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Use As Directed...Not

25 January, 2015 - 10:09pm by - First Lady | 44 Comments

Article by BR Natalie

There are two types of people in this world - those who study the instructions before taking even one piece of the flat pack furniture out of the box; and those that rip right in, only rifling through packaging to find the instructions when absolutely necessary.

Well this article is most definitely not going to please the first kind!  We're going to use beauty products as directed.  NOT.


  • Some people use mascara (and the mascara wand) to literally brush on eyebrows.
  • You can use mascara as eyeliner - using a super-fine brush take mascara from the wand and apply as usual.
  • Use eyeshadow as eyeliner.  Dip your eyeliner brush in saline solution (contact lens solution) and then dip into powder eyeshadow.  Apply as eyeliner - it's sweat and smudge proof!
  • You can use mascara to hide grey hairs.  If the mascara matches your hair colour of course.
  • Lipstick makes a great blusher - but use sparingly, it's easier to add than to take away!
  • You know how every eye palette comes with bright shades you will never wear?  Mix them into clear nail polish and create custom shades.
  • Lipbalm can be used to tame your eyebrows.
  • Eyeshadow can hide your roots - take a big makeup brush and dust your parting with eyeshadow that matches your hair colour.
  • Dab translucent powder on your lips to mattify any lipstick. (Some people do this behind a ply of tissue)
  • Use clear lip balm to accentuate your cupid's bow

Beauty Tools:

  • Sponges can be used for ombre nail looks.
  • Use a soft toothbrush to exfoliate your lips.
  • Use a toothbrush to touch up your roots - it's less messy and more accurate.

Shower care:

  • Use conditioner instead of shaving foam - your legs will be silky smooth!
  • Shaving foam can be used to remove cosmetic stains - even foundation on carpet isn't a lost cause!
  • Think talc is just for babies and nannas?  Keep some handy as emergency dry shampoo!
  • It doesn't just stop stinky pits, deodorant can help to prevent blisters.
  • You can use a roll on deodorant to mattify your oily t-zone. 
  • Baby shampoo makes a great brush cleaner.
  • Aloe Vera gel makes an amazing primer.  Seriously, try it!


  • For true emergencies only, you can use perfume to remove your nail polish.  Can.  Not should.


Come on then, 'fess up - what other uses have you found for your beauty products?  Do you break the rules or do you always use as directed?  Get chatting below!


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5th February, 2015

My friend when we home dye her hair uses a bit to put on eyebrows for grey hair there as well

3rd February, 2015

Rub your hands with a teaspoon of sugar, wash off and you've got the smoothest hands ever.

3rd February, 2015

Some great ideas there, never tried any but shall keep them in mind

1st February, 2015

I've heard of the mascara to cover grey hairs. I'll have to try the aloe vera as primer when I can get a hold of some. Aloe is good for your skin and if it works as a primer that's a bonus.

31st January, 2015

I once used a bright pink blusher ground up into hair gel then put in my hair for a temporary hair colour for a Pink party - it worked too! Have used brown eyeshadow as eye liner applied with a thin brush quite often, but admit to using spit instead of saline, I'm terrible!! In my defence, it worked really well haha.

30th January, 2015

Oh wow. Definitely going to be trying some of these in no-spend feb!

30th January, 2015

OMG this article is amazing. I am totally one of the latter that completely ignores the instructions because I must think I am so awesome that I don't need them, I mean I don't really think you need instructions for mascara right he he he. There are some fantastic tips here especially the one about using mascara to hide grey hairs, that is just frickin fantastic he he he x

29th January, 2015

I often use a lipstick as a blush when I'm out to save on how much I carry in my handbag. I've also started using conditioner to shave as I had lots of liitle ones from all the hotels on my holiday. I also use vaseline on my lips each night to help moisturise them.

28th January, 2015

Wow- learned some new things reading this! Will be trying some out. I use conditioner when shaving, that works so well. I use lip balm on brows too.

28th January, 2015

I love using baby shampoo for brush cleaner. I've heard of a few of these tips but have learnt a lot more too.

27th January, 2015

I can never find the right lipstick shade I want so when I want to be a little different I create a semi of ombré lipstick - I use a darker lip pencil on the edges then apply lipstick and to lighten the inner lips then I add a small amount of Vaseline and apply a pale eyeshadow and finish off with another light layer of Vaseline to prevent cracking or dry lips.

27th January, 2015

I need to get some translucent powder! I love the look of a matte lippy but hate how drying they are on my lips.

27th January, 2015

Conditioner as shaving cream - fantastic! Trying that one tomorrow. Guess I shouldn't use my electric toothbrush to touch up my roots though, that might not end well . . . I have been known to dust a smidgeon of baby powder onto my upper lip to help the wax grip the hairs better when waxing.

27th January, 2015

What? Perfume gets rid of nail polish? What kind of sorcery is this??

27th January, 2015

I have used lip balm as chafing cream, BB cream on age spots on the hands, shampoo and conditioner as shaving cream, moisturiser as makeup remover, mascara on the brows. I clean my hairbrushes with shampoo, my makeup sponges with a combination of face cleanser and shampoo. I used to use baby oil as a hair treatment in my youth, but haven't tried that for many years. I have also been using the Neutrogena Hydro Boost gel on my elbows which were looking and feeling leathery. It worked very well and I have soft elbows again. Might try it on my feet too as those heel balms are way too sticky.



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