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What Kind of Sales Shopper Are You?

28 December, 2015 - 08:04pm by - First Lady | 18 Comments

Poll posted by BR Natalie

Who doesn't love a great sale? And a great beauty sale..well even better! But how does a sale impact our behaviour and are we more likely to buy a heap of stuff just because it's on a sale table rather than because it's what we really need?

I used to be ridiculously wooed by sales, but since moving country twice and moving house one time too many, I began to limit what came in to the house. Which means I've learned to resist those bright red SALE signs.  Unless it's something I need or indeed really, really want.  And even then, I prefer to do it online, because malls with The Husband and Milky Chops are seldom fun without crowds, let alone among hoards of bargain hunters!

So what about you?  Do you go weak when you walk past '50% off', "BOGOF' or 'GWP'?  What kind of sales shopper are you?

  • A First-Inner - one of those people you see on the telly camping outside the store in your sleeping bag the night before?
  • An In-and-Outer - Dive in, grab the one thing you covert and then leave?
  • An Overspender - It's cheap so you need 12 different mascaras.  And you've always wanted to try the've just been waiting for it to come on sale....right?
  • A Squeezer - shoehorning yourself into shoes and clothes that don't really fit, just because they're bargains?

Or maybe you consider yourself another type of sales shopper?  Get chatting below!

What Kind of Sales Shopper Are You?

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25th January, 2016

hammm...yeas i do like sale and i got crazy specially on 50% off ones.but i am not over spender. if there is cheaper however i always ask myself "do i need this or that?" or sometimes i grab everything at ones then after i realised that this is not i want and i leave it. sometimes its hard to leave cheap stuff or you got to be really strong inside.

9th January, 2016

I have to say Im in between, I love a good sale but I only purchase something unless I need it. If I go to the store to purchase something and something sparks my interest I have a chance of purchasing it. But 8/10 I go in, buy what I need and walk out.

8th January, 2016

I used to be an overspender (hopefully used to be) I have gone past this point and promised to myself that no means NO. I tried to clean up my place and found out so many unused stuff that I just had to give away because I didn't have enough space to store them. Hopefully, well hopefully I can make it through the year *fingers crossed*

1st January, 2016

I think I am an in and outer, I research what I want first, then go and grab it and then off home,

30th December, 2015

I avoid people at all times ;) especially crowds of people rushing around everywhere lol :)

29th December, 2015

I used to only get what I wanted but now I have sooo many new loves and wants so I go a bit nuts when I go to a sale. The one of late being the Lush online sale eeekkk so much money spent but it's all for a good reason. I don't smoke, I don't drink and beauty products are my passion so why not.

29th December, 2015

I am a bit of a combination of them all but it all depends on which sales. Lush.. OMG don't let me alone shopping there else I will leave with half the store!

29th December, 2015

I used to be a first inner- with dreams of being on the news as part of the stampede to get instore first. But lately the sales seem to be more year round, so this year I was just in and out. Also having just been to Melbourne and heading to Sydney next week- Ive got the shopping world at my feet.

29th December, 2015

I have to say I think I'm pretty good...I'm basically an "In-and-Outer". I grab what I want then leave, only to occasionally be swayed into another store if I see something really nice.

29th December, 2015

I crumble at sales especially if they've got bogof or gwp I'm in there

29th December, 2015

Sales suck me in every time. I think I'm in between an overspender and a squeezer

28th December, 2015

I've gone from an overspender to an in-and-outer :-)

28th December, 2015

I'm a careful sales shopper overall, but occassionally I overspend.

28th December, 2015

How did you know i was losing after a Vjazzler!? Lol. I find it hard to resist a sale. I'm not sure you'd ever see me camping out at store but getting onto the lush website in Te early morning was definitely a priority on boxing day!

28th December, 2015

I was naughty..I did an online Lush order, as well as helping my partner choose me a Lush gift box. First time I didn't go to the mall. Normally on boxing day Im outside Kmart waiting to pounce on everything lol I did go warehouse and exchange my partners gifts for the right ones and had plenty left over to spend in store. So I went and got the whole family jandals . No more now until that Beauty Box.

28th December, 2015

That's funny Macs - I can see you outside KMart in your PJs on Boxing Day heeheehee!! you did good getting the jandals :)

28th December, 2015

I used to go crazy there every boxing day..This will be my first time not going there. I am glad because it used to be chaos.

28th December, 2015

I can imagine! I don' have a K Mart near me, only The Warehouse, so it's not too tempting. Online however is another matter altogether.....

28th December, 2015

Lusting auto correct, i definitely wasn't losing that bargain ;)

29th December, 2015

I'm hoping in 2016 to have the same reversal Koni, oh but I soo looove products....

29th December, 2015

My thoughts are that they use extra special ingredients in those little gifts with purchase- to make them super good- they always seem to be better than the full size! Or maybe just cos they're free! Love them!

29th December, 2015

I agree 100% with you all the way Ringy

29th December, 2015

I have to say I'm a bit jealous about your travels to aussie argggh enjoy the weather and spending the green

9th January, 2016

You are the lush goddess thats for sure :)