nail Polish Dries

5 December, 2016 - 11:52pm by - First Lady | 16 Comments

Article by BR Natalie

Your ponytail needs re-tying.  You absolutely need that thing at the bottom of your handbag.  You need a wee.  But it's ok because you're just wearing trackies.  Nope, wait, there's still underwear to peel down and unroll back up again.

It's the unholy trinity of things that will certainly happen when you're in that precarious position of waiting for your nail polish to dry.  There's a meme we see regularly in the beauty circuit, a woman is only helpless when waiting for her nail polish to dry.   So we decided to come up with a list of useful (well...debatable.  Mostly useful) things you can do while waiting for your nail polish to dry.


But don't do the same old thing.  Find a new group or page to follow.  I love annoying Kellie by tagging her in World of Puns posts.  Time flies when you're irritating your most beloved!  Or find a fan page for something you love - you'll be surrounded by people who appreciate the in-jokes and memes.  One of my favourites is the Game of Thrones fan page (fake) Peter Dinklage.  Or you know, we also know a couple of cool beauty related pages...


While your nails are drying dance.  Waves those arms around and get the air flow going.  They'll dry faster and you've got a bit of cardio in.  Win-win.

Watch an episode of something.

 Like really watch it.  No multi tasking.  No multi screening.  Just sit with your hands still and watch it.  An hour later, your nails are dry, and you're still clueless as to what is happening in Westworld.

Delete rubbish photos from your phone.

That's a screenshot from my phone gallery.  Milky Chops likes to use my makeup and take selfies.  Some of the pictures are cute, some are hilarious.  Some are out of focus and need to go to, wherever the deleted stuff goes.  And it's not just Milky's pics that fill my phone, we have the 47 bad selfies before each acceptable selfie.

Spring Clean your Netflix List

Watched it, but it's not a keeper?  Started it but couldn't finish it?  Remove dud items from your Netflix list and make it easier to find something to watch when you're next in the mood to view!


Not just any yoga...a yoga routine especially for when your nails are drying!  You'll feel relaxed and look fabulous!

And hey, if you really don't have the time to wait for them to dry, use Revitanail Dry Drops to dry them instantly!

What do you do while your nail polish is drying?  Do you always fall into the trap of attempting something that will inevitably end in smudging?

Get chatting below!

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21st April, 2017

lol might have to give nail polish yoga a try ;)

16th January, 2017

I usually just use the OPI rapid dry top coat so I don't have to wait. It's so cheesy on the label it says something like 'now I can paint my nails before bed', but then I tried it and it legit worked. So now I do it in bed, then fall asleep.

12th December, 2016

I always try and do my nails while I watch tv!

11th December, 2016

How have I not heard of this nail drying magic before?! I am the ultimate bad nail person and don't paint my nails because I can't be bothered with the drying time! These are some fantastic ideas however, i particularly love the dancing idea and will have to implement that next time

10th December, 2016

Awww Milky chops you make my heart melt!! I love the idea of yoga while your nails dry, it would be such a relaxing feeling, I love her jeans! Normally I write to do notes while my nails are drying, it happens every time lol

8th December, 2016

I'm usually telling my kids 'no don't touch that' while they do it with a smirk on their face like they just know that in reality I have wet nails, 'what's she going to do' lol

7th December, 2016

Mostly just Facebook!

7th December, 2016

Haha love this! I usually just watch something - I'm a binge watcher.

7th December, 2016

I just kick back and watch a movie. Sometimes forgetting I have just painted my nails and usually smudging them lol.

7th December, 2016

Hahaha yip the things we do I am so impatient when waiting for nail Polish to dry. I prefer roll a couple of ciggy's before I start and usually do clean up my phone photos and rubbish emails and heck what alot of them there is... then boredom sets in and I get up an muck up my polish on something lol got to sit down longer hehe

7th December, 2016

I usually just watch a movie pause and paint one layer, continue, pause and paint. Gives me something to do while my nails are drying. I like the concept of the yoga but I do see that unless you have good balance you probably shouldn't attempt it while your nails are drying. If you fall you need your hands to catch yourself and you'll dent your pretty paint job.

6th December, 2016

All great tips! Will do my nails and have my tablet on my knee at the ready. TV is on and remote is close. I do it early enough so I can redo if something terrible happens!

6th December, 2016

I love binge watching episodes. I'm currently hooked on Masterchef , Housewives of Melbourne and Atlanta. Normally I check emails and clear out all my junk mail or online window shopping lol

6th December, 2016

I always try to read a book while my nails are drying using the pads of my fingers to turn pages -invariably I forget about the nails polish and smudge and have to redo !!!

6th December, 2016

I'm a tv series binge watcher - I deliberately paint my nails as an excuse to sit and watch my shows!