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What we really think about 'Natural' beauty products.

3 March, 2024 - 06:56pm by - BR-Queenie | 12 Comments



Here’s what you think about Natural Beauty Brands.


We asked you a few weeks ago about your opinion on ‘natural’ beauty products. Thanks to all of you who participated in the survey. Want to know if other people have the same view as you on this topic? Read on. 

For the purpose of the survey ‘natural’ products are defined as products that are produced with a focus on ethical and sustainable practices and natural ingredients. They are developed with consideration for environmental impact, animal welfare, and social responsibility.

They are generally marketed with a focus on some or all of the following criteria:

  • Cruelty-free/not tested on animals
  • Sustainably sourced ingredients
  • Environmentally friendly packaging e.g compostable, recyclable, refillable
  • Plant-based, natural, organic, ingredients
  • No parabans or harsh chemicals

91% of recipients say that they have bought and used ‘natural’ beauty products before. For the people who said they have never used ‘natural ‘ beauty products and don't buy them, the key reasons are:

  • Cost, and the worry about if they will perform properly

 Respondents who said they did buy and use natural beauty products said the main reasons focused on what was ‘not’ in the product. They like the absence of chemicals going into their skin, and also the sustainability and environmental factors associated with them.

When it comes to how exclusively people buy ‘natural’ beauty products, only 7% of respondents say they buy ‘natural’ products exclusively. The majority of them (80%) say they dip in and out of the category.

The biggest category for people buying and using natural products was Skincare with 62% of respondents saying this is the main category they buy and use natural products in.

When shopping for ‘natural’ beauty products the main criteria shoppers consciously look for are:

  • No parabens or chemicals

  • Clear labelling that makes it easy to see what is in and ‘not’ in the product

  • No animal testing

Shoppers do expect to pay more for natural products with 58% saying they would be prepared to pay between 5%-10% above non-natural products. 25% of respondents say they would not pay any more to get a natural product.

51% of respondents believe that natural ingredients contribute to the effectiveness of beauty products. 82% say that it is important or very important to know what’s in the beauty products that they use. However, only 43% believe they 'actually' feel informed about the ingredients in their beauty products. 

Finally, 70% of respondents say it's important or very important that any claims that natural beauty products make are backed up by independent certifications and scientific data.

So there you have it. That’s what you said. What are your thoughts on the results? Are there any surprises in there for you? 



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13th August, 2024

Love natural products

13th August, 2024

Love natural products

13th April, 2024

Not surprised on survey results. There are some AMAZING brands out there that aren’t all natural but man do they work amazingly. Cruelty free however will always be a bit of a sticking point for me.

21st March, 2024

Really interesting to read the results of that survey. Those stats are actually quite comforting to me. I have all this guilt about not going 100% natural in my skincare and cosmetics - but apparently I'm not alone in being a little bit hesitant due to issues around unclear labelling and lack of research-based evidence re the efficacy of natural ingredients. As the beauty industry addresses those things more and more, I reckon we'll all be going natural more and more. Great for us. Great for the planet. There's hope yet!

10th March, 2024

Im one of the people that dip in and out of natural products. Its really hard to find good natural products that are easy to use, affordable and convenient

9th March, 2024

I used to be exclusively into natural products till I started incorporating active ingredients that weren't solely natural. Now a product has be really good to get repeatedly repurchased.

9th March, 2024

I have a few natural beauty brands that I swear by as I’ve seen results and sometimes I think less is more. Great article.

7th March, 2024

Very good read .I have a lot to learn in this area.

4th March, 2024

Definitely been more aware of any greenwashing and not falling for buzz words that make it seem natural when it is not, so good to see others also wanting natural beauty products claims backed up by independent certifications and scientific data.

4th March, 2024

I prefer natural products. I watched a docu on Netflix a few years ago that was terrifying in relation to the amount of chemicals we accrue in our bodies. I'm not surprised not so many people feel informed about what is actually in the products. We're pretty used to being lied to about almost everything.

3rd March, 2024

Interesting read

3rd March, 2024

Thanks for the results. About where I thought it would be though I'm curious that some wouldn't pay extra for natural ingredients which would cost more than a synthetic product to produce.



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