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You Trick, We Treat

23 October, 2013 - 08:09am by - First Lady | 10 Comments

Competition posted by BR Natalie


With the help of the beautiful people at Avon and to celebrate Halloween; we're going to be giving away a prize a day until All Soul's Day!  It's simple - You Trick, We Treat.  Tell us a beauty trick and we just might treat you for it! 

Want to see more Halloween inspired shoes?  Check out our Pinterest board here!

For your chance to win a prize supplied by Avon make sure you are signed in to your Beauty Review account and simply comment below with your top beauty tip!  You'll also earn yourself 2 BR points just for commenting!

And don't forget you can spread the word by clicking the Twitter or Facebook icon at the top of the article...Beauty Review would love to welcome new members to our coven!

***check out and share our daily FB competition - it's open to every one, so your Uncle Fester and Cousin It can have a go too!***

The legal bit:

You Trick We Treat is open to NZ residents and Beauty Review Members only.

No Cash alternative.

1 entry per member per day.

Winner will be picked between by BRs Merilyn and Natalie the following morning and will be sent an email from Beauty Review.


Please sign in or register to add a comment.

27th September, 2021

I can already see my boyfriend falling in love with these

23rd October, 2013

Always have lukas paw paw beside your bed so you can put it on either your lips (or nose if you have a cold) - nice smooth lips in the morning and no red nose reindeer!

23rd October, 2013

Just went for a walk, forgot how humid Auckland can get. FRIZZBOMB! Reminded me of a great tip though - spray some hairspray onto a comb and run it through your hair (especially around the fluffy bits) to keep it under control. (Should have taken my own advice - ha!)

23rd October, 2013

Impulse and cool charm make refreshing foot sprays for an afternoon pick me up in the office. Very cool feeling and a nice scent on your feet. We do this in my office and all have a good laugh as well

23rd October, 2013

After you've brushed your teeth, brush your lips gently with your toothbrush. It will help exfoliate your lips, just make sure you put some lip balm on afterwards

23rd October, 2013

Same as the other day - and the most important trick: always, always, always wash your makeup off before going to bed (clean skin is good).

23rd October, 2013

Eating a brazil nut a day provides your body with enough selenium to help your hair and nails grow stronger as well as many other health benefits; however too many will have the opposite effect and will make hair and nails brittle (not a case or the more you eat the better here).

23rd October, 2013

we all know the old adage about drinking lots Of water to promote healthy skin but some of us dont like the taste of water ...

Ive found adding a wedge of lemon or orange to the water bottle makes it taste nicer and makes me want to drink it more ..... and chopping a few wedges and putting them in a ziplock bag with the lunchbox is a great way of carrying them :)

23rd October, 2013

Always thoroughly wash off all your makeup and use a night cream every night no matter what time you get to bed! My skin would go nuts if I didn't :)

23rd October, 2013

Apply sunscreen to the tops of your hands when driving (and all other times, really) to avoid developing sun spots later in life.

23rd October, 2013

Good question. Could this be our opportunity Ash?! :)