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You Trick, We Treat - Day 3

21 October, 2013 - 08:45am by - First Lady | 9 Comments

image: London Media

Competition posted by BR Natalie

With the help of the beautiful people at Avon and to celebrate Halloween; we're going to be giving away a prize a day until All Soul's Day!  It's simple - You Trick, We Treat.  Tell us a beauty trick and we just might treat you for it!  We're also going to be dabbling in that great Hallowed tradition of trying to scare the bejesus out of you with some beauty treatments from the past!

Today's foray in to beauty treatments past is :The Dimple Maker".  Designed in 1936, it consisted of a spring, worn round the jaw, with two tiny knobs which pressed into the cheeks.  And you thought your retainer made sleeping difficult! Think you've got a better beauty tip that this?!

For your chance to win a prize supplied by Avon make sure you are signed in to your Beauty Review account and simply comment below with your top beauty tip!  You'll also earn yourself 2 BR points just for commenting!

And don't forget you can spread the word by clicking the Twitter or Facebook icon at the top of the article...Beauty Review would love to welcome new members to our coven!

***check out and share our daily FB competition - it's open to every one, so your Uncle Fester and Cousin It can have a go too!***

The legal bit:

You Trick We Treat is open to NZ residents and Beauty Review Members only.

No Cash alternative.

1 entry per member per day.

Winner will be picked between by BRs Merilyn and Natalie the following morning and will be sent an email from Beauty Review.


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21st October, 2013

Always wash your make-up off before you go to bed. Always.

21st October, 2013

White eyeliner sounds a bit funny but it can be used in some many different ways. It can make small eyes like bigger, make eye look more awake, draw a line of it on your brow bone and blend for a highlighter or use it to draw around the shape of the eyebrows (you want) so you don't over pluck them.

21st October, 2013

My tip is to make sure you conceal or put foundation in the corners of eyes where the nose meets and also up the nose bridge. This area can get grey, concealing it makes you look much more awake!

21st October, 2013

Im going to keep sharing this tip because ive always had really good feedback on it and I believe I can change the way the world uses mascara forever with this (haha) I share on all of my Mascara reviews.. If you love bold and glamorous lashes but don't like clumpyness or making mistakes.. Blow on your wand and let the formula go tacky, this will allow you to be in charge of applying and building your desired bat worthy lashes with less mascara messes! I always finish this tip off with have cotton tips handy and if you make a boo boo, simply lick the tip and place the tip onto the mascara boo boo and twist and it will remove it without ruining all of your make up <3

21st October, 2013

My beauty trick would be when your using an eye shadow primer, only place the primer where you’ll be adding color, adding too much of the eye shadow primer where you won't actually apply color will actually ruin the look you're going for :)

21st October, 2013

Conceal blemishes both on top and underneath foundation, it really helps them be super concealed.

21st October, 2013

Surely this would have just bruised your cheeks? Perhaps the darkened colour of the bruise worked like a contour!

Speaking of contour, I say use creams. For a well contoured face use very light and very dark cream concealers (or other similar consistency products) draw obvious lines and shapes and then BLEND BLEND BLEND with your foundation.

21st October, 2013

If you can smell your fragrance on yourself you are wearing too much! (That is why people around are coughing and wheezing) To create the perfect sillage, buy high quality perfume and wear only a single spritz or dap on decollete and each wrist.

21st October, 2013

Apply your concealer after your foundation so you can easily see which blemishes need that extra coverage and avoid a 'caked on' look :)

21st October, 2013

your tips are awesome :) !