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What comes after CC?

15 October, 2013 - 08:39pm by - First Lady | 13 Comments


Article posted by BR Natalie


Say it together now, DD of course! Dynamic Do-All.

New York juicing company Juice Generation have produced a new line of wonder juices, that claim to improve your skin from the inside out. Did we mention they're the size of your average tequila shot?

Flavours include Sea Buckthorn with anti-aging and anti-acne benefits, Aloe Vera to boost healthy digestion and healthy cell growth and Colbert; a green tea and guarana for improving eczema and aiding weight loss.

These juices are becoming very popular with health and beauty conscious New Yorkers and whilst they claim no immediate effect (other than as an energy booster) they definitely seem to have the potential to provide some improvement to skin problems.

Do you see DD shots making it in New Zealand? Or should shots stay strictly fun, Woo-Woo any one?

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30th May, 2018

Hmmmm I just don't know. I think the idea of nutrition and skincare from within sounds great , but I'd want a serum to go on top of my skin too.

16th September, 2014

I would love to try as I love experimenting with different juices as long as they are natural and no preservatives

30th August, 2014

Im skeptical.

6th August, 2014

hmm... I am torn. I am excited about the idea of a shot of juice helping with keeping our insides working well, so creating glowing outsides... but would we need more than a shot? Or would these shots be used during a juice cleanse? I like the idea of pre-made uber healthy juices, cause as a single mum, juicing in the morning doesn't always happen... but i would want to see reviews before i fork out for these....

1st August, 2014

My immediate thought when reading this is .. what a great way to get people, women especially, to drink vitamin rich juice. You are what you eat (and drink), just try drinking carrot juice for a day and see how orange your skin turns! I totally believe that something like this would work to bring back youthfulness to the skin, only thing is- why get them in shot sizes and not big bottle like regular juice? the small shot sizes are gimmicky, and as such i wouldn't buy them. If they were available in 500 ml or 1 litre sized bottles then why not!

9th November, 2013

This doesn't seem any different to the promises made by Yakult.

2nd November, 2013

They look so interesting! Probably doesn't work, but I am a sucker for new stuff and trying new things! I'll hunt it down if it does come to NZ!

1st November, 2013

Interesting...little to some peoples deception that lacking in nutrients has massive effects on the body leading to you being unable to function properly...but if this is laced like most products with unnatural ingredients (chemicals) it will prove to be as useless as the rest

31st October, 2013

Hmm, sounds like quite a hoax. What happened to good old eating fruits & veg? Another money making idea cooked up by Martketing companies to fleece customers. I believe in drinking lots of water & 5+ fuits & veg everyday.

31st October, 2013

I am a fan of fresh juice that I make myself in the juicer, or from a juice bar....... but not so much of the bottled variety as I assumed vital nutrients would be lost over time, not sure if this is true or not, but it stands to reason right?....

Also, I never know what preservatives are added, or trust how fresh bottled juices are. To me this seems like a cleaver gimick to drain money from my wallet......... Just like bottled water, so, so clever....

24th October, 2013

I guess if we got to review them over a certain amount of time to see if there were any significant results, I would definitely consider trying them ;-) However at the end of the day, it would definitely depend on price, how often you would have to have them, what makes their product stand out from the rest of those other health juice products that promise the same etc. Watching this space :-)

21st October, 2013

Pretty skeptical about these... I guess they could have some benefits? Depends if they're full of preservatives etc, but i'm sure you could get the same benefits from fruit, veges and water?? Or even doing your own juicing at home, which is really fun too! I think they'll probably make it to NZ one day...

16th October, 2013

Well you are what you eat and if your skin is getting the right nutrients from within as well as hydration it kind of makes sense; but I think these would be overpriced and full of preservatives... maybe better off buying a juicer and doing it at home or buying fresh from local juicer



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