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What's The Fascination With Kiwi Brands?

1 February, 2015 - 09:11pm by - First Lady | 30 Comments

Article by BR Natalie

When I first arrived in this land I now call home, I was a little surprised at just how passionate about NZ businesses people are. And how proud of being Kiwi companies brands are.  Kiwi owned.  Kiwi business.  Made in NZ.  Local business. It's emblazoned on store fronts, products and adverts.  Being Kiwi isn't just national pride - it's an actual selling point

And it's not just on home turf that slapping a 'Made in NZ' label on a beauty product will sell volumes - the international market can't get enough of what NZ has to offer, with several local brands being stocked around the globe.

As a Pom I feel I can take an impartial view on NZ brands.  Trust me, something being declared 'British' in the melting pot that is back-home doesn't really define anything other than, 'made on that funny shaped island that looks a bit like a lady kicking a ball'  Being declared 'Kiwi'?  It definitely evokes clear connotations. 

What comes to mind when we showcase a product from an NZ brand?  What have we come to expect from a Kiwi skin care or cosmetic company?

To answer this I decided to (all very scientifically) find the common ground between companies, regardless of product range or size. I compiled a word cloud from the 'About' pages of 10 Kiwi brand websites.  And it answers the question perfectly. 

Kiwi beauty brands just feed into the belief (and thriving sector of the industry) that natural is best for our bodies.  And it seems that by starting from this beautiful landscape a brand is on the right path - all they need to do is to continue to be guided by the land around them.  Any great product starts with great ingredients.  Ingredients that have been used for centuries before being overlooked for fancy packaging, glossy advertising and long ingredient list. 

Sustainably grown local ingredients.  Recyclable packaging that won't harm the land that has gifted us with the power of these ingredients. Giving back to the local communities that support the brand and help them grow.  Combine these factors with good ole Kiwi ingenuity and it's no surprise that Kiwi Beauty Brands are a force to be reckoned with.

So the fascination with NZ brands?  Well I think it has to do with the fascination of NZ itself.  This magical, mystical country that is Narnia and Middle Earth.  This quiet nuclear free country that's peacefully tucked in one far corner of the world, going about doing it's own thing.  Focusing on the core of something instead of the shallows.  NZ beauty brands are loved because they don't hide behind anything - they stand up loud and proud without the BS we see so often. 

My bathroom is being overtaken by Kiwi brands for the same reason any household repairs involve Duct Tape or Number 8 Wire.  They simply get the job done.

So how about you?  Are you in love with NZ beauty brands?  Is it important to you to support your local brands?  When looking for a new product do you opt to try Kiwi first?  Or do you not get the hype? 

Get chatting below!


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9th February, 2015

I always support NZ brands before overseas brands first,it is much easier and quicker to buy within NZ then it is abroad,not to mention safer when buying online.I prefer the money I spend to go back in to our own economy rather then to a business overseas.But in saying this,if I do find a good bargain from an overseas business that I can't find here then I do tend to shop abroad.

9th February, 2015

What a brilliant article! I have never actually sat down and thought about the whole NZ made concept, but this nails it perfectly. I do find brands more appealing if they are NZ made, and I love that they typically promote cruelty-free, natural, organic, sustainable living.

8th February, 2015

I love the chance to not only support local products but some really great and clean living products. Some of them are small producers that are building up a network over time and for me to support that growth can never be a negative. Also when you find a great product like Trilogy , Living Nature and others that work with very sensitive skin you hold onto it as I have tried others (not NZ brands) that *apparently* specialise in Sensitive skin and on 2 occasions I needed to go to doctors to get treatment as it reacted. I contacted the manufacturers and one was very apologetic and asked if they could get info from the doctors on the reaction if they paid for the visits which I was impressed with. The other business told me it could 'NOT' be there product and that I must have used something else, this reaction did'n't (as I hope many would agree) impress me. So if at all possible I will choose NZ first anytime.

8th February, 2015

I like to buy kiwi when the product is of good quality, reasonably priced and does what it says on the tin. There are so many benefits to buying home grown - supporting the local economy, less air miles, etc. But there is a big trust factor too - I tend to trust NZ made more than lesser known branded products that are imported - who knows what's in those ingredients - and our legal system means NZ companies have to toe the line when listing true ingredients and are held accountable for safety

8th February, 2015

NZ's has some amazing brands. I have been surprised just how great our beauty industry is and have quite a few beauty staples from NZ companies. Supporting NZ made is certainly made easier when the products are awesome.

8th February, 2015

I try to support NZ brands where they create products I like, for example I love several of Oasis' products and they've now replaced other staples.

8th February, 2015

I prefer to support locally when I can but price and quality need to be competitive too

7th February, 2015

I don't really buy NZ made beauty products. But now, since being exposed to them here on BR, I've learnt a lot mroe about the brands and products they offer. And I agree that that is exactly what NZ stands for. I now want to buy and try more NZ made beauty products. I think its great supporting the brands and products made right here in NZ.

6th February, 2015

I love the support New Zealand brands, and if they are made with home grown nature products all the better.

6th February, 2015

I love NZ brands. I always feel extra satisfied with a purchase if it's made in New Zealand, especially when it has natural ingredients.

5th February, 2015

I love supporting local brands/businesses as long as they have products that match up, just like something from anywhere. They are usually easily accesible if you have questions about a product or it hasn't done what it says it will do - something that rarely happens with overseas brands.

4th February, 2015

I am in love with Kiwi brands for sure! At first I just liked supporting our country but as I've tried more and more, I find the quality is usually excellent. Currently saving up for some Oasis goodies after falling in love with their Fruit Smoothie!

3rd February, 2015

Love Kiwi brands and try to be supportive, actually there are so many out there now it's difficult to choose where to start honestly. Standing in Farmers the other day and trying them, couldn't make my mind up. Help!

3rd February, 2015

Supporting local businesses is a must in such a small yet diverse country, and for the most part the products are very very good (always an exception to the rule although yet to find it). Of course there are gaps in the NZ market but give it time... good ol Kiwi Ingenuity ;)

3rd February, 2015

Yes almost all my skincare is NZ brands, except for my makeup because I brought that to NZ with me to pan off. But with the exception of that, my perfumes and the occasional product like maybe a lipbalm or body lotion, everything is a NZ brand. Aside from shipping costs I find NZ brands generally use natural ingredients and come at reasonable prices. I also like supporting local businesses providing the prices are reasonable and the product is good.