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Waxing Myths Debunked

5 May, 2015 - 07:59am by - First Lady | 15 Comments

image: istock

Being a Beauty Therapist BR's Zoe is used to giving people the facts about beauty treatments.  In this edition of In The Salon she's going to separate the facts and fictions of waxing.

Myth 1: Removing hair makes more grow back thicker and darker than before.

Fact:  This is perhaps the greatest waxing myth - I hear it all of the time, particularly when talking upper lip waxing!!

The only things known to stimulate hair growth are hormones, either natural or artificial.  Waxing cannot make you grow more hair follicles!  In fact regular waxers will no doubt notice that their regrowth becomes more sparse and less coarse.

Myth 2: The longer the hair the more effective the waxing treatment.

Fact: Hair does not have to be Rapunzel length for waxing, too long and waxing might just snap off the top of these long hairs, leaving you with a stubbly finish.

On the other hand if you've let your hair grow for winter your hair growth patterns are likely to be more in sync, giving you a much ‘cleaner’ finish.

Hair for waxing should be 1/4 to 1/2 inch for best results.

 Myth 3: Replacement hairs will grow at the same rate.

Fact:  The growth cycle for each hair follicle will differ, so inevitably hairs will be removed at different stages of growth. As a result, growth can be spasmodic and hairs will not surface all at the same time.  

If you have been shaving prior to your first wax, the results may not seem to last as long due to the different cycles of hair growth.  The first signs of regrowth will be from hair follicles that did not have hair removed from them during the wax.

Myth 4: Waxing doesn’t hurt.

Fact:  People feel and respond to pain at different levels, so depending on the area being waxed and the individual’s pain threshold, waxing can be nothing more than an annoying "ooo" to a full blown "ouch".

You should expect a sting and then instant relief once pressure is applied to the area. A great waxing technique can diminish pain, so definitely pick a trained Beauty Therapist based on recommendations from friends and family!

Ladies will generally be more sensitive 5 days before and 5 days after their period, so avoid waxing at this time.  Pregnancy can also make your skin more sensitive to waxing.

Myth 5: There's no need to exfoliate - waxing does it for you!

Fact: Waxing does exfoliate the first layer of skin, however prepping the skin by washing and exfoliating well is the best way to prevent bumps and ingrown hairs.

Regular exfoliation both before and after your treatment will keep your skin smooth and soft.


Do you have any questions about salon treatments you'd like Zoe to answer?  Email us at [email protected], or yell out on The Forum, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!



***BR's Zoe is a NASA schooled Beauty Therapist and a certified Nail Technician***


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6th May, 2015

Thanks I think I will wax a bit more often now :)

6th May, 2015

Explains why my hair grows differently after each wax. Sometimes regrowth happens within a week and other times it's ages.

5th May, 2015

Great article thank you BR :-) it's always nice to throw those pesky myths in the bin ;-)

5th May, 2015

Thank you for the debunking of the myths.

5th May, 2015

Interesting... waxing has certainly slowed down the growth for me - it's great. But painful!!

5th May, 2015

This is great. The only con about waxing is that it takes so much longer than shaving

5th May, 2015

Thanks for the informative article, I would like to try getting my legs waxed, have only waxed my upper lip before.

5th May, 2015

Hi Zoe, loving the selfie above :) These totally blew the myths I know out of the water, its awesome to know the truth :)

5th May, 2015

That has put my mind at ease so much. I believed nearly all of these myths and it's great to know they are just that...myths.

5th May, 2015

I've heard a lot of these myths before.

5th May, 2015

Great article Zoe. After having waxed for years I literally have little to no hair growth left, which supports what you are saying. I also found that the more frequently you wax the less painful it is.

14th December, 2013

Good read, enjoyed reading these myths

9th December, 2013

I am a regular waxer and agree with all of these! If you haven't waxed before you should definitely give it a go

5th December, 2013

Yes waxing always will hurt to some degree especially your upper lip. Leg and armpits probably hurt the least though.

5th December, 2013

So good to debunk the old myths, Thanks BR Zoe



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